MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump takes a 8-10 minutes motorcade rid...

Trump takes a 8-10 minutes motorcade ride to greet his supporters (some deranged/rabid) < - Msg before he left

Costs about $2,614 every minute he travels so he dumped around $26k for this little stunt onto the tax payers. Wouldn't it be easier to just wave from behind the front gate of the hospital where the supporters are on the other side? He would be able to at least shout at them. Reminds me of a bible stunt he did at the WH.

I say deranged in the sense how you would see fans for celebrities (singers/actors/etc.) act when they chase after the person that went by. Only rabid fans do that type of stuff. Cops had to chase after those rabid fans as you can see in the clip. Was only a small number that did so but the rest were cordial. There was one Jesus blood freak that said he'd die for him (5th avenue-style) near the end of the clip.


Well, at least he didn't die. I don't think I'm ready for the Hope Hicks Trump Assassination theories just yet.


That’s the other mistress he’s been banging? Ivanka must be jealous.


She's the next one he'll throw under the bus for the White House Outbreak. Gotta blame somebody.


Spreading SHIT again.


You’re bitching about that? Seriously?

Why don’t you bitch about Gov. Newsom not allowing Disneyland to open causing massive layoffs plus all the businesses surrounding the park? Don’t you think that is costing the city, state and country more in taxes lost and entitlements paid?


why should Gavin care about Disney fans or workers?
he's busy stocking up on hair gel & bags of infant blood


Imagine comparing the closing of Disneyland which saves peoples' lives to Trump waving his hand at people.


I know - who can take that troll seriously ?


The irony of you calling someone else a troll almost makes 2020 worth it! 🤣😂🤣


keeping DL closed saves what? gives 80 year old nursing home patients another 2 years before they kick the bucket?
those geriatrics should be sacrificing themselves so that their grandkids could have at least gotten to visit a theme park in 2020


Really? You think elderly people are the only ones that visit DisneyLand?

Good lord you are broken in the head.


do you watch the news or have any idea how this pandemic spreads?
i can't help you if you can't even connect the dots


I know exactly how it spreads, which is why I support DisneyLand being closed.

You on the other hand believe elderly people are the only ones threatened by COVID-19.

Because you are broken in the head.


Please tell me legandbroom is a plant. Please tell me...


with 2k more posts than yours truly, if anyone is in anyway insincere with their posts, i'd wager it being you


then your reading comprehension must be inhibited by alcohol or some sort of mind-altering drugs,
COVID is killing 98% old people, that's a safe bet that the strong & young will survive,
meaning the stabilization & recovery of the world's economy is the top priority... period.
Newsom & his cronies across the nation are vying for the endgame of the complete annihilation of the working class... & they are getting closer & closer (DL laying off 28K employees was basically a grand slam for their cause)


You specifically singled out 80 year olds in nursing homes.

People above 80 make up about 90,000 of the total 215,000 deaths. That's very clearly not 98%.

You're projecting insults because you suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect. You don't actually know what you are talking about.


even though you were smart enough to google D-K effect i guess you don't know what hyperbole is... strange,
i'm guessing you're 65+ so you take this whole "pandemic" caution to heart but i am here to tell you that you'd sooner die from a mutant rat infecting you with AIDS rather than dying of COVID
& the lasting effects of this overblown "kinda worse than the flu" situation will keep the entire globe mired in a state of jobless, high-crime, demoralized, & hateful society


Ahh so you fabricate your own numbers and then claim hyperbole when caught.

And no, I'm not 65+. And no, you don't have to be 65+ to take COVID-19 seriously. You just have to be a normal person of any age, such as Ivanka who was one of the few in Trump's section to wear a mask.


i prefer Ivanka to be maskless, she is such a beautiful girl


Disney losing money is a delight to my ears. Maybe it'll stop them from rehashing remakes of old classics and burning it to the ground.


Your logic is stupid. If you don’t want to watch them, don’t watch them. Who’s forcing you? Exercise your personal choice. You’re free to use it. Fuckin’ hell. Grow the fuck up!

On the other hand, Disney employing people is a good thing . Do you really think laying off Disney park employees is going to affect their movie division???

Disney isn’t the only one being affected. All the small businesses around the park are affected as well. Fuck’em, yes? That’s your response???

And yet, idiots like you just blame Trump when he’s not the one making the call. Why is Disney World open and not Disneyland, pray tell?


For it to be logical, logic must be applied. This was merely an general opinion, one of which many others hold as well. Doesn't mean we can't criticize them whether we watch it or not. Plenty do it here.

They do what they do to survive like any other companies does in these dire times of COVID. It is what it is. No I don't think it's good to lay off people unless they have to but they are a profit driven company.

Yes but you were specifically mentioning Disney so I am responding directly to it.

Not making the call? Pretty damn doubly sure he made the call to go out and make a drive by his supporters. As for Disney World, your guess is as good as mine. I don't personally follow Disney business tactics.


at least those fanatical Trump supporters aren't assaulting people, burning property, or looting like the Biden supporters


God bless President Trump


He's going to need it.




It looks like God blessed Biden this election. God sent the coronavirus to challenge Trump and Trump failed the American people as well as himself.


Trump didn't fail, Corona failed to hurt HIM.


Trump is forcing his doctors to release him so he can fool you into thinking he beat the rona. Doctors never release people on day 9 or 10 because that's when things can quickly go south.


So very well stated.


he is a large man, his antibodies are strong & will take over the wimpy 'Rona cells & demolish them


I've seen assaults from Trump supporters but you got me on the burn/loot although it wouldn't surprise me if either or infiltrated the other groups to do the assault/riot.


the assaults by Trumpers pales in comparison in number, as well as only began happening more often months after the riots started, ie defense & retaliation against ANTIFA/BLM,


Agreed but they do happen no less if only slightly less.



i boycott liveleak, broseph


I figure the applause and adoration is like a drug.

This is why you see so few celebrities that voluntarily leave Hollywood, the limelight is too addictive.

Never experiencing this, I am hesitant on being too critical on the President's actions.


It would've cost the same if he stayed in the hospital. It's not like those Secret Service and police are paid only when doing something and then go off the clock when sitting around.


Probably different costs. I only mentioned whenever he travels with the motorcade (someone did a cost analysis on it).


Come on, Rorikon. He didn’t do anything different than the previous POTUS have done. The worst was Clinton. If there was a photo op to be made he was in the thick of it. If you think about it the two presidents most afflicted with narcissism was Clinton and now Trump. Hillary would have been as bad as her hubby. I’ll give you the Bible photo was not needed. Just more fodder for the liberal grist mill.

Obama made a big to do when he visited New Jersey after Sandy hit. He knew he had to...he was a hair’s breath away in losing the election.

We had a freak tornado in Kissimmee, Fl. Clinton showed up for his photo op to tour an area that wasn’t wide spread. It hit the front part of an RV park. The people in back slept through it not realizing a tornado had taken the front part. I’m sure Clinton’s visit wasn’t cheap!


I'm just reporting or rather discussing on the news buddy. Got any examples of Clinton with the narcissism you speak of? I never really seen him in those things. I mean his twitter doesn't reflect it. I would say Obama is more of a narcissist than Clinton since they portray him as the 'celebrity' president Then you got Trump whose on a whole other level of narcissism. Photo op is a different manner and doesn't require as much logistics as with a motorcade imo.

Don't all presidents make a 'big to do' after hurricane disasters hit a state in need of emergency funding to help rebuild? Pretty sure they do that. Not sure if it had anything to do with the election though.

You talking about this? That's quite a number dead there... Even declared a federal disaster.


Yes, I lived those tornadoes. The deadliest was a narrow swath, but traveled 30 miles. Horrible deaths as it hit a mobile home park. Ripped a baby out of its mother’s arms. They searched quite a distance the next day. The poor little thing was found in a tree. We cried over that one. People don’t realize a tornado isn’t like “The Wizard of Oz”. When caught up in one there’s multiple debris inside which strips the skin off a person. Sad...

The second night there was one headed toward our house, but stayed 1 mile north of us traveling eastward on Hwy 441 toward my daughter’s home about 10 miles from us. The weather channel pinpointed it to hit her development. I immediately called her and screamed for her and her husband to leave the house. I later was relieved to know it missed them.

But, Clinton didn’t need to come as it wasn’t a major disaster like a wide spread tornado or hurricane. The logistics involved for a POTUS to visit an area is quite expensive and clogs roads which hampers clean up crews and law enforcement. His was a photo op!

Obama was on the verge of losing re-election until Sandy hit. Never before has a president been re-elected with the economy in the tanks. Sandy saved him.

As I wrote they all rack up unnecessary expenses. Bush didn’t land because of causing traffic tie-ups and he was raked over the coals. I know if I was in one of those situations I wouldn’t want a president coming. S/he can do fly overs as Bush did. I want my police to be able to do their job and not be extra security for a president.


As far as his narcissistic antics I would have to research. I’m much older than you so I can recall some. Remember he was elected in ‘92. OMGosh! That was 28 years ago! He did love those photo ops!


So sad. People used to joke that his psychotic supporters would be willing to die for that son of a bitch. Now we have confirmation that it's true.

Very sad.


Trump got more jobs for blacks and latinos,,,,you must hate know what that makes you.


What does anything you just wrote have to do with what I said?


And how much did the tooth fairy leave you?


Yet they've been hit the worst since the pandemic. You'd think he'd keep that trend going by bringing them up as quick as whites have recovered in terms of unemployment percentages.

Already made a post about it here.


Crazy troll says people will die!
