MovieChat Forums > Politics > Too many Conald Chump cops out there

Too many Conald Chump cops out there


the story seems very one sided.
not heard from the cop about wtf he was doing.


Who is Conald Chump?


Here's his profile from the CPDP.

Looks like he's racked up a nice collection of 'complaints' from officers and civilians in the past 20 years on the force. I guess this one will be added to his collection.


Most of them were not founded or not sustained though. The only serious one was a 20 day and 2 day suspension. He's calmed down after 2008 when Obama got into office. Hard to really pin a complaint though depending on how desperate that person or suspect is. Some folks could be victimhood types.


Still doesn't speak well for him to have this many complaints on his record of a twenty-three year career. The complaints were filed with the CPD from numerous citizens and have stayed on his public profile. They show a disturbing pattern of behavior.


Ugh, just the way she talks and that attitude feels like a Juicy Smollet moment or that black victimhood mentality. Release the whole bodycam video already. If they did, post it here. Needs more context, definitely more to the story and it seems she must've provoked him a bit although why he targeted specifically her does raise some questions if there were others around with the same conditions applied. Reminds me of that black couple from Texas attacking an Asian lady because they had no vaccine card to be in the restaurant in New York then claiming racism. Well, looks like BLM and the right have something in common to use now, heh.



What a joke of a "news" site.
