MovieChat Forums > Politics > Gretchen Whitmer calls protesters "Nazis...

Gretchen Whitmer calls protesters "Nazis" when it was the protesters calling her a NAZI!

If you do an image search for "Gretchen Whitmer NAZI" you see two pictures. Protester holding a sign that says "Heil [swastika] Whitmer" and an edited photo of her as Hitler with a swastika.

Anyone with more brain cells than a Democrat can tell who "NAZI" refers to! The Lying MSM repeats this absurd lie.

This is the governor who calls liquor/weed/lotteries essential because the state gets the profits, but important home items like hardware and gardening are non-essential!

Even worse is she is one of Biden's four choices for VeeP. Senile Joe is not likely to survive the term.

Does anyone know how Greg Gutfeld got dragged into this? I can't find any quotes with Google.


I know. When I first heard her talk about protesters showing up "with Swastikas" I didn't know what she was talking about. I hadn't seen any in the footage I remembered and those people aren't Nazis. Then I remembered seeing a couple of those signs comparing her policies to fascist or Nazi ones.

She mentioned swastikas and left out that they were anti-swastika/Nazi signs, leaving unsavvy viewers with the impression that the protesters were Nazis. That lying bitch is a disgrace. Leftists can't win debates open and honestly so that's all they've got. Lying and smearing innocent people. Fortunately I think more people are seeing through that BS than ever before.


Don't forget those "essential abortions!" 😈😈😈😈😈😈


Leftists love killing babies.


"This is the governor who calls liquor/weed/lotteries essential because the state gets the profits, but important home items like hardware and gardening are non-essential!"

You forgot tobacco. What is it, 75% of the price is taxes? But your preacher didn't tell you so you don't know.

I'm guessing that the sales and income taxes lost from restaurants and bars being closed is something like 10,000 times more than the items you listed.

Liquor, Lotteries, and Cigarettes are all sold at the same place I go to buy milk, eggs, and bread at Safeway/Kroger/Albertsons in Los Angeles.


So why are liquor stores essential if as you say they can all be got at the supermarket, pray tell?

However, pray tell me how closing the paint and garden sections saves lives, chilidogdump?

Find any typos, grammar nazi chilidogdump?🤪🤪🤪


The liquor store down the street sells milk. Do you want that guy out of work?


The guy works in the paint section at Lowe’s. Do you want that guy out of work? Why? How does him not working, save lives, pray tell?

Find any typos, grammar nazi chilidogdump?🤪🤪🤪


So we both agree that the selling liquor, lotteries, cigarettes is a stupid argument.

Now we're just arguing about being able to sell seeds and paint.

If we let you buy your paint and seeds will you put your rifle and your Confederate flag back in the trunk of your Datsun?


Where, pray tell, did I agree to that?

Why don’t you answer the question before jumping to an unfounded conclusion?

Now answer the question. How does closing the paint and garden section save lives, pray tell?

Find any typos, chilidogdump?🤪🤪🤪


So we need to argue if milk (or eggs, or bread, or hamburger) is more essential than paint?


How Ignorant are you? What did you say about the liquor store worker? That's was your reason why that is still open. Not because the items sold was essential, since they can get the same items at a supermarket per you, but because the person should be working. So what about the people that work in the paint and garden sections? Why don't they get to work, pray tell?

Answer the question. How does closing the paint and garden section save lives, pray tell? You really suck in answering questions so I'm going to assume you'll just duck and dodge once again. Therefore, what else is new?

Find any typos, grammar nazi chilidogdump?🤪🤪🤪


Pray tell why you have to say "pray tell" so much. It sounds really gay (not that there's anything wrong with that.)

I can go 30 days without painting. I can't go 30 days without eating. Is there something I'm missing?


You see how I called it correctly again? Ducked and dodged once again. Am I good or am I good?

Chilidogdump, you're really stupid. The even stupider thing is, is that you don't even know that you're stupid. Allow me to explain.

First of all, you start off with a deflection. Something you constantly do, I've noticed.

Second, you don't seem to even remember what you said previously and you make false claims that I stated something I never did. I mean, pay attention for two whole seconds for once.

Where do people buy food? A supermarket, yes? Did I ever say supermarkets should be closed? No. I questioned why a liquor store should be open when, AS YOU SAID, you can get everything in a liquor store in a supermarket. Shoot yourself in the foot much? I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

You were saying to keep it open so the person can still work. Well if that's the reason, then I'm all for it. Thus, the big box stores could keep more staff employed during this situation and if they want to do some DIY painting projects at home or do some backyard gardening, what's wrong with that, pray tell?

So answer the question. How does closing the paint and garden sections save lives?

Find any typos, grammar nazi chilidogdump dunce? 🤪🤪🤪


Well, I know now that I'm stupid because you said so...

I suppose the point is moot now because the scariest point of this pandemic might have passed already. I guess you were the smart one to insist that we can rely on China's reporting and this thing wouldn't be so bad.

We'll wait and see what happens in Georgia now...

The point of closing all these places is to reduce human interaction as much as possible. I suppose in a perfect world even the grocery stores and the liquor stores and the take-out restaurants would be closed and there would be stimulus money to pay Uber drivers to get food from these places to consumers. Is that extra cost worth the lower hospital visits? I know you know the answer, you know everything.

How long can you go without painting?


I'm aware that Michigan is an open carry state but I'm amused some 'protesters' felt the need to bring guns like it's the Walking Dead.


And the Confederate flag. Yes, they were waving the Confederate Michigan. The Confederate flag - the symbol of preserving slavery in the South....waving in Michigan.

Let that sink in for a while.


Was anybody arrested because of it? Did anybody die because of it even accidentally? Was there any gun related issues because of it? Aren't the answers no to all of them? So really, what's the problem? Why do you want to take away guns from responsible citizens and do nothing to the guns the gangbangers have? If you say it's illegal to own a gun and must turn it in or else, who turns it in and who doesn't, pray tell?


She's basically treating this as a audition for VP
Doesn't care about Michigan at all




Does anyone know how Greg Gutfeld got dragged into this? I can't find any quotes with Google.

There are many links to answer your question. I just entered the following:
Greg Gutfeld and Michigan protesters

This is one article:

Even though he defended the protesters, he said the following:"The protesters were comparing her action to fascist dictators," Gutfeld said. "It wasn't that there were Nazis there. It was that they were unfairly — they were unfairly comparing her to Hitler, which is wrong."

BTW, if Michiganders who protested the governor’s decisions are reading this, while I defend your right to protest, was it necessary to arrive with Confederate flags, signs with swastikas comparing the governor to Hitler, calling her a NAZI (there’s that damn nomenclature so freely thrown against people who have different opinions), and finally...the firearms! I’m a strong 2nd Amendment supporter, I carry a firearm, but guys you looked down right foolish standing on the steps with your big bad weapons! I’m ashamed for you. This was supposed to be a protest against your governor’s decisions in dealing with Covid-19. Granted, some of her decisions were absurd, but you didn’t gain any points using the above tactics. At least not with me. 😔


Either way you look at it the Nazis are dead.
