MovieChat Forums > Politics > The reason why Left ideology is so flawe...

The reason why Left ideology is so flawed is because it holds ZERO consistency

I don't know how these crazy liberals get blue checks when everything they post is lies, exaggerations, or huge inconsistencies. First she was against the vaccine when Trump was in office and now she's pushing for "making it rain" vaccine mandates.


The Democrats believe people should be allowed to do whatever they want, as long as it's mandatory.


Democrat policies are literally insane...

No cash bail for 1

But what the Democrats did in Afghanistan and no blinked an eye, then they are untouchable.

Democrats literally worked to close Gitmo and release terrorist.

Then they leave behind a huge cache of weapons and money to the Taliban.

Their botched and hectic withdrawal got 13 marines killed.

Then lastly they drone an innocent family.

I mean usually you immediately stop these people from doing any more damage..

Because what I listed is extremely bad.
Working to close Gitmo...really?


Don't forget:

- letting criminals run free
- helping our enemies at the expense of America
- getting the Feds involved with the drug trade and pretending they are fighting "the war on drugs"
- selling their souls to China
- letting free terrorist masterminds from Gitmo to go back to the Middle East to cause trouble (treason)
- giving money to our enemies so they can continue to fund terrorism (treason)
- taxing people out the eyeballs, claiming it'll make things better, when all they're doing is pocketing most of that money for themselves behind closed doors
- paying people to sit around on their asses (when they are perfectly capable of working), exploit fatherless kids, get free stuff, and to vote for the party that gave them that free stuff at the expense of working Americans
- treating illegal aliens better than native-born Americans and legal citizens
- using double standards when it comes to the law (usually in favor of one group over another)


Murdering innocent unborn children with glee while condemning self defense.


False equivalence. There was no vaccine for them to try when Trump was in office. Only the elites were given it, and that was in December.

Under Biden, it wasn't until a good portion of the older people were vaccinated that everyone started to come around to the idea.


red herring, dems were against the vaccine until dementia Joe got in.

just remember that Trump started OWS and everyone is actually taking the Trump vaccine, lol


They were against Trumps BS remedies like injecting disinfectants and ultraviolet light into their bodies.


disinfectants and ultraviolet light into their bodies

IV UV light therapy is an actual, legitimate, medical treatment.

Not BS, not by a long shot. You should try reading occasionally.


You didn’t add GOTCHA at the end of your post. Which you did! 💁🏼‍♀️


Did you try it?


I will if I get lyme disease...

I don't need it otherwise. I'm pretty much in perfect health from a medical standpoint. Which is crazy considering my age.


Your memory sucks, which is typical.


I’ll take that as a no


sure, but just remember, everyone is taking the Trump Vaccine, including democrats.


Yeah right bullshit. There's plenty of video showing Dems saying not to trust Trump and the vaccine. So many Celebs said they were not going to take the vaccine when Trump was in office.


Gaslighting is another leftist trait. The difference is that if Trump mandated the vaccine, Trump supporters would still be against mandates.


The difference is that if Trump mandated the vaccine, Trump supporters would still be against mandates.

What a good point. That was a mic drop for sure.


Bullshit. Tons of liberals said they wouldn't take "that Trump vaccine". Cuomo was the first I remember.


There's a reason nobody took these fringe groups seriously before social media. In times before the internet, people were smarter and could see these nutbars for what they were: stupid, loud-mouthed idiots who had extreme views about everything, from vegetarianism, to women's rights over-writing men's, to global warming. They were scattered across the country and their platforms were limited to open areas on college campuses with bullhorns to scream at the sky with; whereas now, social media gave them a voice and power they never should have had to start with, and now the DemonRats take them seriously, like what these nutjobs say is word of god. Small wonder people outside the DNC don't take them seriously anymore, with crazies running the asylum like that.





Despite the name-calling and slightly inflammatory rhetoric, that's a really insightful point. Social media gave power to the fringe, dare I say "cooks", which allowed them to influence the weak-minded and weak-willed of the mainstream and pull them into their fold.

Some otherwise quite intelligent and sweet people (some relatives of mine) have been sucked into it.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Qanon anybody?


Indeed. However, Qanon is low-hanging fruit, and an easy mark, comprised of a far-right element that's always been around, and probably always will be (unfortunately). Social media has given them a loudspeaker, for sure, and allowed them to suck a few more members into their demented group-think fold (including a few politicians). But their influence is minimal.

In fact, they're quite small in number (even if very loud and belligerent) by comparison to the fringe element that’s much more pervasively seeped into the mainstream at the opposite end of the spectrum (escalated further by Trump's antagonistic rhetoric), with such a broad scope of impact and cultural influence that it threatens the core stability of society, replacing classic Liberal ideals of equality amid diversity with counterproductive ideas that bolster segregation and denigration based on reality-defying labels and uncontrollable inborn qualities, a reversion to a medieval worldview that benefits only the powerful. It's a development that would have MLK and JFK rolling in their graves, their legacies stomped on by cognitive juveniles.

Addressing the notion proposed by the OP of this thread, though, I don't find it a cogent theory.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


You couldn't have things more backward if you tried.



So you don't agree that the mainstream Left has gone off the rails into fringe territory that's destructive to society?
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.


Sorry. I read your post a bit too fast. I thought you were defending the left.


I see, no worries. I'm really not defending anyone. I'm calling it as I see it as empirically as possible.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.




QAnon is a Larp. Leftoids sure give it crazy amounts of social power, and legitimacy.


They made it in the Capital


*Let in by police.

I also loved the part when the violent rioters remembered to respect the ropes in Statuary Hall...


I also remembered bloodied policemen and mike Pence death threats all triggered by a lie


Alec Baldwin has shot more people than 1/6 insurrectionists.


A pity that we couldn't pull the same tricks on them and pit the different groups of Democraps against each other. They'd be so busy fighting they wouldn't even realize their power was being ripped away.


It's inconsistent because they're hypocrites to the bone. They're not deep thinkers, they don't even know how. They just have puerile feelings.


consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds


It’s really more simple than that.

The left is not based in reality.

Leftwing lemming mentality is emotion based. Because of this they are quick to fall for lies. And thus are staunch supporters of the Democrat media/party.


Sure, but I think handouts play a huge role in Democrat support. There are more poor people in the world than successful. There is a huge zombie horde of laziness that loves suckling on the teat of their master. Creates for a huge army of nonskilled dependent idiots.


This is true. Democrat leadership is great at handing out other people’s money. Communism good.


It’s quite simple to fathom, really. Liberalism is helping your neighbors and the world to make it a better place. Conservatism is relishing in old-school outdated idealogies to keep the world in the dark ages. Easy.


Ok, so why isn't America better then? There are way more liberals in America than conservatives. These days, in these times, unless you're born into one of those Carlton type families you're most likely growing up on liberal views and politically correct ways.

Back in the day we had block parties, you could leave your doors unlocked, and you could definitely let your child walk to school. These days you don't know anything about your neighbors and only people like Seth Rogan can leave their doors unlocked. I remember when parents would let their kids go out with the sandlot crew and all you had to do was make sure you were home for dinner. Now you can't even let your kids walk to school without GPS tracker, facetime on, and armed drones watching from above. Oh, and let us not forget about the kids on leashes.

