MovieChat Forums > Politics > How to own the libs?

How to own the libs?

This is a conundrum for the right. Either they get vaccinated so they don't have to wear the diapers over their faces (they're called diapers now by some for some reason) or don't get vaccinated which will force the left to keep lockdown indefinite. Either way it could be a win win or a lose lose. Might be a win since it'll affect Hollywood award show ratings and profits along with corporations (minus of course those that profited during the pandemic) or drive anti-maskers/vaxxers crazy that they cannot not wear a mask when going into retail shops that demand them. Oof.


"cannot not"



You got me Kowalski, not. Still grammatical in its intended meaning. Unable to refrain from. It also carries a connotation that not saying is the expected or default action.

"I cannot take action" means "I am not able to take action"
"I cannot not take action" means "There is some reason that not taking action is expected here, but I must take action"




Amzing how two groups of people , who have opposing views on politics can disagree so fundamentally on how to handle a contagious disease - which you'd think would have a scientific approach to it.

Is there anything these two parties agree on?


Not sure where you have been, but retail shops demand wearing masks now and have been for a while. I have yet to see any of them actually enforce it though. I also have yet to see any shop that states that vaccinated people are exempt from wearing the masks, so I'm not sure why you think this will ever happen. Even if a shop did deny entry, I guarantee you could just go down the street to another shop that doesn't care.
