MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden is doing a great F'ING Job that's ...

Biden is doing a great F'ING Job that's what he is doing!

When you crash a car it takes an instant.

It takes days to repair it.

Trump crashed the country in 4 years. Bush crashed the country in 8 but Obama was a crack repairman and fixed it in 4. Give Biden a few years and make Congress more Democrat and they'll sort it all out. Get rid of the conservatives in the supreme court.

Fact: in 1999 with Clinton/Gore in Charge there was so much budget surplus and the national debt was being paid down that it would have been paid off in 13 years (by 2012).

Our taxes would have gone way down. 9/11 wouldn't have happened. We wouldn't have wars in the middle east. We'd be energy independent. The Great Republican Recession wouldn't have happened. Trump wouldn't have destroyed our farmer's export partners. Trump wouldn't have destroyed net neutrality and allowed our ISPs to sell our browsing data. Trump wouldn't have caused more job losses since the Great Depression. The Pandemic would never have happened and gas prices would still be ONE DOLLAR and FUCKING TWENTY THREE CENTS A GALLON!!
ARGHHHHHHHHHHH Sometimes I just want to rip the head off a Republican!


shooting today at the pentagon, surely a muslim, and on creepy joes watch.....



"surely a muslim, and on creepy joes watch"

So you just make that shit up don't you?! Pull it straight out of thin air when you know the facts show otherwise.

Lie lie lie lie lie lie.


another muslim, what a shock, rip their heads off!


Yep #3 in the Fascist Playbook. Scapegoating minorities. I'm Christian fucker and yeah we have a long history of going medieval on the fascist elite (ie. Guillotine - France).

Lie lie lie lie lie That's all you can do you dirty fascist piece of shit.

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause


HISTORY, yes! in the past! we're not shooting up paris! rip their heads off!


No you're shooting up America! Lie lie lie lie lie.

Right wing terrorists have killed twice as many Americans as Muslim Jihadis have.


"Right wing terrorists have killed twice as many Americans as Muslim Jihadis have.";

Terrorism in America After 9/11

Yeah, lets just forget about the almost 3,000 people killed by Muslims on 9/11. Let's start counting AFTER that.

You're a joke, and so is your website.


Jan. 6th assault on the Capitol was domestic terrorism.


Typical attention deficiency from Keelai. I mention the thousands killed on 9/11 and he thinks 1/6 is relevant.


Right-wing domestic terrorists are killing more Americans now than any Islamic terrorists. You're the present threat!


No one was killed on the 6th, except for one of the protesters.


Three domestic terrorists and one cop, plus four police suicides.

You're the present threat!


The cop died of natural causes.



American Pravda aka: Fox propaganda has you confused.


How did he die?


5 cops died. Can you name them?


Only one cop died during the riot (actually the next day.) And he died of natural causes.

Stop lying.


No surprise that you're defending the Jan.6th domestic terrorists instead of the police they killed.


Only one cop died during the riot (actually the next day.) And he died of natural causes.

Is that true or not?

And we reach the point of the debate where libtards get backed into a corner and resort to denying facts.


Those who did the Guillotine in France followed Robespierre. You think this sounds Christian or as a rejection of Christianity


You're doing it again! Trying to talk sense to a far left kook, but no matter. Even this Triumph thing knows Biden is a bad joke.


Ahhhhh I can't help it, hate when people misrepresent history


LOL! 👏🏻👏🏻🤣 “Triumph thing”…you nailed it!


Don't feed it.


I'm so glad I have Biden as my President, and I love Vice President Harris so much.


I hope you are not saying this ironically, and I agree with you whole heartedly.
Sure they are just humans and have flaws, but compared to those who champion the alt-wrong, they are Angels sent from God to give us succor in dire times.


Indeed! Well said. You are more articulate than I. I had to resort to paraphrasing "The Room".


Have you been sniffing glue again? 😕


How old are you?


My parents say I'm this many.
/holds up 46 fingers




It takes days to repair it.

And he's "repairing it" by stumbling around forgetting his words, hitting on little girls and just generally being a fucking giant dope who's good for nothing?

You didnt even explain how Trump supposedly "crashed" America.

The only crash was the impact on your pathetic ego and feelings when he won against your expectations in 2016.

The Dems know how delicate you are so they cooked up a nice 15 million fake votes last November to make sure you wouldn't have to endure that devastation a second time. The devastation of knowing how wrong you are about everything, especially your pathetic attachment to the vile death cult of ISISlam. The majority of the American people do not share your mentally ill and pitiful, rotten belief that sucking up to cavemen makes you somehow "sophisticated", okay kiddo?

Either grow a brain and grow some balls or stop talking.


Whoa ! You have gone over the edge and are screaming as you fall ! Hans Gruber ?


How's it going spending every single day of your life here throwing lame insults out like that one

What do you tell your folks you've been doing when you're sitting at the Thanksgiving table?


Biden is doing a great F'ING Job

Biden is doing a great Job of F'ING things up. 😏


Well, this is a very well rounded argument. (sarcasm)
Maybe Gubbio is ... oh, why bother?


He does a great job of falling up the stairs....more than once.


I'm sorry to break this to you but, Biden is not doing a good job. The border crisis is insane. Biden caused the border crisis because he allowed the borders to be wide open. Illegal immigrants are coming in through the borders who are coronavirus infected and causing people to become sick. Inflation is at it's worst. Some gas stations in California cost over $6 a gallon which causes food prices to soar because it costs the trucks more money to travel and deliver the food (that's how it works). Our country is bankrupt because of all the free government hand outs and stimulus checks; people don't want to go back to work because of the free handouts. Biden is forcing people to be vaccinated and not making it their choice. He wants people to go door to door asking if you are vaccinated. He claims to be a Catholic but he gives women the right to abort their babies. He is allowing transgenders to compete in women's sports. Women can't compete against men because they are not at the same level of physicality as men are. Biden closed the pipeline which killed 80,000 jobs for people. Biden signed 44 executed orders; more than any president combined. Biden is also holding 450 political prisoners without bail and trying to arrest any and all political opponents. Biden doing a great job??? No, I don't think so....


Fox propaganda. American Pravda is frying your brain.


I don’t ever watch the news but I do educate myself on things…


You're quoting propaganda from an extreme right-wing source. That's radicalization, not education.


No, I’m not actually. Do you enjoy paying $5 a gallon for gas, paying 100s of dollars for groceries, inflation, the border crisis, being controlled by telling we have to wear masks against our will, not being able to make our own medical decisions, being forced to take an iffy vaccine in order to be employed, and a Vice President who only has a 5% popularity rating and is a complete joke to our nation? I don’t.


LOL! You're living in a delusional fantasy created by right-wing media.

Btw, if you didn't want inflation, then you shouldn't have spent the three socialist (aka: stimulus) checks sent to you.


Those checks went to rent and bills; something I had to pay for.


The border issue is right-wing BS the majority of the country doesn't care about. That's how dems win without making it a campaign issue.

Obama took deportations to a whole new level, and all right-wing media could spew was he was weak on the border.

When Trump engaged in nearly identical policy, he became border god. No wall required.

So the truth is it's not even an issue to right-wingers. They just pretend it is whenever a D is in the white house.


Speaking of crashing vehicles:

10% for the big guy.
