MovieChat Forums > Politics > What Do Trump Supporters Find Great Abou...

What Do Trump Supporters Find Great About 60,000 Dead, 30 Million Unemployed & the Bear Market?



Trump supporters don't find it great. Modern leftist, on the contrary, feel absolutely happy about it, because it hurts Trump ratings.


Trump said he made America great. What about the pandemic/bear market/recession are you finding great?


T-rump wants to keep it this way, too. "Keep America Great" is his new re-election slogan. Does he and his T-rumptards really think we want to keep America like this ?????????????????????


His slogan is a joke. I hope a political ad makes fun of it.


Exactly, the left hopes that people die so they can politicize it. They couldn't care less about anyone who has died or lost their loved ones, they are some sick sick individuals.


I'd say they do something more than 'hoping'.

In New York, nursing homes that host elders are forced to accept covid patients (mainstream media didn't cover this story). If you wanted to cause more deaths, that would be quite a good strategy. It's possible that the size of the outbreak in New York wasn't a coincidence.


Deflection. What about the pandemic/bear market/recession are you finding great?



"Why aren't you president?"

68,000 Americans wouldn't be dead on my watch. Make America great indeed!


Exactly, they don't care about anyone but their own political agenda. They would rather people die than have to admit President Trump handled the situation well. They are so blinded by their hatred that they are willing to excuse and nominate a rapist.


Handled it well!!!


Trump has admitted to grabbing women by the P****, supported a pedophile for senator, and a rapist for supreme court, befriended a serial child molester, paid-off a woman with campaign money, and has been accused of being a pedophile and rapist himself. His own wife can't stand being around him.

Trump blackmails and pays people to lie like when he tried to have the Ukrainian president attack Biden. I'm confident Reade is on Trump's payroll. Just another Trump mudslinging attempt. Nothing to see! Move on!

Meanwhile, Trump has killed tens of thousands of Americans and his supporters don't care.


I'm confident Reade is on Trump's payroll.

So am I, as well as other Americans.


Prove Reade is on his payroll or else you’re just talking out of your asshole. Also “all women deserve to be heard” you just added more proof to your sexism. But of course I knew you were sexist back in 2008 when you suggested that Sarah Palin should have just had her “retard baby” aborted. And regardless of whatever Trump May or May Not have done doesn’t excuse Joe Biden or you for supporting him. You are a deeply disturbed individual. Also Justice Kavanaugh didn’t do anything wrong, the entire accusation was fabricated by the Democrats in an effort to undermine democracy. His accusers were probably hired by the democrats. He also didn’t kill anyone and the fact that you would use a national tragedy for political points is just more evidence of how messed up in the head you are. If anyone is to blame it’s the democrats, they want people to die so they can score cheap political points and I think you are secretly happy every time someone dies


More magical thinking beliefs from a Trump death cultist. Personal feelings or thoughts don't change reality! But, an inept and unfit president who does nothing for months while the virus kills Americans is responsible. The buck stops with him!

You're obviously delusional because you believe you knew me in 2008. Palin, another inept politician who doesn't read. Why don't you like intelligent leaders?

Trump actually admitted to attacking women. Yet, you support him. What a hypocrite you are!


Lol the cult of Donald Trump good one kid, what other parts of your deluded fantasy are you not telling me? President Trump has done everything he can to reduce the effects of the virus you along with the Democrats want people to die because you just don’t want to admit you were wrong. The issue isn’t President Trump it is completely on the Democrats they are the ones who pitched a fit about made up racist accusations when he was trying to contain the virus and save Americans, politics was more important to them than the lives of Americans. It’s very disturbing. Governor Palin was far more qualified than Obummer and that’s a non sequitur , you said she should have just aborted her “retard baby” I don’t care what she said or did there is no excuse for that but you invent whatever excuse you have to because you couldn’t care less about women, you just use them to further your political talking points because you are severely fcked in the head, you were probably kicked in the helmet a few too many times. It’s beyond obvious Biden is a rapist and you are supporting rape as long as you support him, at the very least a very thorough investigation needs to be launched into his entire past. Also FYI: Democrats aren’t actual people , no one has to respect them.


Trump presents many poor excuses for his incompetence.

Former presidents contained potential pandemics.

Trump didn't contain this pandemic. He spent months wasting time by calling it a hoax, wishing it away, ignoring intelligence agencies warnings.

He needs to step down now.


He didn't call it a hoax, he said the Democrats strawman of his reaction to it was a hoax, but of course to libtards facts are irrelevant. He did everything he could despite the DemoKKKrats actively trying to prevent him from doing his job at every turn. He's a great President, the DemoKKKrats need to either step down or start trying to be a part of the solution because right now they are rooting for people to die for political reasons and they support a rapist.


You're playing semantics. Trump was calling it a hoax instead of doing the hard work of organizing to contain the virus before it spread throughout the country. He's still not doing anything.

Trump is causing people to die. Period.


No you are strawmanning, he was referring to the Democrats mischaracterizing his reaction to it. President Trump has shown tremendous leadership throughout the pandemic despite the Democrats doing nothing but bitch, moan and inventing false impeachment trials.

The Democrats were busy wasting their time calling racism and their witch hunt while President Trump was already taking steps to combat the virus, he has done a far better job than any of the Democrats. Again every time he took action the Democrats accused him of racism because they see everything through the prism of race and want people to die from COVID-19. He has saved lives if anything and it would have been much much worse if that bitch Hillary won the election. You rejoice every time someone dies, you don't care about anyone who has died or lost their job due to the pandemic, all you care about is cheap political points because you are partisan libtard. President Trump is the greatest president since Reagan, you sir are a complete and utter disgrace as are the rest of the Democrats. Period.


You have no right to tell someone they are strawmanning, that is the very basis of all your arguments.


I'd say they do something more than 'hoping'.

Meanwhile, the Republicans and T-rump are actually 'acting' on it. Like they said last month, why not let the elderly die so we can save the economy for the younger generations ? Talk about those 'death panels' Sarah Palin was so worried about in 2008-16....


You don't speak for the "left" so shut the hell up. Your side lies, cheats and steals with blithe impunity, and continues the lie by making ridiculous comments like this. Sickening.


I didn't lie at all, it's beyond obvious the left want people to die, they are all politics, they are a bunch of sick, disgusting, evil individuals and it's disturbing that they actually have supporters like yourself. The fact that support and condone this hatred says so much about you and your lack of character.


You are just as blind in your support of the right. Do not act like you are any different.


Trump ignored warnings about coronavirus for months allowing it to infect over 1 million Americans and kill 61,000. He considers that handling things great. They have literally become a death cult. They are as insane as the followers of Rev. Jim Jones and David Koresh.

Can you imagine what this country will be if he's here another four years?


Yep exactly. Thing is his supporters will gladly stick their fingers in their ears and drown you out. If you speak out against Trump you are automatically a Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden supporter. We missed out on Bernie Sanders. Sigh...


Trump doesn't represent American values. He's encouraging armed extremists to attack democratic governors. Imagine what will happen when he loses in November.


Do you honestly see him losing?


Yes, if it's a fair election. The problem is Trump and the Republicans will do everything underhanded to suppress the vote and likely challenge it in the Republican-controlled Supreme Court. He also likes to incite armed extremists.

Expect another blue-wave in November 2020. Republicans have been leaving the party for a while and 61,000+ and 30+ million unemployed will wake many more up.

In 2016, I said Trump is likely to win when nobody believed me. Now, I'm confident he'll lose as long as people vote in swing states.


We shall see.


Yet you called his travel ban racist. Face it kid no matter what he does you’ll have a problem with it. He’s handling this situation with leadership, Obama would have pissed his pants and made excuses. You are a sick person


Your idea of leadership during a pandemic:

ignoring multiple warnings about the virus in January
playing golf
holding rallies
calling it a hoax
downplaying it because "only one person died"
defunding health organizations during a pandemic
attacking doctors and scientists during a pandemic
attacking the newsmedia
misspelling Nobel Prize (noble)
not knowing journalists get the Pulitzer Prize
misspelling hamburger (hamberger)
inciting armed extremists to attack elected officials
calling the deaths of 61,000 Americans a great job
against medical advice, supporting prematurely opening states
not providing tests to open states
failing to activate the Defense Production Act to protect medical staff
failing to help states and local governments
watching TV for hours each day
recalling the U.S. scientists from China who monitored viral threats
not containing the virus like former presidents have done
not coordinating with states
not coordinating with U.S. allies
only caring about the stock market instead of human lives
lying everyday
touting a dangerous malaria drug which killed a man
suggesting injecting disinfectant is a good idea
being too stupid to know injecting disinfectant is dumb and dangerous


page 6 of the Trump campaign memo
You're just repeating a talking point like a trained parrot which Trump's campaign put together. I'm not impressed.

page 6 of the 57 page Trump campaign memo

Likely attacks / questions:
Q: Isn’t this Trump’s fault?

Note - don’t defend Trump, other than the China Travel Ban -- attack China

● I’m glad that President Trump acted early to ban travel to China -- that’s something my Democratic opponent did not support and that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi criticized as xenophobic and racist.

Obama didn't get 61,000 Americans killed. Only Trump.


Trump didn’t get anyone killed, he’s handling the situation like a leader and a mature adult. Also thanks for proving my point they you want people to die. As for him allegedly ignoring advice he was busy assembling a task force in January while the Demokkkrats were busy with a witch hunt impeachment trial. He didn’t call the virus a hoax he called the democrats strawman of his reaction to the virus a hoax but of course I can’t expect someone who supports a rapist to be honest.


Trump distracted playing golf and holding rallies while the virus spread across America.


The Democrats have blood on their hands, if they weren't busy with the witch hunt in January and were actually willing to work with him they may have been able to contain the virus by now. Everyone who dies due to COVID-19 the Demokkrats have to answer for.

Also Obummer played a shitload of golf, oh your selective moral outrage is astounding.

Just be honest, you couldn't care less about anyone's life, all you want is to prove a cheap political point. People's lives are just talking points to you, you and the DemoKKKrats should be completely ashamed of yourselves.


Trump makes plenty of excuses for his laziness and incompetence. The buck stops with him. He played plenty of golf in January instead of working. He obviously can't do the job, therefore he should resign.

Trump playing golf instead of protecting Americans!


Obama played just as much golf and you made excuses for him. President Trump was laying out a plan for dealing with COVID-19 while Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Terrorists were wasting the country's time with a fake impeachment witch hunt. Again you lose the right to bitch about him being "ineffective" when you are actively trying to destroy the country. That's like on Dr. Phil one time a woman was bitching that her husband didn't spend enough time with their child when she wouldn't allow him to see the child. Your position doesn't make a lick of sense, that and the fact that you support a rapist.


Trump owns the Trump plague! Every former president was able to protect the American people.

Trump admitted assaulting women with his "grabs women by the p****. You support a serial rapist.

Perfect characterization of Trump


Wrong it’s all on the Democrats , every time he tries to do something to stop it they undermine his efforts and call him racist. Not to mention they wasted so much time on the fake impeachment trial. You are just as guilty as the Dems are in the death toll since you support them, everyone who dies from the virus you have blood on your hands


You're admitting that Trump is a weak leader and can't work if he's called a name. Boohoo! He needs to resign.

The Trump pandemic, Trump bear market, Trump depression is enough! He's inept and unfit. He needs to resign and let a stronger leader take over.

Donald Trump: Unfit. Unwell. Unacceptable.


Strawman I didn’t say that, learn to read libtard. If you attempt to undermine his efforts then you lose the right to complain that he’s “ineffective” which he isn’t, but again you want people to die. He’s doing absolutely everything he can, all deaths from Covid 19 are completely on the hands of the Democrats, they wanted to bitch about racism when the president was trying to contain the virus. Also irony alert that you’d say Trump should resign because “the jobs too hard” when you supported Obama who did nothing but bitch and moan that those Republicans were too mean to him boo hoo hoo. The Democrats are the only ones who complain when someone is mean to them, Republicans put their big boy pants on and get the job done


The buck stops with the president. He's obviously too weak to handle the job.

You must be a sociopath considering how little you care for all the Americans who have died.


He’s done a great job, the Democrats are trying to prevent him from containing the virus, they are the ones who are responsible for everyone who had died. They all should be locked up , you also want people to die because you care more about politics, you are a sick sick pathetic excuse of a person.


68,000 dead Americans is a great job to you. What a loser you are!


That’s not his fault it’s the democrats fault they are the ones with blood on their hands. If they hadn’t been wasting his time with the fake impeachment then those people would still be alive. Also you don’t care about any of those people, you are glad they are dead because you can politicize their deaths , you’re a disgusting pathetic excuse of a human


The buck stops with the president.

Since he can't handle the job, he needs to leave.


Also I agree, the Democrats should not be allowed to have any say in anything having to do with the government . They should all be in prison, unfortunately that’s not the case and they do still have power which if they had any dignity they’d admit they are political terrorists and step down so the grown adults can handle the adult issues and they can go relax in their cry rooms


Weak leader = pandemic; 30 million unemployed; depression, Bear market.

Nuff said.


You’re blaming him for things out of his control because you’re a butthurt libtard. He’s doing the best anyone could ever ask for and it would have been far worse if that bitch Hillary had been elected. Also quit being disingenuous you want people to die just admit it


A leader leads. A leader takes responsibility.

Being president isn't about tweeting, holding rallies, and playing golf.

A president has to read intelligence reports even when they're boring.

He has to hold meetings with agency heads for hours and discuss the running of the country even when they're boring.

When a potential crisis presents itself, he can't wish it away. Nor ignore it like he did in January.

He has to form a NATIONAL strategy instead of telling governors they have to do everything without him.

Running a country is complex. Trump wants to do the fun stuff like hold rallies, watch military parades and tweet.

He was never suited for running a government which is complex and detailed. Hundred-page government reports bore him. Long meetings bore him. The minutia of running hundreds of federal agencies with millions of employees is hard work, not play.

You need to understand there is a difference between being a good entertainer which is all he is and being a competent leader which he is not.


He has lead and he has taken responsibility, the DemoKKKrats have done no such thing, they are the reason why it's so out of control now.

He was trying to hold meetings and assemble a task force when the DemoKKKrats were busy with their false impeachment coup.

He's done far more than just "wish it away", you're intentionally being disingenuous.

The governors also have to step up and protect their citizens as well and do a far better job than Cuomo who is allowing his own people to die.

Obama held rallies also and he played golf as well, you didn't bitch back then because you're a hypocrite.

President Trump is the greatest president since Ronald Reagan despite the DemoKKKrats actively trying to destroy the country so that they won't have to admit they were wrong, they are a bunch of selfish, entitled cowards. President Trump even turned down his pay for being President, he is a strong leader and a huge improvement over the disaster of Barack Obummer.

You are one evil son of a bitch, you are rooting for the virus, you want people to die for political reasons. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself and you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You're also a coward because you defend that rapist Biden and that bitch Hillary.


The president is Trump. He's a poor leader who has failed to contain the virus. Nobody wants to hear excuses or the blame game. If he can't lead, then he needs to resign.


He had lead, the Democrats call him racist every time he tries to do something and then bitch about him not being effective. That’s because they are a bunch of brainless, evil hypocrites. The fact that you support them says so much about your character or shall I say lack of character. You’re a blind partisan , you are the definition of a scumbag , President Trump is the greatest President since Ronald Reagan, you’re just sad and bitter that he is getting so much more done than your “historic election” of Barack Obummer, you jizzed your pants over him because of his skin color and now that it’s been proven he’s a failure you have to try to undermine the guy cleaning up his mess so Obummer doesn’t seem that bad. You’re a sick evil person as are the rest of the Democrats


I can also promise you this: if Joe Biden wins in November I won’t terrorize society by burning buildings and cars like the Democrat terrorists did. I also won’t send death threats to electors like you did. The 2016 election President Trump won fair and square despite the fact that you all threatened electors with death, your problem was that bitch Hillary was a horrible candidate that no one liked, she was a stuck up, snotty sanctimonious bitch and everyone was sick of her, Plus she was just going to continue the failed policies of Obummer we so dodged a bullet.


68,000 dead is not dodging a bullet.


It wasn't President Trump's fault and again the Democrats pitched a fit and cried racism when he took measures to contain the virus, by the Democrats plan more people would have died and that's what they want.


68,279 Americans dead.

Nobody wants to hear poor excuses!

The buck stops with the president.

If he can't lead, he needs to resign.


Not excuses he’s done everything he can and you don’t give a shit about anyone who’s died you are just using them to score cheap political points so can it with Sith phony moral outrage


This country is so hosed.

It all boils down to,"liberal/conservative"

We are beyond hosed....


There have been prior crises under presidents from both parties. They knew how to toss political differences aside and unite the country.

Trump is neither conservative nor liberal and only cares about himself. He has said nothing about the 68,000 American dead. He criticized Bush for suggesting that the country should unite.


To point to rump as a leader and mature adult really makes me wonder who your parents were. He's handled the whole pandemic as poorly as possible. It's all about him and his bat crazy opining because he can't stand the spotlight not being on him. Plus our whole society has sold us down the road to China by not funding education properly, not supporting unions and not helping wages keep up with inflation. Let China make all our cheap goods so we can underpay Americans. This is much more a hallmark of pub policy than Democrat.

Oh ! I don't think the person you were responding to likes rump, since you mentioned supporting a rapist. rump is proud of his sexual indiscretions, his victims allow and like it, right?


President Trump is a class act and he's such a great president compared to what came before him. You do support a rapist (Joe Biden numbnuts, that bitch Hillary supports him as well, a champion for women's rights my ass) which is very disturbing on all levels. You shouldn't be allowed to vote. President Trump was taking steps to try to contain the virus while the DemoKKKrats sat on their fat asses and bitched about racism and then spent all their time with their witch hunt impeachment trial, truly disgusting behavior on the DemoKKKrats part. All they care about is politics, they couldn't care less about you, me or anyone else who has died, they are truly disturbed individuals as is your support for them.

Oh and FYI you forfeited the right to complain about any Republican's sexual behavior when you supported Hillary who destroyed the character of anyone who dared to call out her husband's sexual harassment. You have no right to have a problem with anything President Trump does.


The buck stops with Trump. All else are poor excuses. If he can't handle the job, he needs to quit.


No the DemoKKKrats should quit trying to undermine him and trying to destroy the country just to prove a cheap political point. They are the problem not President Trump. Criticizing the President for being "ineffective" when you are actively trying to undermine him makes absolutely no sense.


Trump is lazy. He tweets, watches TV and plays golf. Stop blame-shifting and making excuses for his failures.


Quit making excuses for the Democrats who have made this pandemic so much worse than it should have been. The Democrats are the epitome of evil, people's lives are expendable to them as long as they get to score their cheap political points. President Trump is the greatest US president since Ronald Reagan.


Your blame-shifting and excuses are weak. Just like Trump.

The buck stops with the president.


You don’t get to complain when you are actively trying to sabotage him. He’s done everything that’s expected of him and more, the same cannot be said for the democrat terrorists , they are the real threat to the country


Wait, who’s a “class act”?


He's the greatest President since Ronald Reagan, far better than the joke of a President we got stuck with from 09-16


Class act ok


Compared to Barack Obama and Joe Biden absolutely




Obama knew how to contain a virus. Trump created a pandemic. don't worry it's ll be gone by April. Only one American has died. Trump is delusional and stupid.


LOL, Obama would have pissed himself and then ran away and played golf. Trump didn't create the pandemic, China did and then the Democrats made it worse by trying to undermine him and rooting for people to die. If the Democrats had their way then more people would have died and that's an objective fact that they are evil and stupid, they are truly disturbed individuals and I find it very bothersome that they still have some degree of power.


Obama contained Ebola. Trump created a pandemic.

The buck stops with Trump.


Totally different scenarios Ebola isn’t nearly as contagious as Covid 19 and Obama didn’t have to deal with the Republicans trying to sabotage his efforts, all the deaths are on the hands of the Democrats. Also considerably more people died from the flu on Obama’s watch. Let me make this clear one more time: you and the Democrats don’t care about these people who have died, you want them to die so you can blame the president, you are a sick, evil son of a bitch


Greatest since Reagan!?

Reagan was..ehhh. Bill was better honestly.

He definitely isn't near the greatest bro, nor is Reagan.


Yes he is:

01) Reagan
02) Trump
03) Bush II
04) Bush I
05) Clinton
06) Obama


HAHAHAHHA, wow, totally unbiased. This might be the most hack list I've ever seen. Notice you put the two "democrats" at the end. So subjective bro.

1. Clinton
2. Reagan
3. Trump
4. Bush
5. Obama
6. Bush Jr

(I could say btw):
4. Obama
5. Bush

I go back and forth on those.

Don't be a political hack.


Just calling it like it is. Clinton was nothing special, his term went well because Newt Gingrich held him accountable.


Bro bro...youre in the same boat.

Supporting Trump, youre basically no better than what you're accusing of others being.

PS - I like neither Trump nor Biden.


Banning flights from China kinda got us in trouble because its a red herring that only stupid people fell for. It was his Plan A, and he was so sure it would work that he made no Plan B in case it didn't. Well, Plan A didn't work. Any other president would've looked at the data and saw the real threat was our lack of preparation (tests, masks, ventilators) in case this thing spread within our country.

We don't have real leadership. All we have is an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing, trying to appeal to people who have no idea what needs to be done. And when his idiot followers are told what needs to be done, they reject it because their leader didn't say it... because he has no idea.


NY virus spread from Europe, not China.


Trump was busy trying to protect the country and gets called a racist by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.


The Democrats have so much blood on their hands, they were more concerned with their witch hunt than protecting the lives of Americans. I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats were actually behind the outbreak so that they could score cheap political points.


Because Nancy and Chuck had the basic understanding that China flights weren't much of a problem.

Sure it helps a little, but focusing on it is taking your eyes away from the real problem.


Nancy and chuck were busy with their fake impeachment coup back when it could have made a difference


Just fess up and admit Trump dropped the ball. He thought all he had to do was ban flights from China. As the European strain entered the country in February, he was busy saying the dems were complaining too much and it was a hoax.

Blaming Chuck and Nancy when there was no US pandemic during the impeachment is admitting you're just here to troll. Trump Dicksucking Syndrome strikes again.


Not at all, President Trump was focused on containing the virus all the way back in January and he has done the best job any president could ever do under the circumstances, way better than that bitch Hillary would have handled it. The DemoKKKrats on the other hand were more worried about their fake impeachment scandal. He didn't say it was a hoax, he said the Democrats strawman of his reaction to it was a hoax. Every day it seems the Democrats are acting more and more like Nazis.

Chuck and Nancy are political terrorists, they don't care who lives and who dies as long as they score cheap political points and the fact that you support them indicates your lack of character. I've said it before and I'll say it again President Trump is the greatest president since Ronald Reagan.

Also "Trump dicksucking syndrome"??? First of all that's homophobic and secondly I'm the troll??? Thanks for the laugh libtard.


I've said it before and I'll say it again President Trump is the greatest president since Ronald Reagan.

If your going to troll at least make your posts believable. But thanks for the laugh.


I'm laughing at you, you're just a blind hater.

01) Ronald Reagan
02) Donald Trump
03) George Bush II
04) George Bush I
05) Bill Clinton
06) Barack Obama


He isn't a troll he is that ignorant.


I mean....moviechatuser, you sadly described both sides of the aisle here bub.


This right here....


Are you insane ? His senior adviser / son-in-law Jared Kushner went on "Fox & Friends" yesterday with this new data and called it a 'success story' for the T-rump administration. A success story ! He was smiling and gleeful while saying this.

Are you saying Jared is part of the modern leftist who want's to personally hurt his father-in-law's ratings ?


Also, those same leftists never cared for the 7,500+ people that die every day, before the virus was a thing. They are very happy about people dying when it hurts dRuMpF.

Many leftists are just garbage humans.


"The leftists" are not president. Trump is a weak leader who has no idea what he's doing! The buck stops with him.


Yeah yeah yeah, orange man bad, blah blah blah.


Jared said this is a 'success story' so they believe him.


That's an idiot and psychopathic question and I am not surprised that a baby murderer would ask it.


You're admitting that Trump didn't make America great, therefore his presidency has been a complete failure.


What I don't understand about Trump. Anything that happens on any presidents watch has to be responsible for what happens. Not Trump'


I still say some fudging going on in New York and other places that don't want to spend on autopsies. Just say china virus and move on. Typically 50K people vdie each month from cancer. I think they stick virus on it as they say the person died a day early than from cancer.
In 2018, an estimated 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and 609,640 people will die from the disease


You need to stop. Many people are dying from coronavirus. Four people on my job died from it and others were hospitalized. My office building has been shutdown for weeks.

I took a stroll in a park yesterday and came upon a makeshift memorial from a mother mourning her daughter. You really need to just stop. Show some decency.


You need to take your own advice. Because you have not acted decent this whole thread. You are politicizing the death of thousands of people to convince others not to vote for Trump. You should be ashamed of yourself.🙄🙄🙄


You should be ashamed of yourself for supporting an idiot who suggests injecting disinfectants is a viable treatment.

You're also not too bright since you can't figure out my criticism of elcamino was his conspiracy theory.

"Experts: 90 percent of US coronavirus deaths could have been avoided if measures taken just two weeks earlier"

The buck stops with the president. That's Trump.


I didnt vote for the man you POS..


I don't care. You're an apologist for him.


All ya all, on this thread are all a bunch of agenda driven idiots. Both Trump and Biden are unfit to be president.


Biden didn't kill 68,000 Americans.


Yeah...neither did Trump...


Trump has now killed 75,991 Americans.

The buck stops with the president.


How did he do that?? I haven't seen it in the news.


Then, you don't follow the news.


Because it's mostly the poor; decreased the surplus Democrat population. Trump loves it.


Yes a bad diet and lifestyle is the main cause of death in this. I can't find any dieticians saying that a eating eating rats,cats,and dogs is healthy.
