MovieChat Forums > Politics > The electoral history of Joe Biden...

The electoral history of Joe Biden...

1988 - 0.1%

2008 - 1.4%

2020 - (supposedly) WAY more votes than any candidate in the history of America and 12 million more than 0bama in 2008

Why Sure!

Is it any wonder why I sometimes refer to Dems/Libs (including their auxiliary media) as LIEberals?


I'll treat their president with the same respect they treated mine.


Thankfully, he ain't ever going to be president. It's all a lie.


So when it becomes truth will you do us all a favor and shoot yourself in the head wuchak?


I thought you Libs were all about tolerance and diversity? Guess not. (lol)


For the sane, yes. But we also support euthanasia for the terminally ill who are losing their mind. (you)


That's fine. All I ask is you don't treat Biden like Trumpers treated Obama.


Good luck with that...

There's actually a very large pocket of people who think Joe is the Anti-Christ.

These white beared guys in their 20's and 30's are locked and loaded. Hiding their guns like stupid white guys.

Waiting for a "revolution" in the United States.


You can also tell there's a large pocket of people who only pretend they think Joe won by voter fraud.

You hear them say it all the time that "since dems blamed Russia for 2016, I'm going to blame voter fraud for 2020."

But they are too ignorant to realize that's admitting they don't actually believe it happened.



Hopefully everything will work out. It sucks how much of the population fall for cult of personalities to the point they will lay their lives on the line for it.


You mean attempt to work with him and respecting the office? Ok that’s fine, I’ll treat him the same way you people treated President Trump, immediately search for ways to impeach him, attack his personal life, invent conspiracy theories about him and wish death upon him, no problem


Did Trump and his Trumpers actually think Obama was born in Kenya? Or were they just farming lulz?

The dems treated Trump like crap because the world and moderate republicans treated him the same way. The invention of conspiracy theories was from Trump and his minions. Birtherism, Benghazi, Pizzagate, qAnon, Obamagate, Biden's laptop, and now Hugo Chavez Dominion voter fraud that's Venezuelan when it's not Chinese and Chinese when it's not German. Lmao. You Trumptards have the market cornered on bullshit.


No they didn’t

Lol see now you’re trying to justify it, well I can do the same: 0bama received criticism because he was a radical ideologue who refused to work with the other side and his only tactic was divide and conquer. He did major damage to our economy , our foreign relations and to social issues. He frequently demonized the police when he didn’t even have his facts right and he was not supportive to our military at all. He accused them of air raiding villages and killing civilians just because they are sadistic.

Also are you saying the the Demokkkrats don’t have control over their own behavior? If that’s the case they should all be committed

Lol but since you asked me not to treat Biden the way 0bama was treated I’ll do exactly that, I will praise those who launch sexist attacks against his family and pose as ISIS members with his decapitated head. I may even call his wife a “feckless c-nt” and be praised for it. I will egg on riots and laugh at comedians who make death threats to him. I may even joke about blowing up the White House. You asked for it kiddo


Trump has zero respect from independents, moderate dems, and very little from moderate repubs. Obama never had that problem.

"I will praise those who launch sexist attacks against his family and pose as ISIS members with his decapitated head."

Trumptards already did that to Obama. Lol.


Doesn’t matter you still should have respected the office and not encouraged riots, boycotted the inauguration nor defended violent and sexist attacks against his family.

Lol not even close, republicans were for the most part respectful from 09-16 despite 0bama not deserving it. The worst 0bama ever had to deal with was the tea party which was largely a peaceful protest. He didn’t have to deal with fake impeachment’s or witch hunts. If you dares to not like his policies however the media called you racist while they encouraged violence against Trump. Again I have permission from you to wish death upon Biden and you told me not to even respect the office, so I don’t want to hear you complaining when you get what you asked for

Quit playing the victim and own up to your own actions little boy


The riots were because a police officer put his knee on a guy until the guy died from it, in combination with a pandemic, neither of which the president had any idea how to handle.

Trump had less protests against him than all the Tea Party protests Obama had to deal with. Even the lefties at the Charlottesville protest were peaceful, while righties were chanting "Jews will not replace us" and one of them murdered peaceful protester Heather Heyer.

Poor little Nick Sandmann got upset his stupid face went viral. Eric Coomer can't even show his face or he'll get murdered by conspiratorial Trumptards.

Quit crying about Trump being the victim and realize he did it to himself.


Oh no there were riots as soon as Trump was inaugurated. And more white people are killed by police officers every year than black people yet there aren’t any riots for them you racist . You only gave a damn about George Floyd because you could score cheap political points. And the demokkkrats were busy with their fake impeachment and said the president was overreacting to Covid when he was trying to assemble a task force, they said he was trying to use Covid to divert attention from the fake impeachment. Every person who did their blood is on the hands of the Demokkkrats

Lol Antifa showed up to Charlottesville and they were just as violent as the white nationalists. Also I thought peaceful protests were ok???? Heck if the protestors are on your side then you’re ok with rioting and murder but a grandma concerned about taxes being too high and the government getting too big is just too much for your fragile little feelings. Trump had far more riots than 0bama ever did because the right typically doesn’t riot and throw a temper tantrum when they don’t get what they want

You are just a crybaby and a raging hypocrite. You play the victim and demand an absurd amount of respect that you aren’t willing to give others. You’re a pathetic little kid who needs a spanking from Mommy and needs a helpful dose of reality and a wake up call

You asked me not to respect the office of the president so don’t come crying later when you get what you asked for



Again, the anti-Trump protests were fewer than the Tea Party protests.

Antifa were there to oppose the white nationalists who ended up killing someone.

"You are just a crybaby and a raging hypocrite."

Hey, you replied to me. Nobody gives two shits about any statement you make to someone else. You have to involve yourself and cry like a bitch about "respecting the office" to get attention :)


The tea party was peaceful the demokkkrats said repeatedly peaceful protests are good so you shouldn’t have a problem, and I’m sorry granny who thought the government was getting too big and was concerned about her health care was too much for your fragile little feelings you little snowflake. The demokkkrats however do riot at a disproportionately higher rate and they murder people like David dorn , Davall Gardner jr , etc (you know the people they claim to care about)

Antifa has murdered multiple people and they have rioted and burned cities, they were equally at fault In Charlottesville and Trump denounced both of them repeatedly

Apparently you do because you keep replying, I’m sorry you need me for your life to have meaning



The anti-Trump protests were peaceful too, and fewer than the Tea Party protests.

The riots were because of police brutality.

I said nobody gives two shits about any statement you make to someone else. Of course they'll care about statements you make to them. That's how the board works, lol. So either you're so pathetically desperate to get my attention that you'll jump in on my reply to Amerigirl, or you are Amerigirl. I didn't figure you for a sock.

Trump lost, lol. He couldn't even win re-election when re-election is automatic. He couldn't even use a pandemic to his advantage when crises always help the incumbent.


They weren’t peaceful son they were riots, remember Chaz, remember the burning buildings? Remember blocking the entrance to a hospital so an ambulance carrying two wounded officers couldn’t get in then chanting “we hope you die”? This idea that they were peaceful is a flat out lie, the footage confirms this. And the number of peaceful protests is a non sequitur because the demkkkrats said from their own mouths that they were good, so which is it???? Sounds like you like to keep changing the rules when you can’t win the argument. Typical libtard

So the people who lost their homes , businesses and lives deserved it? What did they do? There is no excuse for violence and you are just as bad as officer Chauvin for condoning this . If George Floyd had been killed by a gang member (like so many black lives are tragically lost to) you wouldn’t have anything to say in fact you’d probably try to cover it up, you are a sick person

Again you continue to respond so obviously you do “give a shit”, it’s pretty hilarious actually.

It’s fine, again I won’t riot like you people did in 2016, I know how to lose graciously. And the demokkkrats are the ones who exploited the virus for all it was worth, you people loved it every time someone died because you could score cheap political points with it, what’s the saying? Oh yeah “never let a good crisis go to waste”. But don’t worry I’ll do exactly what you said, I will wish death upon Biden and I won’t respect the office, I wasn’t going to do those things but you told me to so don’t cry later when it happens as you brought it on yourself



CHAZ was because of George Floyd in combination with a pandemic Trump had no idea how to handle.

"Again you continue to respond so obviously you do “give a shit”, it’s pretty hilarious actually."

Let's back up for a sec so your pathetic excuse for a brain has a chance to catch up. You were so upset at something I wrote to someone else (Amerigirl) that you had to cry about it. Then when I replied back to you, you said I was crying and raging. Lol, the irony. Nobody gives a shit what you say to someone else. I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand what someone else means, but that's probably why you're a Trumper.

"It’s fine, again I won’t riot like you people did in 2016"

Oh so now it's 2016 eh when Obama was still in office. The people crying over Trump's win over Hillary lasted a weekend. She conceded on day one.



And responding with violence and destruction is never acceptable, it makes you just as bad as what you claim to be against little boy. Destroying private property doesn’t solve anything and because you condone it you are just as bad as officer Chauvin and the white nationalists. I asked you a question: the people who lost their homes , businesses and lives what did they do to deserve it? Trump didn’t take them away, BLM and Antifa did. You are attempted to justify terrorism which makes you just as bad. Your reasons for terrorism are irrelevant you’re still a terrorist . Also the Demokkkrats undermined every effort he made to contain the Chinese virus they have blood on their hands , they murdered hundreds of thousands of people for political points

If you didn’t “give a shit” about me you wouldn’t respond, it’s that simple junior, I give your life meaning help libtad. The left absolutely did riot and they boycotted his inauguration and never accepted the election results, the length at which the riot lasted is another non sequitur, the damage is still done. They were and continue to be political terrorists, also there is proof of voter fraud I understand why he didn’t concede btw. Not crying at all, I don’t need a safe space nor am I out there burning buildings and killing people like you all do. You libtards are utterly pathetic but thank you for asking me not to respect Biden, I will fulfill your request #BlueLivesMatter


Here you go kid:

And he had won the election in 2016, are you really this stupid? How did you not know that the election that gave him the presidency from 2017-2020 was in 2016??? Damn you don't even understand basic civics and government, this is like elementary level knowledge.


I never condoned the violence. I'm just explaining why it took place. You seem to gravitate towards it all being a response to Trump. When I say it wasn't, you then switch it up to saying I support it. It was a response to police brutality that went way too far.

I don't give a shit about you. I never seek you out. But I do give a shit about the messages in my notifications. I try to answer them all if I can.

The aftermath of George Floyd is pretty much behind us. You're still whining about it because Trump lost and you have an axe to grind which is why you do that silly #alllivesmatter and #bluelivesmatter stuff. It doesn't bother me because it's all over with as far as I'm concerned.

"And he had won the election in 2016, are you really this stupid?"

Which is why I wrote this:

The people crying over Trump's win over Hillary lasted a weekend. She conceded on day one.
I guess you replied without reading it.


I'll say again: Why they are violent is irrelevant (making excuses for violence doesn't make the violence magically alright), they are still terrorists and the fact that you are making excuses and being a coward shows you condone it, or else you'd attack the people rioting and burning buildings as passionately as you did the grandmothers who were concerned about their healthcare. Why not just stand by your principles and tell BLM to just torch your house next time? No on out a gun to your head and made you respond, you responded because your are desperate for attention

You call being outraged over buildings burn, houses destroyed and people being murdered “whining”, again there you go you clearly condone the violence or else you’d speak out about it when I gave you a chance instead of making excuses and attempting to delegitimize anyone who is outraged over the terrorism. If your loved one had been murdered by Antifa you wouldn’t call it “whining”. You said that the riots in 2016 made no sense because 0bama was President, the election was in 2016 genius. You clearly don’t understand basic government . Also the length at which the riots lasted is irrelevant the damage is still there, if I burned your house done but did it really quickly it wouldn’t matter much to you.



If replying to someone in your notifications is desperation for attention, then what is replying to someone who is not in your notifications?

I support protests against police brutality. I do not support riots or burning property, but I understand the protests went that far because they happened in the middle of a global pandemic that ransacked the economy. It's difficult for me to be outraged at people responding badly to a pandemic they had no hand in creating.

"You said that the riots in 2016 made no sense because Obama was President"

Because first you said the riots took place in 2017 for Trump's inauguration. The 2016 "riots" were just liberals screeching for a couple days. Trumpists are still doing it a month later.

Hillary said there was no voter fraud. Hillary didn't even want a recount. Jill Stein had to do one for her. There was no leftist plot to make Hillary the winner of the 2016 election. It's all in your head.


I’m also not the one complaining about someone replying to me, you are the one who asserted no one “gave a shit” about me but your own actions contradict that little man. There you go again making excuses , the reason for the riot doesn’t matter, it’s still terrorism. If I decide to burn your house down because Biden raises my taxes and packs the court you wouldn’t be ok with that, and you don’t care one bit about George Floyd , if he had been white or killed by a gang member no one would ever know who he was. You definitely were happy about the riots and you’re a sick person. There were riots in both years genius, and again the reasons for it are irrelevant, making excuses for the riots don’t magically make them ok. Hahahahahaha there absolutely was, the left even sent death threats to Trump electors, you are beyond pathetic. Hillary then spent the next 2 years making excuses and blaming everything besides herself for why she lost, she very much did not accept the results and the evidence for voter fraud is much higher this time than in 2016.


Edit: quit calling them “protests” they weren’t protests they were riots and they were not socially distanced mind you. They were not only putting peoples lives in danger by not socially distancing they were actively murdering people and calling for the murder of police officers and lol your article mentions it never got violent until Antifa showed up, that’s typically how it goes.


You accused me of crying and raging to you when it was you who started this whole thing by crying to me when I didn't even know you were an entity on this board, lol.

"the reason for the riot doesn’t matter, it’s still terrorism."

Duly noted. Trumpers are terrorists then.

And they are doing it because Trump wants them to.


All I did was agree that we shouldn’t treat Biden the way we respectfully treated 0bama, neither of them are worthy of respect and I will not make the same mistake twice, thanks for your support in this matter. Clearly you don’t know how to read, the peaceful protest was peaceful until Antifa showed up and assaulted the Pro Trump people. Sorry little boy the terrorism is largely on your side


Trump lost, and Trumpers are terrorists because of it. Gotcha.


Defending yourself when attacked by far left thugs isn’t terrorism, threatening to burn the country down if you don’t get your way is (also even the obviously biased articles you posted didn’t show any Trump supporter vandalizing a store or attacking innocent bystanders, it was completely peaceful until Antifa showed up)
. And If any of the Maga people were violent I’m sure they were just frustrated at the documented cases of voter fraud which I can understand , see how easy that was?????
Anyways I will do as you asked and I will not respect the presidency as I did with 0bama, I’m glad I have your full support


"Waaah, Trump lost. Now I gotta shoot somebody."


Total strawman but I guess I can’t expect a libtard to have an honest discussion. I also see you have pretty much given up by this point so I am going to go ahead and accept your concession and close your case.

Better luck next time junior


I just called them screechers. You were the one who called them terrorists.


Nope never said that, that was all you and I proved you wrong. I called Antifa and BLM terrorists and I defended that position successfully. Also you said terrorism was ok as long as you can pull an excuse out of your anus. Your concession remains noted


You were talking about the 2016 riots, and then you said:

"the reason for the riot doesn’t matter, it’s still terrorism."

If riots are terrorism, then Trumpers who shoot people because Trump lost are terrorists.


Self defense and rioting are not the same thing, even you are smart enough to understand this which means you are intentionally being dishonest. The protest was never violent until Antifa came and attacked them. The BLM and Antifa riots were violent from the beginning and they targeted innocent bystanders, Trump supporters did not, they had no intention of using their second amendment rights until Antifa attacked them. man you’re dumb even for a libtard

Edit: even if you did have a legitimate point it wouldn’t magically make the left winged terrorists ok. Also your article claims that the BLM riots were simply “anti racism” protests, he clearly is misrepresenting the facts


The Trumptards were the ones arrested. The dickless MAGA cult clenches their fist, and when the other side does it, the dickless MAGA cult whips out their gun to make up for the fact they have no dick.



I love how you just ignored virtually everything I said. Again the Maga protest didn’t target innocent bystanders and it was never violent until Antifa showed up, also justifying bad behavior with bad behavior is a fallacy, little boy


Businesses aren't worried about Antifa. They are worried about unhinged Trumpists who are angry their cult leader lost.


Lol there you go again deflecting and refusing to accept responsibility . Your lack of substance in your last post was your concession. Better luck next time junior. My advice is to not deflect to bad behavior to try to justify bad behavior but if you want to keep shooting yourself in the foot then that’s your issue. Also your article didn’t say anything about any violence, someone saying they are afraid is not evidence, for all you know they are lying . Next BLM riot just bus them over to your house and they can burn yours down, I’ll be there to record the whole thing and laugh at you


I already told you I accept that Trumpers are terrorists.

So I guess we're done here then. Bye.


Your baseless assertion, strawman and pathetic attempt at deflecting are dismissed and your concession remains noted. I have clearly explained to you why Antifa and BLM rally’s are riots and the Maga rally is not considering it never got violent until Antifa showed up and I backed up my assertions with evidence while you did not. Also since you consider all Trump supporters to be terrorists I guess all Biden supporters are as well because BLM and Antifa are pretty much exclusively demokkkrats. I wasn’t going to go as far as to label all Biden supporters terrorists, this is all your own standard little boy. I guess we are done considering you seem to have given up . Get a good nights sleep, junior


"Again the Maga protest didn’t target innocent bystanders and it was never violent until Antifa showed up"

Aged like fine milk.


"They just do what they do" - Nancy Pelosi


Oh yeah. People love ol what's his name... um Biden.



You should be taking into account that he was running against Socialist Bernie this time. No one in the DNC wanted that so they rigged it for Biden or people just generally aren't socialists in general. In the end, the pieces just fell in place where he was the only candidate and compared to Trump, you really think they'll choose Trump over Biden again? It's like you think people can't put two and two together.

But alas, we're back in 2016 again where the brain can't wrap around Trump winning and now in 2020 the shoes on the other foot where they can't fathom a Biden winning. It is what it is. Now the "He's still your president" has swapped to the other side. You can tell someone is a hardliner when they acted like the Democrats did in 2016. The more sane people gave Trump a chance and accepted the results of the election after all legal pathways were taken until Dec.14th or before even.

In the end, he's going to be a 1 term president and Trump can try for 2024 and easily win if he's so popular as some say he is. If Biden takes the country into further garbage, people will respond in kind in the next election by electing Trump again. Going to be an interesting 4 years to see what Biden can do or not do to change the minds of people come 2024.


You're assuming Beijing Biden will be inaugurated, but that's still a big 'if' at this point, regardless of what the pro-Left lamestream media says. Discounting all forms of Dem voter fraud, Trump won in a landslide.

If Dems get away with this gross fraud and Biden is inaugurated, there won't be any chance for Trump in 2024, despite his popularity and effectiveness (or any other quality non-Leftist candidate for that matter.) After all, if Dems can win by massive glaring cheating with a lousy candidate like Biden, why would they not "win" the same way in every future presidential election? In other words, for America to continue as a free Republic with legitimate elections, the Dems cannot be allowed to get away with their outrageous fraud.


That's crazy. It makes me think fraud all the way....
