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Yes, the Lincoln Project Is an Ugly Grift

So Democrats give almost $90M to a never-Trump Republican PAC. Suckers! Wonder when the MSM will carry this story?

The Associated Press has a devastating piece detailing how members of the Lincoln Project, the scam “GOP” PAC beloved by the media, enriched themselves on gullible donors. This fact is likely to be unsurprising to anyone with even a passing familiarity with the organization. The AP reports that of the $90 million Lincoln Project raised, more than $50 million went to firms controlled by the group’s leaders and “exorbitant consulting fees collected by members of the group,” an “arrangement that avoids disclosure.”

The uglier revelation provided by the AP is that the leaders of the project were repeatedly told about accusations of sexual harassment against founder John Weaver but ignored them — and then lied about it when they finally came to light. It matters for the alleged victims, but it also matters because the Lincoln Project was given a giant megaphone, predicated on the fiction that it represented principled conservatives. It then leveled some of the nastiest smears of 2020, accusing anyone who didn’t adopt its hysterical tone of being complicit in the end of democracy and the deaths of hundreds of thousands.

In June, when the money was coming in, the group, according to AP, had already been informed “in writing and in subsequent phone calls” of at least ten specific allegations of harassment against Weaver — some of them against its own employees. Weaver, incidentally, had been a registered foreign agent lobbying for Russia against U.S. sanctions until that May. Then again, Steve Schmidt, as the New York Post reported, had only become the darling of the MSNBC/CNN set after being rebuffed by the Trump administration.

Yet in October, Weaver was sitting next to fellow shysters Schmidt, Rick Wilson, and Reed Galen on 60 Minutes lecturing America about morality and a return to decency.


The Lincoln Project isn't just a grift though. They hedged their bets. They indeed wanted Trump to lose, but in case it didn't work they still wanted to be able to cash in.

They were already on shaky ground back in October when ACB was being appointed. They couldn't oppose her because they are conservatives to the core. They just didn't like the divisive nuisance in the White House.


Lincoln Project are Republicans so I don't expect high morality or ethics from them.

But, they fear authoritarianism, QAnon craziness, trumpism and white supremacy which control the party. They have already admitted they're willing to fight dirty like Republicans do against Trump''s Republicans in a fight to keep democracy. Therefore, they're fine with me.


He was against trump so he was allowed to go after young men.

Trump is no longer a subject, so now they can charge him.

That is disguting. They looked the other way Just because he was an important anti trumper


A never Trumper astroturf outfit founded by a few criminals in debt, a group with zero grass roots support only taken seriously by a few mindless leftist bottomfeeders on boards like this.

Their behavior was disgusting. Good riddance to those evil scumbags.


Amen and welcome back.


Yes! Welcome back! 👏🏻👏🏻 We’ve missed your insight with wisdom!


The Lincoln Project were nothing but neocons attempting to colonize the Democratic Party instead of kicking out all the Trump loving assholes from their own party. Parasites, the lot of them.
