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Louisiana judge blames sedative drug use for her saying n-word on video leaked online.

I guess she forgot to check the side effects of those sedatives.


A Louisiana judge has claimed that sedative drugs are to blame for her usage of a racial slur, after footage was leaked online.

Judge Michelle Odinet, 52, can be heard using the racial slur in a viral video clip, which was recorded last weekend at her family home in Bendel Gardens, Lafayette.

While watching security footage of a Black male attempting to break into the house, Ms Odinet, alongside other members of the family, can clearly be heard using the n-word, as well as other profanity.

After one of the younger children says, “And mom’s yelling n****r, n****r,” a female voice appears to respond, “We have a n****r. It’s a n****r, like a roach.”

A short clip of the incident was shared on Twitter by Huffington Post editor Philp Lewis, which has since been shared over 6000 times.

However, in response to her alleged usage of the racial slur, Judge Odinet blamed it on sedatives, which she claimed to have started taking following the burglary attempt.

“My children and I were the victim of an armed burglary at our home,” she explained to The Current (via the Daily Mail).

“The police were called and the assailant was arrested. The incident shook me to my core and my mental state was fragile.”

“Anyone who knows me and my husband, knows this is contrary to the way we live our lives. I am deeply sorry and ask for your forgiveness and understanding as my family and I deal with the emotional aftermath of this armed burglary.”

The Republican judge is now facing calls within her community to resign from her position on the Lafayette City Court. She was first elected to the position just over a year ago, winning 57 per cent of the vote against rival candidate Jules Edwards.

Leading the calls for her to stand down is Lafayette city marshall, Reggie Thomas. “As a proud Black man, and the Lafayette City Marshall, I strongly believe Judge Odinet should be held accountable,” he told the Acadiana Advocate.

“I’m sure that people of color will find it impossible to trust that they will be treated fairly and equally when they have to stand for judgment before Judge Odinet.

“This type of language cannot be accepted or tolerated by anyone, especially those who serve as leaders in our city.”


Well, she's a piece of shit.


for what using a gamer word? maybe she plays games in her phone aka giving her an n word pass. she was being robbed give her a break


I'm as conservative as they come but neither I or any of my conservative friends ever use that word. Someone in her position absolutely can not. Oddly, some of my liberal friends have no problem using it and not in a "gamer" or pop culture manner.


i am a conservative gamer and i use this word a lot. it is a fun word to throw around the house. lighten up and live a little


Eh, it's not about lightening up. It just never occurs to me to use it.


u must not be a pro major league gamer...


I plat the heck out of Doom Eternal!! 🤘


i never played doom but once i tried it out and watched my friend play on his gaming rig it is pretty sick game. the old school versions look badass too. i started gaming in the n64 / ps1 era and now i still have a ps4 pro and gaming pc but most of the games are play are oldschool ps2, ps3, og xbox, and 360 games i buy for pennies on the dollar at local ghetto pawnshops of areas i pass thru while traveling


You seem to have a personal problem with me, because you reply to most of my posts bitchily. But I'm not actually against conservatives that don't use the N-word. I'm pro-conservatism in many ways, actually. Though ideological discussions in this website never get deep enough to explore my more nuanced beliefs

I was a paleoconservative and libertarian in my youth. I believe that you and I have more in common than we have differences, as hard as that may be for you to believe


??? This is your first post in this thread. I haven't even had a chance to bitch at you! 🤣


why does playing a game give you an n word pass?


well if u were gaming during the call of duty 4 modern warfare to the call of duty modern warfare 2 era of gaming that word was being used in the trenches a lot. u cant expect hardcore veterans of call of duty world at war nazi zombez to subscribe to the same agenda as sjw penguin club kids. these veterans have ptsd from there service in early multiplayer gaming they have earned there n word pass fair in square!!! how dare u question it!!!!


A racist judge can't be impartial. She's a good example of systemic racism and each case she decided needs to be reviewed.

Update: She will take unpaid leave.

She needs to be fired.


if she was black and used that word nobody would care but since she is white people want to crucify her. that is systematic racism, towards the most discriminated race, white people


LOL! You're gaslighting.


i am speaking the truth


Then, you're deflecting and in denial.

The reality is a white judge was caught being a racist. Admit systemic racism exists in the criminal justice system instead of making up scenarios out of your head in order to run away from reality.


"white judge caught being a racist" all she did was use a word but since she is "white" she is labeled, slandered, and she loses her career all cause of the color of her skin. mainstream media makes music with that word all the time. us white people have to be subjected to this word we aren't allowed to use while everyone gets to sing and dance along and use it we are shutout of all the fun and festivities surround this word :( that is systemic racism. it exists in this country strongly against white people. the system is against us, we pay taxes to be discriminated against. this poor victim was a surviver of a home invasion burglary but now she is being crucified all for the usage of a word?!?? that sounds like systematic racism to be bud


You're identifying with a racist judge.


Without reading the text I can predict the outcome.

If she leans to the LEFT, she will be forgiven.

If she leans to the RIGHT, she is screwed.

I wish Vegas took bets on this kind of shit.


right wing victim syndrome again?


Not nice, but I know people who are not racists but in a stressful situation on their last nerve will use foul and abusive language ... a lot.

Example, a friend and I ... decades ago where having dinner on a sidewalk cafe and having a great time when a homeless black guy walked up and asked for a handout. We refused and he started to walk away, but then he turned back and started giving us a hard time. Since I just let him rant and ignored him figuring he'd walk away he focused particularly on my friend who is Hispanic.

Other diners were noticing the commotion, and there were no waiters or bouncers to do anything we were both getting a bit uptight since we were in the middle of our meal it was getting a lot of bad looks, and the guy was getting very belligerent. My friend was swearing at him and verbally abusing him back, but with out racial component when the homeless guy pushed by friend, who stood up and yelled GTFOOH N- and was getting ready to square off right on the street. Not my scene so I told my friend to chill and waved at someone inside the restaurant when the guy finally walked away.

I was embarrassed, but I did not blame my friend one bit, he was pushed over the edge and wanted to hit the guy with something that should express that. He's not a racist, he has black friends and went out with several black girls.

I call incidents like that racial, as in there is a racial component to them.

I use the word racist to describe incidents where someone is the victim of a crime, or they are not treated equally to white people, cheated, or attacked ... that is where there are more damages than merely someone getting mad at them and breaking the bounds of propriety.

Of course my friend was also not a judge, so this is a problem in that respect. I prefer it if we lived in a country where if someone did that there would be appropriate consequences. The judge stained her reputation and deserved or not there will forever be a question about her ability to judge black people, and even coloring her past decisions.

The issue for me is - OK so we know about this situation with this one judge, but how can we weigh that against all the other judges in the South who may or probably do have racist tendencies but have just not gotten caught.

It is impossible to know what secrets people have in their heads or their pasts, and when someone explodes or shows it, how can we fairly judge what is in their hearts and mind, so we are left with firing as being the only recourse -- that's just the way it goes ... or rather the way it should go.


"He's not a racist, he has black friends and went out with several black girls."

That doesn't mean anything. There are plenty of people who have friends, family and even marry, but still are bigots against them. A person can hate their own race or ethnic group, too.

BTW, I'm not limiting it to just black and white. Also, plenty of bigotry within all racial and ethnic groups like colorism or N. Italians vs. S. Italians.

Instead of someone being a racist/bigot or not racist/bigot, think of it as a spectrum with most somewhere in-between the two extremes.

"judges in the South"

There's plenty of bigotry and racism outside of the South including liberal states. But like you wrote, some hide it better.

CRT was addressing racism in the criminal justice system in law schools when the GOP decided to malign it in their Southern Strategy 2.0 campaign.


I can see why your trolling comments get so much shit.

> There are plenty of people who have friends, family and even marry, but still are bigots against them.

I does mean something, and no, there are not PLENTY of people who have ???whatever??? friends, co-workers and romantic partners who are racist, PERIOD.

That's just your personal claim which carries no weight since you are so illogical and willing to make untrue comments.

I also do not need to be told how to think by an unbalanced mind like yours, thank you, now get lost.

Then, you continue to go on and use this as a time to lecture me about Critical Race Theory in a useless and condescending manner?

I'd like to find some common ground with you since you seem to be vocally anti-fascist on this site, but your constant attacking everyone and throwing even people who you agree with under the bus to put on an air of superiority or wisdom is too annoying. That is clueless and counter-productive.


Wow! Why the attack? Point of MC is sharing ideas, personal opinions, points of view and information, etc.. with each other. I found your comment interesting which is why I wanted to take the time to share my perspective. I'm disappointed that you feel I was trolling or condescending when I actually have a tremendous amount of respect for you.

I still want to clarify some of my points. Maybe you'll agree ... or not.

"people who have friends, family and even marry, but still are bigots against them."

One example: Thomas Jefferson was bigoted and racist toward black people and was against race-mixing, but still had six children with Sandra Jennings.

Perhaps it's anecdotal, but I was speaking from my own personal experiences, too. I know plenty of people, including friends, who made bigoted comments about other groups, then later dated or even married members of that group.

"A person can hate their own race or ethnic group"

I was referring to internalized hatred among marginalized people which presents itself as colorism and skin-lightning among blacks, Indians and Hispanics; alcoholism and suicide among Native-Americans; racial/ethnic epithets used within the group like the N-word, P-word, F-Word, etc... There have been pride movements to overcome self-hatred like Gay Pride, Black Pride, Native-Americans trying to relearn their language, religion and culture, Columbus Day for Italians, etc. but self-hatred still persists, anyway.

That self-hatred towards your own race/ethnicity doesn't mean you won't marry within your own group. Polish people who refer to themselves as dumb P-word marry other Polish people.

My CRT reference was directly related to your comment about judges.

My comments get shit mainly from bigoted GQPers who like to denigrate blacks, women, Muslims, Hispanics, Jews, Democrats and immigrants.
