MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden Boom rolls on: Dow closes at 34,79...

Biden Boom rolls on: Dow closes at 34,798, even though Trump said it would crash under Biden

Remember when Trump frightened all his cult and said if Biden becomes President the stock market will crash and everyone's 401K would be wiped out ?

He lied.

The Biden Boom rolls on, with the Dow closing at 34,798 today...inching closer and closer to the record set two months ago.

Speaking of which, as Trump used to ask his cult during his reign of terror:

"How's your 409K doing ?"


Lol, the Trump roll went boom.


agreed, the Trump boom rolls on...

and the Trump rolls and the Karens strike...


Biden has brought the stock market to new records, despite what Trump lied about a year ago. Hope you have a lot invested in your 409k.


The psychosis that goes through your brain must be amazing to watch on a CAT scan.


Now that is funny! 😅😂🤣 Would his brain equate to the following?


My measly shares of stock did crash!😱 I had good returns when Trump was POTUS!


SPY 11/03/2020 $336.03
SPY 10/01/2021 $434.24

52 Week High $454.05

So yeah if you call a 4.4% pullback (after a 35% runup) a "crash" you're fooked.
