MovieChat Forums > Politics > Follow Trump to your death ...

Follow Trump to your death ...

What a waste of time, money and energy Trumpism has been. It had done nothing good, and that fascist minority should have known that America cannot be overturned by incompetent goofball fascists who inherited or stole their money and grow up with mental illness and never did any real work or accomplished anything other than to screw people over. If Trump had taken over America would have lasted about 20 minutes, but lost half it's wealth and power, and all of its respect. Those criminals belong in prison and we can just hope that happens at some point, however long it might take.


It had done nothing good, and that fascist minority

yes, we get it, you like saying words you dont understand but "sound scary", such as fascist. You love saying it every single day (which isnt suspicious or revealing at all).

As I've asked before in this board... can you tell us which of Donald Trump's policies or actions most closely resembles Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia... can you tell us? Please point the policy out.


Hahaha! Funny.

> which of Donald Trump's policies or actions most closely resembles Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia

Who decided you get to make up a false criteria? But you fascist Trumpers just do that all the time, which is why no one can take you seriously.


No one takes you seriously here at all Mr. ignore. You're a joke here.


Who decided you get to make up a false criteria?

If you can't tell us what the "real" criteria is, even after 5 straight years of using the word fascist every single day of your life... then why would anyone take you seriously?

You've used it day after day after day for years, and you quibble with other peoples definition of the word but without providing your own definition.

So therefore there is absolutely no conclusion other than you just like that it "sounds scary". That's all there is to it, you sad, ISIS-swooning little geek.


> why would anyone take you seriously?

Because it is being generally recognized that Donald Trump was an authoritarian fascist determined to attempt to grab power over the US government and impose a plutocratic junta over the free people of the USA.

It is so simple even you should be able to understand it, if it did not put your boyfriend in a bad light.

When your own generals are afraid you are going to take over the military and have to get together to plan a response to an unstable leader ... that is another sign of fascism.

I know you just call it White Nationalism perhaps or a return to before the Civil War ... who knows what goes on in the broken mind of a Trump supporter? Not me. Why don't you explain it to us.


Because it is being generally recognized that Donald Trump was an authoritarian fascist determined

"Generally recognized"

really... hahaha! Oh really? so if I asked some grandma walking across the street whether she thought Trump was a fascist, she's say the same hilariously sophomoric campus-style rant that you just said, would she? hahahah. "Generally recognized"...actually it's "recognized" only amongst utter Commie lunatics like you, who spend all day on the internet talking about Trump your ENTIRE life!

Even if you prompted members of "the general public" to say that, and gave them a script in advance they still wouldn't be able to talk in the ridiculous way you do. Not with a straight face!

When your own generals are afraid you are going to take over the military

So wait a minute... you would think it was "FARUUUURURURSCIIIIST" if Trump had "taken control" of the army which he was ELECTED TO CONTROL (it's called COMMANDER IN CHIEF you total dipshit). Is that correct Forrest?

But if the unelected generals had overthrown him with no mandate or electoral backing that would have been "democratic"? That's how backwards, twisted and hysterically stupid you are. Everything you say is completely. Fuck. Tarded. And backwards.

Momentarily sidestepping the fact that your worldview and understanding of the word "fascist" is upside down and inside out:

Since say our claims of voter fraud were "unsubstantiated", can you point to any real evidence that the generals thought Trump was "unstable" or they were planning to "deal with him" (which of course wouldnt have been fascist at all for them to topple an elected leader!!) Or was it just something made up during a drinking session by a self-loathing hack who wrote for the NYT or Rolling Stone! Hahaha! Otherwise that's unsubstantiated (unlike your need to employ the services of the Swiss company Diginitas)


"Follow Trump to your death"

Sounds like a threat. Something the communist Chinese government would say to those opposing their power.

We all know that Leftists idolize authoritarian dictators. It's why they're always defending Cuba and China. If only they had that kind of power in the U.S. they could crush their enemies once and for all. Line them up for execution or throw them in prison for good.

"Those criminals belong in prison"



Threat? Death? That's Trump's specialty ... he's killed probably 400,000 of the over 600,000 Covid-19 fatalities, and to this day he never went to the Media to tell people to take the vaccine, because he would rather people die than admit he was wrong or help Joe Biden's effort. If you do not think Trump is leading people to their deaths, I question that you can think at all.


The truth is, there would be a lot more dead if Biden had been president instead of Trump. Trump shut down flights from China as soon as WHO declared Covid an emergency.

And Biden called that decision "xenophobic and hysterical."

So, with Biden, we would've had many more infected people streaming in at the start, and the deaths would have been exponentially worse, since every infected person coming in could potentially infect thousands more.

And maybe one of those people who would've died might've been you.

So Trump says, "You're welcome."


Trump supporters are like a bunch of abused battered women. They keep coming back for more after their abusive husbands begs them to stay claiming that they "love" them.


Battered women who think they are macho because they can take the beating too ... ugh, I think you've nailed it.


Quaid! Start the reactor...


just glad you are still talking about Trump and not that other guy who has dementia, maybe you


I notice your foolish replies are just getting weaker and weaker over time as you Fuehrer fades into bad history.


thats ok with me, again I am happy you still acknowledge President Trump.


... as the worst President ever ... yeah, I gotta give you that much. And one of the worst Americans ever.


not really, things are getting worse, covid is back on the rise, more people are being murdered, buildings are fallen down, inflation is out of control, the national debt is out of control, crime is up 1000%, the border is a mess, the puppet president has full blown dementia...and you still talk about the Greatest President Ever! Mr President Donald J. Trump.

Trump 2024
Vote Trump, Vote America


I don't need to like to myself 7x24 to have a purpose to my life ... it is pretty good.

Covid is on the rise because the Trump crowd thinks it is the way to make Biden look bad. If Trump wanted to do something useful he would make a public service spot telling his flock of fuckups to go get vaccinated.


sure, so Trump is still President then? what has dementia Joe done to build back better?


R E N T. F R E E


If Trump can't charge me for living rent free ... chalk it up as another failure for the worse President and Businessman in American history.


chalk it up as another failure for the worse President and Businessman

Um, sorry Forrest, but Trump is living in your head. So why would he be charging you? If he's living in your head, then he's supposed to be paying you rent, and that makes you the failed landlord you pathetic gimp. You just accidentally labelled yourself the "worse" businessman in American history, without realising it. Perhaps you should just kill yourself.

If Trump can't charge me for living rent free

I don't think it's possible for anyone to charge someone for something that's free. See, something's either free or it's got a price. It can't be both. That's called "mutually exclusive". You know, like freedom & happiness can't go together with ISISlam. They just don't go together. You can't have both at the same time.

"How much is the free thing?"


That doesn't work.

As we're aware from your TEN THOUSAND POSTS, you have an extremely shoddy, if non-existent relationship with logic, and you can't even type a short one or two sentence post without giving poor old Uncle Logic a massive pummelling, and generally sounding like George W. Bush after a couple of 6-packs of Coors and a joint.


There is no actual evidence that supports your insane rant.

But you are free to blather on.
