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De Blasio’s social distancing tip line flooded with penis photos, Hitler memes

Photos of extended middle fingers, the mayor dropping the Staten Island groundhog and news coverage of him going to the gym have all been texted to a special tip line that de Blasio announced Saturday, according to screenshots posted on Twitter.

“F–k you!” replied @MorganLSchmidt1, along with a meme showing Adolf Hitler and the words “TO THOSE TURNING IN YOUR NEIGHBORS AND LOCAL BUSINESSES — YOU DID THE REICH THING.”

An NYPD source said that “dick pic” photos of real penises have also been texted to 311, and a caller phoned in a tip that de Blasio was seen performing oral sex on someone “in an alleyway behind a 7-11” early Sunday.

“He looked at me…and coofed in my direction,” the caller said, according to a photo of the 311 operator’s computer screen provided to The Post.

“Coof” is a newly coined term for coughing while infected with the coronavirus, according to the Urban Dictionary website.


Gotta love it how they think their rights trump everyone else. I have the right to infect you or you but if you snitch on me you're a NAT-ZI. As for the the dick pics, yeah, I think a lot of men out there are generally just really 'gay', literally.


You don't think this is a funny story? You don't think asking on citizens to narc on each other is a dick move? No pun intended.


Like said in This is 40. Snitches end up in ditches.


Like they said in Goodfellas. Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut. As the mayor of NYC, you'd think he'd know this.


Best story evar!


I'm glad Cromo is getting the democrat nomination instead of him.
