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1930s Germany and 2020 USA: Should we fear the parallels?

This from October and the former guy is gone. That doesn't mean the Magats are.


Modern USA does have one similarity with 1930s Germany, and that is the amount of White Supremacists that are growing in numbers.

If Trump or another far-right leader like him was to return to leading USA, I think Europe and other superpowers should work together to impose sanctions on USA until Trump et al is ousted. In such circumstances, I, personally, would be willing to fight for my country and freedom to bring a fascist USA state down, just like how Nazi Germany was righteously defeated.


Well said KingsRule! Yes, remember how the Free French under de Gaulle attacked their own country in order to rid it of Nazi occupation. Many were killed in Overlord, including civilians, but France was eternally grateful. And many German Jewish refugees fought with Britain, the US, and other Allies to defeat what was their own country. And Germany is now totally changed, a liberal democracy!
So too if Fascism returns in the US there could be a civil war, as their almost was under the former guy.
By the way, ignore the many Magats on these boards. They think it's their platform but they're only here because they were kicked out and banned from all the other platforms!


”Yes, remember how the Free French under de Gaulle attacked their own country in order to rid it of Nazi occupation”

With our help! We pulled France’s arse out if the fire! It sickens me you are equating Trump and his voters (I being one) with Hitler and the NAZIs.

Yeah, Germany has totally changed due to that dip-wad Merkel! And not for the better! You can’t let over a million Muslims into a country and it not be changed. Germany’s historical culture (pre-Hitler) is forever changed. You people are blinded to the fact the main objective of Muslims is to dominate and sew Islam into the fabric of every nation. The U.S. is their main goal. We are the infidels.

You do like to embellish, don’t you.


You just made me realize there is one important difference between Nazis and Magats. When the Nazis were defeated all of a sudden you couldn't find one single supporter of them. All the Germans said they were against them. Not true Magats, they after the attempted overthrow of our Democracy still love THEIR Fuhrer!


And you fit perfectly into the realm of those who,

Deny, Dismiss, Deflect, and/or Dumbfound! You can’t see the forest for the trees. You have the leanings of a Communist, but sadly are unaware of it. Pitiful! Just pitiful!


And…this guy is full of caca! I stopped reading after the first paragraph. Only alt-left Democrat minions would believe this horse crap!! Now, if you wish to write about Communism and how it’s infiltrating our country by the likes of the OP, et al, then the truth will be told.


They get literal erections thinking about this shit. They want oppression. They want authoritarianism.

The punchline is that when it comes, they wont be sitting at the table... they'll be lined up and shot in the back of the head.



” They get literal erections thinking about this shit.”

LOL! 😅😂🤣 They eat, sleep and dine this crap!


Sure. You are the unfiltered arbiter of what's true. Talk about caca and horse crap.
Since you have nothing constructive to offer, just keep lying and slandering good people trying to create Progress.


Yeah, well I guess you are envying and lusting after all those "literal erections," since you brought it up.


Yet, you cant stop talking about it? Lmao.


You're one of the parallels to the 1930s, not Trump and his supporters.

So yes we definitely should fear the parallels.

But if anything our current time is even scarier than the 1930s. Freedom of speech is being cracked down on by the media, including the tech companies, who tell you who you have to support and what you're allowed to say. Hitler couldn't control what people said to each other in conversations, Facebook and Twitter can.

And anti-Semitism is on the rise thanks to Muslims being allowed into the USA and bringing their barbaric, Jew-hating, caveman lifestyle along with them.

"Adam60z" You probably know very very little about 1930s Germany or any other historical topic which you pathetically claim to understand. You are a world-class cretin and a hideous little slimebag.


Thread winner. Thank you for this post.


People are promoting the worst partisan ass-jacks for pumping the biggest lies. Keep it up and hopefully enough people will recognize the outrageous manipulation and turn on these clowns.


Hitler did indeed try to control what people said to each other. Citizens were encouraged to turn in their neighbors to the Gestapo. Are you claiming to have superior knowledge to 1930s Germany? Give us your bona fides.


I will read the article later, but at first thought when I read this topic is that I think the guardrails of American democracy are strong enough to prevent it from falling (checks and balances, federalism, etc.)
