MovieChat Forums > Politics > Will the plunge into conspiracy theory p...

Will the plunge into conspiracy theory paranoia and madness only get worse in 2021?

We are actually fighting TWO pandemics, one of the body and one of the mind, each of which reinforces the other. If the economy tanks and the pandemic doesn't abate there's every good reason to think we haven't touched bottom yet. Our leaders don't know how to handle any of this and their people are too fearful of not only their governments but each other to ever be unified... so it's a vacuum that has to be filled by something.


I think the longer any government exerts its power in a way as visible as it has during the pandemic, the more people will believe in conspiracy theories about it and create their own. I don't think the recent Gamestop stock issues have helped much either.


I think just by having Trump kicked off twitter alone it will go down a tad.


I hope so... but we are in uncharted territory.


Doubtful. He's the hand of god brought down from the heavens to smite the smiter. To bring order from communist chaos. By that I mean mostly everyone in the GOP are now Trump's handlers with a ever growing list of QAnon associates.


But still, quacks anonymous always retained some agency by having Donald on twitter. It was fringe but it was tolerated. Now they have no real means to spread, especially since even Alex Jones has turned on them.


They'll find a way to communicate, believe me. What has Alex Jones been saying, by the way? Jones and his ilk may turn on Q, but don't expect them to change their core beliefs. In a way, QAnon actually kept them in check up until the last minute. Now QAnon is no longer a viable framework, it will mutate into something new, just as COVID-19 has. The only problem they have with Q is that it was merely peddling a fantasy about overthrowing the liberal and secular social order. What they wanted (and still) want is the real thing. Less talk and more action.


I'm not arguing they won't exist. But how are they going to have as much agency as when Trump was president? I just don't see it. Without agency, they are destined to return back to their flat-earth numbers. I don't know how long it will take though.


I'm not aware of any new conspiracies on the web, but this thread right here is sure reading like one...


How so? I'm talking about human nature, not conspiracies. People are angry and looking for things (groups, nations, individuals) to be angry at. This is made even more complicated by the fact that there are many genuine problems causing that anger, although the diagnosis of the cause and the prescribed solutions may be wrong in many cases. The conditions happen to be very favorable for extremist types of beliefs of many kinds (all across the spectrum) to appear appealing and take root. The pandemic and technology are helping accelerate a trend that was happening even before the outbreak. Add into the mix economic problems and you've got the trifecta. I don't think, however, that there is some monolithic "Black Hand" out there controlling everything, but I do think many bad actors with their own agendas are trying to take advantage of this atmosphere for their own ends. In other words, the same as it ever was, only much more intense.


That's great, but it doesn't make the rest of the thread any less tin-foil hatty.


Tin-foil hatty? Not seeing it. My comparing COVID-19 to paranoia is a metaphor, of course. I thought that was obvious.


You're seeing something that isn't there. His post is spot on.


I don't think you realize that I never actually responded to the OP.


You absolutely did, regardless if it were intentional or not.


Making fun of the posters posting is not debating a point lol.

I mean, if you want to twist yourself into a pretzel to make yourself believe it, go for yours bro.


Of course it is, even if you aren't taking it seriously.


