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Dumpster whining like a baby that "no one likes him".

He sounds like a middle schooler who got rejected by the popular kids.

I wonder why everyone likes Anthony Fauci and not him! Hmmm let's seešŸ¤”šŸ¤”

1) Over 300,000 people dead.
2) America= highest number of covid cases.
3) Ignores health specialists.
4) Insists we stop testing b/c it makes HIM look bad.
5) Suggests everyone takes a Lysol cleaning injection with bleach.
6) He refuses to wear a mask for 4 months.
7) Wants schools to reopen so children can get infected and spread it to teachers, staff, and parents.
8) He lies.
9) Gasses innocent peaceful BLM protestors.
10) He calls covid, a disease affecting many lives, a hoax.


1) Inflated (fake) numbers
2) Inflated (fake) numbers
3) Listens to the so-called "experts" except when he went ahead with a travel ban when the experts said he didn't have to. In doing so Trump saved lives.
4) False
5) False
6) Fauci said it's not going to do anything and didn't wear one himself for months--but now he wears one however, he rips it off when he thinks cameras are off. It's all for show.
7) Yes to the first part, you're a liar about the second part.
8) YOU lie
9) False, you liar.
10) False again, liar.

You should make a list of Phony Fauci and Birx lies instead.


I don't envy you at all Norma.

You're clearly gullible and naive about the world. You think covid is a complete hoax b/c Donald Dumpy said so. Yet we have millions of people mysteriously dying and hospital workers mysteriously claiming they're overwhelmed.

Take it from a wise person!
Trump doesn't care about you, he's using you! Learn the difference! He cares about ratings, praise, and being liked! If he truly cared about your well-being, he'd wise up and listen to health experts to protect YOU! The more you kiss his butt, the more he'll take advantage of you. Have some self respect, you'll be happier and feel more dominant!


I never said it was a hoax. Those are your words and you were unable to understand my post.
There are things Trump has said about this virus/lockdowns/treatments, etc. that I completely disagree with him about.
You Trump haters think Trump supporters just follow him around like a puppy, hanging on his every word. šŸ™„

No, we think for ourselves.


And repeats everything he says. Snowflake.


And you are one of the most dangerous types of believe your own lies and act accordingly! šŸ™ˆšŸ™‰šŸ™Š


I hate Trump! I can't wait until he is out of the White House! He is a racist, homophobic, misogynist among other things. He is the worst president the USA has ever had. Have you ever read the number of lies and broken promises? Thousands. He wouldn't be president except for the Electoral College. That's why the EC should be abolished.

Hilary Clinton won the popular vote by millionsQ


You have written this same post countless times, slim.
Still doesn't make any of your claims about Trump true.


I can guarantee you I'm not the only one who agrees with all these claims, Many of the claims I made are based on nonsense that came out of HIS mouth on live TV. These aren't secondary rumors here. Don't believe me, go on you YouTube and listen to his speeches.


He's a worthless sack of shit--a festering boil on America and anyone still in support of him is a fucking blithering idiot.


you really think Mel Gibson is a blithering idiot?


If he supports Trump after all this chaos? Yeah. I like the man's movies--doesn't mean I have to like the man.


It's common knowledge that Mel Gibson is a blithering idiot. He also has mental health issues.


i find him to be a highly intelligent & passionate man


He's a hypocrite. He complained about the Catholic Church not being Catholic enough so he started his own Catholic church. Meanwhile, he cheated on his wife, had sex outside of marriage and got her pregnant.

I don't believe a racist, anti-Semitic, misogynist is highly intelligent.

Mel's 36:37 abusive rant:

I agree with you that he's passionate and a man.


human beings are complicated,
anger makes a person's thoughts focus on hurting another, whoever is in their focus at the time,
everybody says things they don't mean when they're angry


Mel mentions his psychiatrist during his rant so he was obviously having mental health issues.

I'm pretty sure Mel meant every word. There's normal anger and then there's abuse. This is abuse. His girlfriend mentioned her teeth were knocked out by him. And he attacked her when she held the baby.

His father was a hateful nut job so perhaps that effected Mel who is filled with hatred and anger. He was recently fired when Winona Ryder said he asked if she was an oven dodger and he said something anti-gay.

He apparently has been very nice to some people like Robert Downey, Jr, too.


Sometimes I wonder if it's right to joke about Trump's excessive need to be praised and loved, considering it's one of the most common symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, he probably needs psychotherapy more than he does ridicule. It's actually quite shocking when you look at the common symptoms of the disorder, each one reads like it's specifically referencing Trump:

Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
Exaggerate achievements and talents
Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
Take advantage of others to get what they want
Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Be envious of others and believe others envy them
Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
Insist on having the best of everything ā€” for instance, the best car or office
Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation


All more reason he isn't fit to be president and should drop out of the campaign now!!

Then he can get help and therapy on his own time, get some privacy, and live his own life and the rest of us won't have to put up with his BS.



He might just be the most narcissistic public figure in history...or at least is the most open about it. He had no filter. NONE. No bravado. No class. No dignity. No self-control. NOTHING.

He's a piece of worthless shit--shit so worthless that MILLIONS of Americans would love to see him pushing up the daisies than to see him as president. I've NEVER seen hatred of a sitting president in all my life of this magnitude...and it's completely deserved.

I seriously see people constantly state how they'd love for him to have a heart attack and some people were even online on Yahoo (before comments were shut down) saying things like "Where is Oswald when we need him?". It's crazy. I've never seen people in my lifetime actively wish for a president to be assassinated. You just don't see that.

That's how bad Trump is. How evil he is--that massive amounts of people would wish him harm. I never remember seeing scores of people online wishing for Obama to be assassinated--or Bush Jr. Trump is literally that bad.

I've never seen talks of "Civil War" or "V for Vendetta" kind of talks until Trump came along.

What those people need to understand is that Donald isn't the source of all these problems--he's the symptom of them--a symptom that has been allowed to get out of control. The nightmare won't end with Donald's exit--it will merely be postponed. Eventually, they'll try to elect another carnival clown into the presidency.

I DO think that Donald is the first true nail in our country's coffin, though. We had better hope they don't get another barking clown in the White House in 2024. We'll be on smooth sailing with Biden until 2024. 2024 is the year the republicans will attempt to get their "Revenge" over the ousting of Ronald McDonald Trump and try to run another clown...and I'm worried this clown could be more ruthless than McDonald Trump.


dteam6- Holy sh#t , I'm guessing you weren't breast fed as a baby. Did your parents leave you in the woods to be raised by wolves? LOL

Your anger is so out of control. Never mind COVID. You're going to die of a freaking stroke or heart attack if you keep up this screaming, ranting rage.

Who the heck are you associating with? People who would love to see him die? You need some better friends.
Your train is clearly jumping the tracks.


Quiet, cultist.

I'm not associating with anyone. As I've stated--I see comments about this online all the time--especially on Yahoo (before they closed comments).

If you want my personal opinion? I don't want the fat hog to be assassinated. Nothing but bad shit would come of it--including galvanizing his insane base and push us even further into authoritarian territory.


"Quiet cultist"!!! Uh, you don't have the authority to silence me. Isn't that one of your big rants about Trump? He's an authoritarian?

Kinda funny coming from someone who believes in free speech to the extent that he finds no problem with the "peaceful self expression" of rioters and looters.

So you're not "associating' with anyone. Not too surprising considering your "sunny " disposition. LOL

But listening to the mad ravings of anonymous angry posters like yourself is hardly proof positive that millions are screaming for Trump's head.

As far as never having seen hatred for a President before, well either you have a bad memory or you are just too young to remember.

During Nixon's ill-fated second term there were bumper stickers, "Where's Oswald When You Need Him?".

Bush 43- Guess you forgot about the novel that came out in 2007 about an assassination plot against him.

Obama? Good grief! While it is horrible to suggest killing any President, one could hardly complain about his policies without being
labeled a racist and a bigot.

As for Trump, truly deranged lefties came after him from day one. Can anyone forget that crowd of Hollywood celebutards and Madonna's ranting to the crowd, "Sometimes I think about blowing up the White House."

You mean, like blowing it up with all the staff inside? You don't mind blowing up the kitchen and domestic staff who have worked there for decades? But I wouldn't expect any deep thoughts from the 'Material Girl' who is also a primo example of leftard rage.

Truth is, the deranged wing of the Democrat party despised him from day one. They were intent on bringing him down, intent on ruining his life because he ruined Hillary's chance for a coronation.
There was absolutely nothing he could have done to please the deranged wing of the Democrat party short of committing hari-kiri on the South Lawn of the White House.

Don't pretend you are upset and aghast at him now with all your sputtering rage. Truth is, you're glad to have someone to hate and blame all your problems on.

You are correct in saying that the President isn't the source of these problems. These problems existed way before he took office.
Your white hot anger has blinded you to the truth. As I said, you're going to have a stroke if you keep this up.


You're projecting. Your angry rant about democrats proves this while you support Trump who has destroyed the American economy, supports our enemy Putin and shows no leadership against Covid-19.

It's literally your "white hot anger" which has "has blinded you to the truth."


Sorry Keelai- it's a no go on that one! lol But I think you do mean well.

In my so called "angry rants" about democrats did I ever call for heart attacks, death, destruction or assassination? Did I ever call Democrats "pieces of sh#T"?

Seriously, point out to me what I said that was "white hot anger".

Did you actually READ my post and digest it in a calm rational way? Don't give me the kneejerk angry response of the extreme left. I think you're wiser than that.


I reread. You're rambling, too.

The buck stops with the president. On his watch:

The GDP is minus -35%.
150,000+ Americans are dead.
Millions are unemployed.
Millions of pending bankruptcies.
Millions of pending foreclosures and evictions.
Nukes in Iran and N. Korea.
Putin paying bounties on our troops.

Yet, you support him. That makes you very dumb, brainwashed or angry at the status quo. If this is your idea of a great America, then you're a loser, too.


Keelai- you gave a list, did you check it twice? Did you find out who was naughty and nice? Biden is coming to town!

You didn't answer any of my questions about my OWN personal behavior. That was the focus of my post. You did not answer but instead went on to ramble about Trump.

Is that a Saul Alinsky tactic? When one cannot answer a question directly, deflect and attack from a different area.


The topic is about Trump whining like a baby. My comment is about your support of the orange baby.

Once again, your attempt at deflection has failed.


Again you use the word deflection. You also didn't answer MY question.

If you don't want to answer me, just have the gonads to say so! Stop talking about "deflection".

The "orange baby". Seriously, could your choice of words be any more childish?


Orange baby is descriptive and correct:


What have you got against 'people of color"?

How much more childish can you be?



IfImBoredImHere- I have a bit of sympathy for Keelai and that crowd.

They were so bitterly disappointed that their queen didn't coast her broomstick into the White House that they've lost their minds.

Mature adults can take disappointment or the fact that their candidate didn't win, but look who we are dealing with here!

They were gleefully rubbing their hands together at the thought of destroying Trump in a few years.

But when the Democrats' plans, spearheaded by one of their biggest nuts, Botox Pelosi, didn't bear fruit, well they just lost their sh$t.

It's been a sad and ugly downward spiral ever since! lol


Trump's an abomination and anyone who loves democracy, progress and the ideals of this country are outraged this obscene buffoon stalks the halls of the WH like some delusional Napoleonic dictator. The sad and ugly downward spiral is the pub party dismantling civil society to pad the pockets of the top of the economic pyramid while the rest of us have to put up with whatever is left for us. And the loyal cohorts chuckle at the spectacle.


As Elaine said to Jerry Seinfeld when he extolled the virtues of the "black and white cookie" when they were in a bakery...

"You really should write an Op-Ed piece for the Times"

You make about as much sense as Jerry's sitcom rant.


He has to go in November!


I've got to go Right Now!
drank too much Mountain Dew!!


He really has to ask why he's not liked ? Is it a secret to him ?


idiots dislike him,
but he doesn't want to believe all Demos are idiots...he's a kind man but will one day see the reality of it




if you're buying i'm selling


1) Wrong! A little over 153,000
2) Check Statistics. The U.S. has the largest population. #4 in cases & 10 in deaths per million
3) Did not ignore health specialists. Closed border to China in late January. Health specialists were on again, off again regarding masks
4) No, he did not say to stop testing! He said too many tests were being done due to a little sniffle.
Tests are not needed unless a person meets at least 4 of the symptoms. I know because I inquired
when I ran a high fever!
5) One of the most absurd LIES ever! He did NOT suggest people inject themselves with bleach. He
turned to the doctors and ASKED...NOT SUGGEST outright the following: And then I see the
disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do
something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

6) Another lie! He has not refused to wear a mask for 4 months! If your brain can recall... the wearing
of masks has been ā€œWear oneā€, ā€œHealthy people donā€™tā€, ā€œIf youā€™re sick stay homeā€, ā€œWearing a mask
can be harmfulā€, now itā€™s back to ā€œAll wear oneā€! These so-called health experts donā€™t know
themselves what to do! But, apparently the almighty wormwood does!
7) Another one of your inane lies! He wants schools to reopen to attempt to get back to normal.
Students need to be in school buildings to prevent learning setbacks, he said, and to access meal
programs and mental health services. Parents who can go back to work canā€™t because kids are
home. But, the most important reason...child abuse has skyrocketed!
8) Sorry, wormwood, when it comes to lying & fabricating no one holds a candle to you! You are
the worst kind of believe your own lies!
9) Peaceful protesters my arse! You cannot see the forest for the trees! Better yet you cannot see
the truth because you canā€™t get past your damnable lies.

#10 will follow



10) As Iā€™ve posted many times to you...this is a LIE! Trump did NOT call Covid 19 a hoax! Damn I donā€™t know how you eat! You have to be choking on all of your damn lies! Here is the truth yet again:

ā€ What's True
During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks,
Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

Finally to you, as we use to say as kids: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!


"Tests are not needed unless a person meets at least 4 of the symptoms. I know because I inquired when I ran a high fever!"

That may have been the case before but I've heard them say on my local news that everyone should get tested! Why?! Also, someone I know who works at Amazon said they were testing all employees! Why?! So they're hiring people to come in and test their employees now? They did give them the option to leave if they didn't want to be tested so that's what they did.
This is so stupid and out of hand.


Norma, you're the last person qualified to make suggestions based on covid 19 and how this government should work. Maybe you didn't realize this b/c you live in a fantasy world, but people can be asymptomatic and still be contageous, which is why testing is important.

All you do is make excuses as to why YOU think this pandemic is a joke. Anyone who thinks covid is a joke, is a disgrace to the human world doesn't deserve to be breathing air right now


Again, your reading comprehension blows.


He always had a strong need to be accepted.

I finished the Mary Trump book which says it stems from his dysfunctional family.

The media, politicians and public continue to ask why can't he behave presidential or at least like a normal person. The answer is because he can't due to his serious mental health issues.
