MovieChat Forums > Politics > Mass Psychosis - How an entire populatio...

Mass Psychosis - How an entire population becomes mentally ill


The projection and unintentional irony/comedy with you people is hilarious. This literally describes Trump supporters to a T.


And considering how you're advocating for vaccine passports the comedy is all with you and your leftist pals


'YoU aRe A LeaftIsT!"

derp derp


What's a leaftist? They radical arbor day supporters?


Yeah, liberals pretend to be smart, but constantly show their true colors of deeply imbedded ignorance and factual inaccuracies every time they express themselves.


And another substance free post. Bravo


Actually it describes anti-Trumpers with TDS to a T. Madness took over D.C. in 2016 when Trump was elected and hasn’t abated since. For 4 damn years it was lie after lie from the alt-left afflicted with TDS. It didn’t matter what he did or didn’t do a mountain was made out of the damn molehill! As a result currently the inmates are running the D.C. asylum.🙇🏼‍♀️

Mocking someone in their ‘70’s because he carefully walked down a ramp or held a glass with two hands. Those are the ones afflicted with TDS. Yet not a peep when Biden fell UP the stairs 3 times before boarding his plane. I’m a Trump voter but I didn’t find that amusing. I was relieved when he righted himself and wasn’t injured.


You don't get to play the "mocking" card after what you supported.


Huh? I didn’t and have not “mocked” Biden. Can’t tolerate him, but I pity him. BTW, what did I support?


This. You support this.


#1. Not! I cringed and wanted to crawl into a hole when Trump said what he did about John McCain! I said to my husband “What in the hell is wrong with Trump?”

#2. Not! I screamed at the TV when he did such a disgusting gesture. I was ashamed for him.

#3. I wasn’t aware of this incident. I would call this cherry picking on your part.

#4. I didn’t see this, but I would say it wasn’t professional and certainly not presidential. I didn’t watch Trump’s rallys. A little of him went a long way!

You don’t know me. You don’t know what I support! Yes, I voted for the man even though I don’t like him personally. I supported what came out if the Oval Office…not who occupied the Oval Office. I am sure as most people do, have friends and relatives who do and say things in which we disagree. Are you so perfect? Are you infallible (incapable of making mistakes or being wrong)? I’m not and I’ve done stupid things in my life. Voting for Trump wasn’t one of them! Beat ya to it!


"I voted for the man"

But you don't support him? HAHAHAHAHA!


There is a wide gulf between supporting the policies of a president and supporting the personal unsavory actions of a president. I’m sure many supported JFK’s policies, but not his whoremongering.

Are you having difficulty understanding the fact you may not like what a person does, but you would stand by that person? Even though I didn’t like Trump’s bombastic, braggadocio ways, I liked his policies. What is so difficult to understand about that concept. I am a Conservative. I cannot tolerate today’s alt-left who are in power. I ask again, do you approve of everything your friends and relatives do? If not, do you turn your back on them and walk away? I have a feeling not. You would continue to *support* them.


We're living in the age where people don't care at all about what is said. They care about HOW it's said. It'd be funny if it wasn't so damn tragic.


Trump was his own worst enemy. You can’t continue shooting yourself in the foot without eventually falling down. I had arguments with other Trump voters when I said as much. They thought of me as a traitor when I said I didn’t like the man.


I agree but at the same time, we need to get back to the time when people were "allowed" to say what they mean without having to worry about "offending" someone. I'll never know a president or pretty much any politician so I don't care about their personality. My concern is what kind of job they do. Trump clearly did a great job and anyone who thinks he didn't is just blinded by hate.


Nope he did an awful job.


Like I said. Blinded by hate.


Nope you simply worship him. Trump and Biden are both garbage!


Biden yes. I'm not a huge Trump fan but he did a LOT of good things.


Nope he sucked badly. I'm sick of all the politicians in this country.


Politicians suck in general but he sucked a lot less than Biden, Dubya, Obama and Clinton.


Nah he sucked just as bad.


No he didn't


Yes he did. In your mind republican=Good democrat=bad. No more depth to you than that.


Oh, so you have access to my mind now. You're a waste of time.


You are nothing but trash.


So I'm the same as you? Not on your life.


Keep on supporting a snake oil salesmen.


Blah blah blah.


This is exactly to what I’m referring. I’ve had friends and family who are Trump voters shocked when I told them I don’t like Trump as a person. I didn’t listen to or go to his rallys. He is embarrassing, but as another poster once said “I care what policies come out of the Oval Office, not what person comes out of the Oval Office.”

When it comes down to it, what they say or do away from the White House does not affect me. What they sign does.

Marlania said it best when asked “What advice would you give your husband?”

”To act more presidential.” Was her answer!

They are so full if hate they are unable to see the forest for the trees. I would love to know how many found jobs after he was elected who weren’t working before.

Without a doubt he would have been re-elected if Covid-19 had not occurred. He’s a terrible orator and speaks off the cuff which means missteps. Of course the media latches on and takes out of context what he says. They continue with their spin which are lies, but eventually become the truth in those who are unable to discern fact from fiction.


"We're living in the age where people don't care at all about what is said."

Like making fun of an autistic teenager, war veteran, handicapped reporter, talking about "grabbing them by the pussy"?


I finally see your point. Like raping women & getting his jollies in the Oval Office from a young intern. Getting a bj while talking on the phone to a foreign leader(Clinton). Like whoremongering (JFK). Like entrenching us into Vietnam (LBJ) who was the cause of over 50,000 U.S. military personnel being murdered. Yes murdered! He lied and put boots on the ground which eventually led to over a million Cambodians being slaughtered by Pol Pot.

Throw your damn arrows…I can throw them right back at ya! Vulgar words are just that! Actions speak louder than words and the Dems have always been the more salacious of the two parties.


I'm not sure what you think you've proved by throwing out a bunch of random topics proves. Something about them being Democrats - and "wrong" - I imagine. But considering you don't know my opinion about ANY of them, you just look stupid.

Fuck your "just words" shit. President's can't say stuff like "grab em by the pussy", "maybe the 2nd Amendment people" can do something (about Hillary), or mock handicapped people. Fuck your fake outrage at me calling you out and you clutching your pearls over it. You fucking phony. There are entire sections of websites and articles dedicated to his lies: Just words, LOL. Fuck off.


Why are you so angry? Are you not capable of having civil discourse? Are you not capable of replying to another poster to whom you may disagree without the profanity?

BTW, I didn’t approve of Trump’s vulgarity especially “grab em by the p****” which was said before he became president. All I was doing was pointing out to you was the fact most politicians believe they are above reproach. To be fair you can’t call out one president’s iniquities without calling out all of them.

By me saying “just words” doesn’t mean I approve of them. Far from it! Ignorant bombastic words flowed from Trump’s mouth, but you cannot equate his moronic thoughts with actual harmful actions. Clinton physically harmed women. LBJ caused the deaths of thousands by his actions. I doubt JFK physically harmed anyone…maybe his henchmen did.

Your filthy mouth astounds me & I try to imagine you speaking to your 78 year old grandmother in the same manner as you did me.


This is what I'm talking about. He gets keel hauled for saying things that EVERYONE has said and worse. I live in the real world and people of all walks of life say absolutely vile things including the liars and hypocrites that pose on the moral high ground while being as, or more guilty of what they judge. The devious and evil SOUND wonderful but they're not and people think they're lily white.


But.... but... but... he had TWO scoops of ice cream!!! Orange man BAD!!!


What a great comeback there. You just said "NUUUR THATS YOU GUYS!"


Trumpers playbook!


Everyone lives and breathes by the magic rectangle, it's crazy. They must really know how to scare the shit out of people.


I don't need to watch 20 minutes of some Youtube nerd spouting Latin phrases and quoting Carl Jung, to know the world is insane.

Such a video is not going to cure anyone's insanity, so...


This video describes the Trumpite cult and Q-Anon.

As per the video, the right-wing's fear, hate and anger have created mass delusion about secret lizard people controlling the world and taking blood from kidnapped children in a child sex ring.

The Trumpite cult was deluded into attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6th. Both cults are willfully dying in a pandemic because they don't believe it exists despite 600,000+ Americans dying.

"Morality becomes lower" explains the GQP laughing at migrant children being separated from their parents and even killed. "It is what it is" was Trump's reply after so many Americans died from covid. Sociopath!

THE BIG LIE! The GOP's lie about voter fraud. There is literally no proof and they lost 60+ lawsuits, but they believe the lie, anyway. Willful mass delusion!

Many isolated during Covid which is why Q-Anon grew so large in March 2020. GQP also isolates truth from their constituents by telling them to only watch "news" which they control.

Plenty of posters are cheering for the overthrow of democracy for authoritarianism. Fox's Tucker Carson was in Hungary cheering on their dictator.

Great video!

For Star Wars fans, 20:51 shows Yoda on the side of good - democracy!


There's no way you can actually believe the garbage you're constantly drooling out. No way.


Name specifically what you object to in the video. Did you even watch it?


I'm talking about you and your lies. Racist.


You obviously didn't watch the video, therefore your comment is based on your ignorance.


I'm talking about you and your lies. Racist.


Repeating your ignorant comment makes you twice as dumb. Are you thrice as dumb?


No matter how dumb I may be, you're 1000 rungs down the ladder from that.


"No matter how dumb I may be"

Now, we both admit that you're dumb.


Whatever you tell your 10 year old brain is fine with me.


Don't forget emotionally manipulating them on tv and social media.

I kept wondering how 40% of America suddenly got fanatically angry and foaming at the mouth about Trump and believed every lie the DNC told about him. It was as if there was a mass, demonic possession of all of them. They're like a cult; never even using their own words to repeat whatever the tv/social media tells them to say. They're not creative in the least. I mean, the reason why you've been hearing some of the left-wing nutjobs on this site talking incessantly about the "January 6th insurrection" is because CNN can't talk about anything else right now.

It wasn't until I watched this one video that I learned that the FBI, CIA, and NSA have been studying psychology in a similar fashion that advertisers have for years. They can't directly manipulate people's minds, but they sure can manipulate people's opinions and sway their views now using special techniques on social media and tv. It's particularly easy to do on dumb people, because these shadow agencies know that America's full of suckers who will believe anything they're told, particularly those who vote Democrap. Fake intellectuals will also allow themselves to be swayed if they truly believe all the lies the lamestream media has told them all these years.

Not surprisingly, the woman who posted that video on the web was arrested less than an hour after broadcasting, on made-up charges of child abuse.


They certainly are a cult complete with

Original sin - slavery, being white

Atonement - Kneeling, reparations

Martyrs - George Floyd etc

Militant evangelist - AntiFA, BLM

They are worse than the religious right of the 80s


Yeah, you notice they're OBSESSED with the concept of race, accusing everyone else of race, and basing everyone else's thoughts and actions on racism, while believing themselves to be noble and of a higher order than everyone else. It's a disgusting way to live, if you ask me. I've seen kings and dictators that were less arrogant than that.


You know who judged people constantly on a scale? These leftists are full blown racist just as bad as the KKK and Nazis


It's true, they don't seem to realize that putting, say, minorities on Welfare, for example, is a form of racism, not kindness. It means that they don't think black, Hispanic, or any other kind of non-white person is really capable of making it on their own through hard work, and they want to "keep them in their place" by using the welfare system to keep them poor and dependent on Democrap politicians who keep giving them handouts at the American taxpayers' expense.

It is also not a kindness to have baby butchers like Planned Parenthood setting up shop near minority neighborhoods. They're basically saying that "We know you stupid sluts don't have the good sense to use birth control, but we'll happily enable your stupidity by taking the responsibility of parenthood away from you if you don't want it. After all, you're too stupid to be parents anyway."

They have similar views on illegal aliens. These creeps aren't letting them in to be nice and provide "refuge." They're letting them in and illegally allowing them to vote so the Democraps can have a permanent majority in elections, just like what's happening in CA right now. Most of the time, people like them don't associate with Hispanics of any kind unless it's to have them do all the jobs many white liberals are too lazy to do themselves.

I mean, who needs legalized slavery when metaphorical slavery through "kindness" and lies can be used instead?



LOL way to show how dense you are again



Interesting video, though aimed at children.

"This after school presentation ...."

I am just wondering how you are going to twist and distort this to attack democracy, equality and the Left, or did you have a spiritual awakening and finally see the error of your ways?

Oh, I see it. At or 11 minutes 30 seconds they start to blame the evil government for starting this. That is the BS is this video that makes is just another dangerous BS bit of propaganda.

"government officials and their lackeys in the media will .... "

It is the plutocrats that own the media and buy off those government officials that lobby for changes that make them more powerful and undermine democracy - period. There is no argument with that. The US has been assaulted more than once by oligarchs/plutocrats. It is not the government that hatches these plots - ever.


"This after school presentation ...."

The name is AfterSkool. It's just a channel name.

You know, like "liberals" is just a name and "Democrats" is just a name.


You must be blind, deaf and dumb not to understand "After Skool" as having a meaning and backing images in the style of children's cartoons.

Yeah, Democrats, is a name, with a meaning, from the Greek prefix "demo" meaning "people, population".

And Republican has a meaning too. From the prefix "rep", meaning reptilian, that is a failed branch of evolution that halted at the reptilian brain that is cold, blooded and doesn't care about its children, or exist as a member of society.

