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Why does AOC Met gala gown look like a Chik Fil La bag ?


Nothing says "I am one of the People" like wearing this dress at a $35,000/ticket $200,000/table gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Typical of Communists.

In the Soviet Union, "everybody (via the State) owned" the nice resort's, Dacha's, mansions, etc.

It's just that ONLY Party Officials got to use them.

Nice cars. Penthouse suites. Etc.

They had big commissaries where, again, only Party Members (about 1% of the Population.....) could shop. This was where you could find things like Blue Jeans, Western electronics, etc. Otherwise, you waited in the bread lines for..."your fair share."

Look no further than Venezuela to see this "economic equality" still in play: Maduro and his generals/supporters dine on steak.

The people dumpster dive, and, eat their pets...

That is the society "Princess Cortez" wants to live in. A place where she, and her allies have all the power. All the money. All the authority. All the decisions.

As I have pointed out many, many times: Socialism/Communism are simply modern versions of Feudalism......





Woman Attending Ultra-Exclusive Gala For The Elite In Expensive Designer Dress Lectures Nation On Inequality

The woman attended the $30,000 event in order to wear a message on the designer dress that 99.9999% of women through all of human history could only dream of ever affording. That message was that inequality is a real problem and that we need to tax the rich more. "She is simply stunning her in her beautiful Tax the Rich dress," said one entertainment reporter. "What a powerful message for all of us poors."

At publishing time, the woman had momentarily considered that maybe she is actually part of the wealthy bourgeoisie and not an oppressed minority, but she quickly brushed the disturbing thought aside.


Babylon bee actually used to be funny at one point.


It was right on in this case! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I like seeing you Trumpists get upset at someone trolling the rich. It proves you have no ideology other than to oppose the left.


Huh? Trolling the rich? AOC wasn’t trolling the rich! She’s a damn bitch hypocrite wearing a designer gown to a $30,000 event. She’s another Democrat who says “Don’t do what I do! Do what I say!” while she has her hands in our pockets. My ideology is to oppose elitism, be they Democrat, Republican or somewhere in between. Unless they came from money they got wealthy off the poor akin to the Obamas and the Clintons. The snobbery of the Obamas gags me!


Commies never laugh, Marx forbids it.


Remember when Trumpers praised Melania's "I really don't care, do u ?" jacket, the one Melania wore after visiting the caged children in Texas separated from their families at the border in 2018?

It was part of her 'be best' campaign, when she wanted everyone to be best role models for children everywhere. The jacket was part of her 'travel wardrobe' that 99.9999% of women through all of human history could only dream of ever affording. She really got her message out about how much she cared for 'all the children' - a powerful message, indeed.



All AOC is doing here is trolling a bunch of rich people. It's funny seeing the Trumpists get their panties in a bunch over it.


No I don’t. Say hi to my ignore list lemming.


Say hi to my ignore list lemming.

With pleasure !


Lol, snowflake.


You know you'd hit that.


Isn't everyone at the Met Gala rich?


Yes, AOC showed up in that dress to troll them.


Imagine being invited to a party to make fun of them.


Is it easier for you to imagine a First Lady visiting caged children separated from their families by her husband, and wearing a jacket that says "I Don't Really Care, Do U ?" as part of her 'be best' campaign ?


No. That's stupid too.


They invited her to join them so they could pretend they care about her cause, then she bitchslapped them with her dress.


LOL! 😅😂🤣 It does! This b**** needs to go! A pure testament to a damn hypocrite!


I expect nothing less from this slacktivist.


Spicy deluxe


willi likes it spicy...
