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Why Are Trump Supporters Such Bad People?

Would Donald Trump supporters follow Hitler?

Growing up Jewish in the 1950s, the long shadow of the Holocaust still loomed. My mother, in her wisdom, told me the German people were good, like anyone else, and that all nationalities had good and bad people.

But I remained troubled. How could millions follow Adolf Hitler, the most evil person in history? Decades later, I thought I was on the verge of an answer.

An assignment for NPR took me into the Oregon State Prison and a face-to-face meeting with a neo-Nazi skinhead who beat a Black man to death with a baseball bat. I expected to stare into the face of evil. Instead I discovered a kid who had been conned by a neo-Nazi leader. The 23-year old killer still didn’t get that he had thrown his own life away as well as someone else’s. I felt closer to an answer, but one duped kid doesn’t explain the mass hysteria that was Nazi Germany.

Now, however, the followers of Donald Trump have made it clear. Comparing Trump to Hitler may be a bridge too far. But my comparison is not between Hitler and Trump. It’s about their followers.

Polls consistently show Trump unable to top 42% popular support. Hitler peaked at 37%, but his followers were rabid in their devotion. And Hitler’s propaganda machine convinced the German people to blame the Jews for their woes. It wasn’t difficult. Jews had been blamed for centuries.

Likewise, most Trump supporters are devoted to him. And they are convinced immigrants, Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Jews are getting all the breaks while they, mostly white, are losing out. And this, too, plays on centuries of fears. Today, too many white Americans see non-whites as threats that must be stopped.

Hitler vowed to return Germany to its place in the world. Make America great again is Trump’s mantra.

Hitler believed the bigger the lie the more people would embrace it. Trump took his playbook from Hitler and continues to spread the most far-fetched lie in history. Just as millions in Germany bought Hitler’s lies, millions in America swallow Trump’s con.


One of your precious muslims stabbed a Christian woman in the eye in a London park on Sunday

This is present day terrorism casually carried out by Muslims, and the media *barely* reported it.

Why are you droning on about something from decades ago (and trying to link it to Trump) instead of talking about now?


There are no Trump supporters in London.

Speaking of Muslims. Muslims did not invade Afghanistan and Iraq killing 100s of thousands of innocent people, greedy oil men and bad Christians did.

Muslims are not the ones shooting up schools in America killing 30,000 Americans a year. Your precious gun owners are.

Adam Lanza was not a Muslim when he shot and killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He was one of your precious gun owners though.

Your precious 'MAGA Bomber' Cesar Sayoc sentenced to 20 years in prison for trying to kill Trump critics, including Obama, Clinton, Biden, Booker, Harris. He was one of your precious Trump supporters.

There are murderers and people committing assault everywhere. Instead of droning on about something that happened in a foreign country, just because one of them happens to be Muslim is no comparison to the 10s of thousands of your precious terrorists in America stockpiling weapons, munitions and poison gas to commit acts of terrorism against American citizens.

CBS News - WMD Plot Uncovered In East Texas
Your precious White supremists have been uncovered in a plot in east Texas to set off sodium Cyanide Bombs in US cities. A sodium cyanide bomb capable of delivering a deadly gas cloud - has been seized in the Tyler area. Investigators have seized at least 100 other bombs, bomb components, machine guns, 500,000 rounds of ammunition and chemical agents.


But muslims did invade spain for 700 years, they did invade southern italy and sicily, greece, and many parts of africa and the middle east. infact the basis of islam, the caliphate is for islam to invade and dominate.

You liberals love cherry picking facts and history, islam was invading countries and implementing it's backward ideology when what we know now as the united states was a forest.

Islam is backward, we needed to send troops to their countries because their backwardness spills out and we end up with planes in our buildings.

The rape gangs in europe aren't christian white males

For every adam lanza you can throw at me, i can throw 200 nidal hassans at you. you're comparing a cold with brain cancer.


Christians invaded the Americas, Asia and Africa as well as each other throughout Europe.

Rape gangs in the Americas were "christian white males" which is why there are so many racially mixed blacks and Native-Americans for the first few centuries.

Europe was backwards when Islam dominated the world and ruled in science, literature, militarily, medicine, mathematics, engineering, art, architecture, agriculture and commerce.


Because these cultures Never advance.
They are prime picking for anyone.

What ever they are doing as a country. What ever choices they are making is a failure.

Their countries failed and now they want to come to white built American.
They want to come to a land that is Christian bases, one nation under God.
God built the word in 6 days and rested on the 7th.
You use and the world uses Christian based calander.

Its very easy to see what civilizations have failed and why and why other succeed.

The problem today is the successful countries are being attacked out of anger and jealously.
And the failed countires are being propped up like their policies as a country have not failed.




Your racist, Islamophobic, white supremacist rant is pure delusion. Of course, humans progressed continually since the first humans walked the Earth. Cultures borrowed from each other as a stepping stone for new discoveries and inventions.

BTW, Christianity was invented by Middle Eastern Jews. Not Europeans.

Europeans stole America and kidnapped Africans to build America.

I suggest you actually open a history book and learn. Get out of your self-contained ethnocentric bubble and learn the history of different people besides European men.

Meanwhile, you demonstrated that the OP is correct about Trumpites being bad people.


During that time period civilizations were traveling around taking over weaker ones.

Ghengis Khan, the persians.

Because native American Indians were progressing so slow as a civilization they were prime picking for any advanced civilization

If it were not for the Europeans, the persians, China or another civilization would have done the same.
What the Europeans did was take a continent and make it the most sought after place in the world.

Africans and many other civilizations again were so less advanced and could not defend themselves they became slaves.

Look at Egypt and their many pyramids and natural wonders.
Built by slaves. wasn't Noah a slave?

Anyway do we say slavery built Egypt?

Of course not, Egyptians built Egypt by using a less advanced culture.
The intelligence , the design, the architecture were Egyptian.

You and the Democrat mentality is that of a failed country.

If you had a piece of land and implemented your ideas your would represent one of the many nations that have not advanced in hundred of years.
Your ideas would make your land very vulnerable to your enemies.

Your ideas are radical and very short minded.
Bordering stupid.

If very naive of you to live in the greatest country and bash their methods of doing things.

You literally live in la la land.


The pyramids were not built by slaves! Read history books.

Noah? You're kidding, right? Anyway, that flood myth originated with the Mesopotamians, along with a few other myths, and was adapted later by the Hebrews for their bible. This is an example of the foundation that I'm talking about. Cultures are constantly borrowing and building from each other.

None of the early significant inventions came from Europe. Papermaking was invented in China. Writing was invented by the Mesopotamians. Ink was invented by the Chinese and Egyptians. No Harry Potter paperbacks without the early foundation.

Ancient Roman art was heavily influenced by the Ancient Greeks who were influenced by the ancient Egyptians.

All civilizations, empires and city-states rise and fall. The Dutch were a major world power and look where they are now.

Democracy came from the Iroquois system of government which impressed Europeans. Remember, Europe was a land of inequality, poverty and monarchy.

Native-Americans mastered agricultural techniques which kept the soil fertile and avoided depletion. They also cultivated certain plants which became food staples around the world. Most European immigrants were malnourished and shorter than the Native-Americans. Europeans would've died if the indigenous people didn't teach them how to survive. Big mistake.

Native-Americans were able to keep Europeans from settling on the East coast for generations. They only traded with each other. But, Europeans spread disease and eventually villages became depopulated. That was how Europeans came in. Massasoit needed to form an alliance with Europeans because his group had been killed off by disease and he feared an invasion by the neighboring Narragansetts.

"If it were not for the Europeans, the persians, China or another civilization would have done the same."
No. Some cultures aren't into stealing land and exploitation. Some are happy with trade, commerce and cultural exchange.


You know zip about slavery or the Atlantic slave trade. I have the impression your knowledge of Africa is limited to Tarzan movies.

Europeans enslaved other. The term slave comes from Slav.

About a million European Christians were enslaved by Muslims throughout North Africa.

Europeans and Africans had been trading with each other since antiquity. That expanded to chattel slavery during the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Europeans did use a divide and conquer strategy in Africa and the Americas which wiped out civilizations and whole cultures. I'm not sure why you want credit for that.

I read a lot of history books. You're the one in "la la land" since you believe Noah was real.


Noah wasnt a real person?

The Jews were never slaves in Egypt?

Listen what ever the case

There are clear winners and losers in all this.

Just be thankful the world is much more compassionate these days

Because not to long ago such behavior would never be tolerated.

Out of compassion they are letting you think you are getting some power.


You're confusing a religion's fictitious stories with history.

Jews were never slaves in Europe. Egyptians kept records and there are records of payment. Furthermore, the Bible says the pyramids' bricks were made from mud and straw. Not true! They are limestone. Mud and straw would not have lasted for centuries.

The Noah story makes no sense. How can you fit ALL of Earth's creatures on one boat? Did Noah travel to Australia to gather the kangaroos? America to gather buffalo? So Noah was the first non-native here? LOL.

The history of religion and how they influenced each other is interesting.

My comment was in response to your misinformation re: contributions from various continents.

I'm still learning. If you're not insecure, then you'll read about other cultures, too.

True. There is major improvement re: poverty; warfare; human rights. We need to continue.


if the introduction of islam brings advancement, art, maths, medicine and all that crap to us, why do muslims live like shit in their countries and want to come to ours? shouldn't the beauty of islam have them living like kings?

don't talk crap


The kings in Muslims countries are extremely rich. How do you not know that?


did your mother drink during pregnancy? i'm supposed to me impressed because kings are rich?

what about the other 99,999999999999999999999999% of these fucking retards that are wiping their asses bare handed?

you fucking loon


That's how capitalism works! There's an elite and everyone else is poor or middle-class.

You sound like a socialist! Are you advocating for socialism or communism to make everyone economically equal?


you believe that theres capitalism and free markets in the muslim world? are you that fucking stupid?

liberalism really is a mental disorder


'shouldn't the beauty of islam have them living like kings?'

Plenty of royal members are living like kings! You sound like a commie with your talk of equality and equal opportunity. Of course, there are private businesses! Yes, there is a shakedown from Trump's BFF Saudi Prince bin Salman, but private businesses in the states give bribes to politicians in the form of political donations and lobbying all the time. Trump's other BFF does the same in Russia with his shakedown of oligarchs.


i tell you that islam is backward and their countries are shitholes

you use the kings of these countries as a way of showing off how good islam is

then you say these kings are tyrants?

what drugs are you taking? send me some


You brought up kings.

"shouldn't the beauty of islam have them living like kings?"

By your own admission, there is beauty in Islam because they are literally living like kings!

BTW, your admitted drug use explains your odd posts. Just say no!


muslims only live like kings when they get swim to our christian countries. lets be honest these morons dont want to live in the muslim world. hahahaahaha


Your latest Islamophobic rant doesn't change your original admission:

"There is beauty in Islam because they are literally living like kings!"


i would never use the word "literally" like that, because i know the meaning of the word


"But muslims did invade spain for 700 years"
So what?! That was 600 years ago! The world was a LITTLE different then don't you think??? Have you ever even BEEN to Spain? I have. Several times. If you've never been to Spain you need to STFU now. I bet you're one of those nitwits that used to call Spain a third world country.

"You liberals love cherry picking facts and history,"

And liberals freed them you idiot!
Are you fucking stupid? You're cherry picking from 100s of years ago! We're talking about what has happened in the last 20 years and last century. Oh you right wing nuts are so far gone.

"Islam is backward, "

How do you know? What have you read about it? What makes it backwards? I don't know much about it other than I read one chapter in the Quran once because Mark Twain in his innocents abroad said the story of the Seven Sleepers was in it. All I know is it was written very authoritarianist, like they planned it all and everything. I can see how people succumb to it much like they succumb to fascists.

"For every adam lanza you can throw at me, i can throw 200 nidal hassans at you"
No you can't. STFU.
White Supremacists Killed More Americans Than Muslim Extremists in Recent Years, Terrorism Report Shows

You white supremists are worse that Jihadis.


islam is backward, like you


You're just a bad person. Criminal minded. Evil. You don't know shit about Islam.

If it is so backwards, then why is it the fastest growing religion? I'd like to know that. Buddhism seems better. Why don't you enlighten us you backwards screwed up confused mud wallower.


islam is cancer, a liberal that likes islam is like a turkey that likes thanksgiving.

but whats your mentality? the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

islam is a cancer, mohammed the warmonger married a 6 year old child, you people are sick


> One of your precious muslims stabbed a Christian woman in the eye in a London park on Sunday

Precious Muslims?

You cite one case like there has never been an attack against Muslims in the US ... or even attacks against people that "seemed" Muslim but weren't. That is another crap argument and comment from a lying right-wing Trump supporter.

Homeland security says the number one threat to the USA is homegrown white nationalist extremists.


Homeland security says the number one threat to the USA is homegrown white nationalist extremists.

yeah... they were kinda told to say that... weird how they've only said that since their new boss was Joe Biden (or his handlers/dementia carers). That was said entirely for propaganda purposes so that gullible fucks like you would have some more BS to throw at people who you say are "TRUUUMPP SYUPPUURURURTERSS". Understand, Forrest? I tried to explain it to you in the simplest word possible.

You know what's another "official fact" according to "the government"? The Mummy Joe Biden won 81 million real votes. LOL

That is another crap argument and comment from a lying right-wing Trump supporter.

Where was I "lying"?

You argue like a five year old. First you say "WHURRDDUURBUURT WHEN MURRRSLUUURRMS GUUURT ATUUUURRCKED!!"!"

Then you said "lying"... cause you apparently just start spouting random words when people bring up realities you dont want to deal with.

Are you now saying that the attack on the woman in London was "made up"? You just randomly spouted "LUUURYYYYYYYYYRING". Can you explain why you said I was "lying", Forrest? no you can't.

Here's an idea to solve all your problems. Kill yourself in front of your family. Thanks.


Sunnis attacked us on 9/11, and Trump sold them $109 billion worth of weapons.


Did you mean Saudis?

Do you have to have so-called "hick" Trump supporters correct your verbal incontinence for you? Despite the fact that you think you're better than them?

Is that what you need, Forrest? Huh? Is that the painful truth, you pitiful ISIS-swooning shitbrain?


No, I didn't mean Saudis.

Sunnis and Salafists are religious people. Those religions come from Saudi Arabia, but not everyone who practices it is a Saudi. "Saudi" means you are a Saudi Arabian citizen.

Now some of the higher ups in al qaeda have ties to the Saudi Royals, just as Bin Laden did, but it's the religion that's the problem.


How do you know Sunni muslims attacked on 9/11? What proof do you have?

How did they stand down NORAD?


You're right. Describing them all as Sunnis isn't correct because most of al Qaeda are Salafists. But Sunnism and Salafism both come from Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi Royals are split amongst those religions.


How did they stand down NORAD?


They didn't. That was someone else's call.


On one level Trump is worse; Hitler wiped out millions and commit genocide, however he never intended to commit Earthocide, which, had Chump stolen the election in 2020 like he did in 2016 he would have. His Covid, environmental, and military plans would definitely have wiped out the world.


He stole the 2016 election?! HAHAHAHAHA How? Russians hacked voting booths? lol


The whole Russia Collusion Conspiracy theory was a lie fabricated by the Deep State and the Libtards. Adam is either A) Lying or B) Beyond deluded due to being indoctrinated by the libtard cult.


They are finding evidence now of plans from Roger Stone and Steve Bannon that they were going to employ this Stop The Steal riot strategy if Hillary Clinton had won the election. Don't be surprised if all you right-wing heroes end up in prison very soon.


because she literally stole the primary from Bernie Sanders!! Thousands of new voters were wiped from the NY records to prevent them from voting for him. People in Colorado were keep waiting in line for over 8 hours to get them to leave and not vote. Thats just the 2016 democratic primaries. Then that cheating cunt colluded with the media and debate moderators to get questions ahead of time, while the moderators did all the defending for her, and did her dirty work. She's just a big a cheater as Biden, who stole speeches and plagiarized to get his law degree. And you retards try to knock Trump for claiming bankruptcy for businesses like its some serious scandal? Yikes. You're all double digit IQ mouth breathing retards.


Oh STFU ... Bernie knows it as well as everyone else, that's politics. If you want better quit whining and do something. Get involved, vote, and quit acting like a big baby. If you liked Bernie and switch to Trump then you are among the least intelligent, most clueless people in the country. They are polar opposites. It's Republicans that are stealing elections.


"thats politics" what a fucking shithead. Losing elections through fraud is not politics. Stay out of any political conversations from now on. Your dysfunctional brain is a waste of nutrients and oxygen. Stick to waging for pennies.


> Losing elections through fraud is not politics.

Maybe it shouldn't be, but in America it is and always has been.
Trying to claim there is something wrong with me because I know history more than you is an example of that ... trying to win when you are a loser, loser.



Trump is now being indicted in several crimes. Let's see if he get locked up.


I'm not really laughing just showing you how crazy you look trying to make us think you are.


Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Adolf Hitler becomes more likely.


Godwin was an idiot. There is nothing wrong with comparisons to Hitler and what happened in WWII. It is very pivotal historically and no one but Republicans wants it to happen again.


what people like you do, is to find the worst historical figure there is, and without the need for any inteligence, intellect, debate is to say "this person doesn't think like me, so he's hitler"

Bush was hitler, reagan was hitler, trump is hitler, everyones hitler, and you know what? it's what stupid people say when they can't debate, when they have no intelligence. the start, middle and end of every conversation with a leftist is that everyones hitler, hitler, hitler, hitler and hitler.

And it's ironic seeing how hitler was a socialist who believed in big government, in causing race wars and divide and conquer. just like the modern democrat party.


i've never done that, and you have no basis for saying that. You are just the trash and detritus that pretends to be a human being on the internet. Hitler was not a socialist. Hitler took leadership of the National Socialist Party and then had the actual socialists murdered. You are just completely devoid of any understanding except how to lie for your Republicans puppeteers who have their arms up your back pocket.





BlueAnon is spreading I see.


Trump supporters are fueled by hatred, fear and anger. Similar to the GOP in general.

At some point, it was discovered that conservatives tend to be more fearful. Most of their agenda, especially Trumpism, is about creating aka: making up a fearful threat coming from a hated group. A different fear and group are repeatedly cycled.

You can watch right-wing media, a Trump rally, listen to GOP politicians or read their moviechat posts to observe hatred and bigotry against many different groups (usually marginalized), racists rants, no compassion, fear or anger at a group or individual.

They're insecure and likely struggling and want to blame their sad lives on other people instead of taking responsibility.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ALL of the Democrat talking points are fearmongering!! The exact opposite of EVERYTHING Komrade Keelie says is the truth.


How do you know when “Rhoda” is lying? “It” pecks at the keyboard!


Totally agree. Keelai glad there is at least one sane person here. The white supremacists are extremely dangerous and I hope the NSA and FBI is keeping their eye on their posts.


What kind of psychopath would write such a sickening article.

Do you really support a Communists who do this?

Are you that sick and perverted.

Sickening fuck!


You're just stupid and crazy. The person that wrote it was a HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR. THEY SAID SO you IDIOT


Don't feed it.


yeah, another doogie clone...same posting style...
