MovieChat Forums > Politics > English people taken into slavery by Nor...

English people taken into slavery by North Africans over a period of 300 years.

So the boot was on the other foot as well for those who think that it was only the evil, privileged and entitled white man that enslaved black and brown people.


Interesting read, my family comes from the South West, and it’s possible that some of my ancestors may have been taken as slaves. I was never taught or told this piece of history at school and never in my life have I seen a documentary cover the subject on British TV.

There was a tax called Ship Money that the English had to pay supposedly for the upkeep of the navy, but that twat King Charles I did little with it and pocketed it for himself, it wasn’t until Cromwell spent money on the Navy, that the attacks began to decline.

It’s also likely some English men/boys were castrated at the slave markets as there was a demand for castrated white youths.

I've been thinking of buying this book by Simon Webb:


Also, the first American slave owner was a...wait for it...A BLACK MAN! Anthony Johnson was his name. And those inane yahoos what to change the name of a school which happens to be Abraham Lincoln High School? The man who was the driving force to do away with slavery! Why do they want to remove Lincoln’s name? Because Lincoln didn’t show black lives mattered to him! 😢😭

Damn! Someone or more than one have figured out how to time travel! How else would they come up with such idiotic thoughts? I’ve said all along give this damn domestic terrorist gang an inch...they’ll take a mile every time. They are useless human beings. They contribute nothing, but burning, looting and murder. Complete anarchy with the states and/or cities acquiescing to the thugs! Including Antifa!


"omg I found the exception to the rule! see slavery wasn't that bad!"

conservative logic


Surely you didn’t read that into my reply? Please tell me you didn’t! If you did please re-read slowly my words. Slavery was abhorrent! Man’s inhumanity to man. The whole gist of my reply was about the dimwits who want to change the name of a high school. They want to delete the name of Abraham Lincoln because their stupidity believe Black Lives didn’t Matter to him! This was the guy who put a stop to slavery. They had to matter to him or he wouldn’t have gone against slave owners.

And dammit stop it with your lying snide remarks when you don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about! People who throw those type remarks out there are actually ignorant, because that’s their only way to respond. One Megohm from ear to ear!


1 or 2 BLM extrremists probably yelled that in the heat of the moment in the summer.
I'm sure you'll find there is no serious campaign of any weight to rename Abraham Lincoln High School.

Is another example of the conservative logic Brucewayne pointed out
1 black slave owner
1 half hearted attempt by a a couple of BLM protesters , now long given up on.


Na!Na!Na!Na!Na!Na! See! You don’t know everything! Liberals...Right! Conservatives...Wrong! That is all you know.

You apparently didn’t watch the news when all the rioting was going on! Burn, Loot, Murder/Mayhem was their mantra. And don’t forget the new Brown Shirts, Antifa! Now that’s an oxymoron if there ever was one! A gang wearing black face masks purporting to being against Fascism, who they themselves are behaving like Fascists!

BTW, one Black slave owner doesn’t negate the fact slavery is abhorrent no matter who does it. Do you realize every person’s ancestors have been slaves at one time or another? Thank the good Lord this country came to it’s senses and realized human beings are not chattel!


What are chattel! ?


Easily located online.

a personal possession.

“Chattel slavery is a specific servitude relationship where the slave is treated as the property of the owner. As such, the owner is free to sell, trade, or treat the slave as he would other pieces of property and the children of the slave often are retained as the property of the master.”


You're right, that was the easy. Thanks, sucker.


Why the insult...twerp? Or should I say a flaming TROLL?


I'm just a douche like that.


Well, at least you’re honest. A lot on this board won’t admit to it.


Someone should throw a bucket of water on you. Shut up, already, you are embarrassing yourself more and more everyday.
Free speech doesn't mean public stupidity is acceptable.


Free speech doesn't mean public stupidity is acceptable.

Yes it does. You want to silence public stupidity but who decides what that is ?


You realize North Africans aren't black, right? Yes, we are aware of slavery in other parts of the world. What does that have to do with hundreds of years of racism?


And the Deflection of the Year Award goes to the sock puppet called CarterBlunt.


You tried to deflect criticisms of racist slavery with a red herring. Regardless what happened elsewhere, oppression of blacks in America was still wrong, and the cultural problems they're having now are a result of that white irresponsibility and evil. But rather than focus on actually solving those issues, you would prefer to exploit them for an abusive racist agenda. Hoping for all you dumbass boomers to die ASAP.


And the Projection of the Year Award goes to the slimy sock puppet called CarterBlunt.


I'm guessing you're severely inbred and/or retarded.


I'm guessing you're pretending you're not a slimy sock puppet.


Maybe people were just made to oppress other people.


and the conservatives hate reality and facts award goes to"

but I love how "The situation was so bad that in December 1640 a Committee for Algiers was set up by Parliament to oversee the ransoming of captives. At that time it was reported that there were some 3,000 to 5,000 English people in captivity in Algiers. Charities were also set up to help ransom the captives and local fishing communities clubbed together to raise money to liberate their own."

is anything close to the estimated 12 million africans taken.


Here's an interesting video on it:

The BBC shamefully have very little on it.


"The situation was so bad that in December 1640 a Committee for Algiers was set up by Parliament to oversee the ransoming of captives. At that time it was reported that there were some 3,000 to 5,000 English people in captivity in Algiers. Charities were also set up to help ransom the captives and local fishing communities clubbed together to raise money to liberate their own."

on the other hand

"Current estimates are that about 12 million to 12.8 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic over a span of 400 years."

Ya man. totally the same thing......


Your numbers are wrong Batman.

It's estimated that slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone enslaved 1 million to 1.25 million Europeans in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th century.




It's an estimate by American historian Professor Robert Davis from his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters.

North African pirates abducted and enslaved more than 1 million Europeans between 1530 and 1780 in a series of raids that depopulated coastal towns from Sicily to Cornwall, according to his research.

Thousands of white Christians were seized every year to work as galley slaves, labourers and concubines for Muslim overlords in what is today Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Libya, it is claimed.

Read more of his research here:,12674,1171347,00.html


is this how you do sources??

link to a book. link to a article about the book that even says
"Historians were split over whether Prof Davis's unorthodox methodology has produced plausible estimates, but they welcomed any attempt to fill a gap in the little-known story of Africans subjugating Europeans."

and then some YouTube video? fail


The video includes the author talking about the subject. Try reading some books yourself if the subject matter of it interests you, I doubt it somehow, clearly I’m talking to a child with replies like yours.


yes you chose one book, one article about the book and one video of him talking about it. is this how you do sources? wow fail


North African Barbary pirates were primarily Mediterranean, not black. Also, Barbary corsairs enslaved all skin colors including their own.

So we have Barbary pirates terrorizing in all directions getting their hands on whatever slaves they could. And then we have the US slave trade ignoring white people and light-brown people, and going directly for black people because of a belief that black people specifically are a lower class of human beings.

And after it was all said and done, the Barbary pirate slaves numbers couldn't even compete with the US's stricter policy of specifically enslaving black people.

But its all the same, right?


Oh I see, it doesn't count because it's the wrong type of slavery. Gotcha.


No. What happened is you saw the word Africa and assumed they were black when they weren't, and figured you could use this sorry example to make it look like US slavery wasn't that big of a deal.


I used the term "North Africans" imbecile. North Africans are not black. And I was attempting to bring some context to the issue of slavery. As in it has a long and complicated history. As well as being the enslavers white people were also enslaved.

It puts a different persepective on things. The trouble with too many people is that they look on historical things from today's perspective instead of considering how things were back in historical times.


Where's your evidence that people think that?

And can you name the countries who's wealth is founded on slavery of millions of white people?


Is the Roman Empire too far back for you?


yes whites enslaving whites and other races. is there a a massive group of underclass whites who are direct descendants of the slaves in Rome?

the point of why modern slavery was so bad was not only the quantity of it, but how it still has effects to this day. Jim Crowe didn't end that long ago and you till have republicans trying to make sure black people dont vote. how you missed this is truly astounding


Again the enslavement of black Africans is the only slavery that counts apparently.


Yes in modern times that still to this day is impacting tens of millions of people its relevant.

no one is saying the enslavement of europeans wasnt bad. if there was large segments of european slave descendants in Arab or African countries being treated like second class citizens there would be outrage. But there isnt.

logic. you should try it some time


Yes in modern times that still to this day is impacting tens of millions of people its relevant.

In what substantial and specific way is historical slavery still impacting black people today in America ?


never heard of racism? Jim Crowe laws? police shooting black people for no reason?

move along


Jim Crow laws actually. But what substantially and specifically has that to do with historical slavery today ?

For example you can't seriously think that black people being shot by police today is directly down to slavery in the past. That would be absurd.


are you being serious right now? you honestly dont think slavery and hundred years of subsequent poor and unequal treatment, racist oppressive laws and systematic slavery is linked to peoples situation today and how they are treated? that only ended fully in 1964 and 1965.. you literally have people alive who were segregated and not allowed to vote because of their skin color. and you act like you are shocked the effects of this could still be felt?

You might as well have said " the Windsor family and their current position and special treatement has nothing to do with history."

what you basically said "you cant seriously think that history is influential and plays a role on the current?"

please dont post again. this is getting embarrassing for you


Here’s a fascinating article concerning the Cornish who were captured by pirates and enslaved by African Muslims, it's particularly interesting for me as I know all the Cornish and West Country places mentioned and have visited them all many a time.

Thomas Pellow’s book can be bought here:
