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T-rump is still trying to blame Obama for T-rump's failure with the COVID 19 crisis

In today's daily propaganda show, T-rump tried yet again to blame President Obama for his own epic failure of handling COVID 19. Keep in mind Obama left Office 20 days into 2017, and T-rump is now in his fourth year of the Presidency - yet he's trying to blame Obama for America being the worldwide leader in COVID 19 cases and deaths.

Said T-rump today at his circus:

"Unfortunately, some partisan voices are trying to politicize the issue of testing, which they shouldn't be doing. Because I inherited broken junk...

We started off with a broken system. We inherited a broken, terrible system. And I always say it -- our cupboards were bare. We had very little in our stockpile..."

Yup, T-rump is trying to blame Obama for his epic failure in handling the COVID 19 crisis, more than three years after Obama left Office (the virus hit America at the end of January, 2020).

And his T-rumptards agree with him.


Exhibit A: No link to prove his statement at all.

Exhibit B: Partisan slant. Info presented in a biased and skewed perspective.

Exhibit C: Insults galore.

Of course, his MO is nothing new, but since his recent sanctimonious stance of superiority, I just wanted to put it into perspective that dogdump is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece degenerate. My exhibits proves that beyond a reasonable doubt. Then again, what else should people expect?

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪


Eric, your oatmeal is getting cold. Mama Melania made it just for you. She learned how to microwave this morning!


Once again, no rebuttal, denial, or refutation of what I said. I’ll take it as another concession on your part. Rekt much, dogdump?

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪


No interest in what you said. I have more interest in your oatmeal getting cold then you're public insanity.


Then why do you even reply? Insecure much? 🤪🤪🤪

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?


To remind you that your oatmeal was getting cold.


Rekt much? What else is new?

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?


Ahhhh - the good ol' knee-jerk response you always fall back on. What else is new?


It is because you have no response outside of a lame insult and it’s true. What else is new? Still nada.

Btw, you’re welcome for “borrowing” my wit.

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪


Let's state for the record you have no wit to borrow from. No wit, no intelligence, and certainly no character - nothing. You're totally useless, and occasionally entertaining. You've heard it all your life from Mama Ivanna, Daddy T-rump, and your siblings Donnie Diapers and Ivanka.


And yet you CONTINUE to “borrow” my nomenclature and my idioms.

Not only are you a SHAMELESS and PROVEN LIAR, but you’re also a poor one at that.

As your kommissar says, your freestylin’ sucks!

Seriously, just nod your head and say, d’oh!

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪


Priorities. Trump managed to divert money from the military to the wall, which has been keeping us super-safe. So safe. Democrats just hate America so much they wouldn't let him do the same for pandemic preparedness, so they could crash the economy, murder Americans, and seize power in perpetuity.


And countries around the world are helping with this hoax! Imagine - the whole world hates T-rump so much that they participated in this hoax called COVID 19?


Dr.Tedros and Xi Jinping are to blame
