MovieChat Forums > Politics > Everything White people do is racist

Everything White people do is racist

seeing race = racism
not seeing race = ignoring racism = racism

movie into black neighbourhoods = gentrification = racist
move out of black neighbourhoods = white flight = racist

engage in black culture = cultural appropriation = racist
don't engage in black culture = not inclusive, perpetuate whiteness = racist

Not giving loans to Black people = racist (discrimination)
Giving loans to Black people = racist (predatory lending)

police in black neighbourhoods = oppressive = racist
not police black neighbourhoods = don't care about blacks = racist

not adopt children from Africa = not caring about Africans who suffer most = racism
adopt children from Africa = stealing children from black people = racism

portray Blacks as poor, uneducated and miserable in historic movies = racist (because it portrays Blacks in negative way)
portray Blacks as well educated, well dressed and well mannered in historic movies = racist (because it whitewashes Black suffering)

Doing business with African dictator = racist (because you don’t care about the people he oppresses)
Not doing business with African dictator = racist (because you dislike a strong, proud African leader)

Call on Black kids in class = racist (you want to expose them as stupid)
Not call on Black kids in class = racist (you think they don't have anything smart to say)


Definition of a racist by decade:

1960s A White person who attacks Black people
1970s A White person who insults Black people
1980s A White person who dislikes Black people
1990s A White person who ignores Black people
2000s A White person who doesn't help Black people
2010s A White person who doesn't put Black people first
2020s A White person


Haha! Nailed it


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. `Tis why I no longer give a shit. Ignorant people are going to make ignorant accusations no matter what, because they're ignorant AND have an agenda.


Stop talking about keelai!


If the shoe fits......or the sock. Or something.




what you are displaying right now is "white fragility" or the fear of being seeen as racist simply because you are white while talking about rwcism.

it isn't that you areraccist, but that your deflections that racism exists and affects other people only serves yourself and detracts from the real issues


LOL it is no such thing, all the OP is doing is pointing out the left’s blatantly racist double standards.

Also WTF is “white fragility”? The fact that you would assign a term to someone based on their skin color by definition makes you racist.


look it up, it is not my term, I agree that the term does the opposite of the intent, we have an unfortunate habit of making negative SOUNDING TERMS FOR PROBLEMS LIK"TOXIC MASCULINITY" THAT CAUSE MORE HOSTILITY

i tried to explain, the need to protect yourself from the label of being racist while getting involved in these discussions. BECAUSE YOU FEEL VICTIMIZED FROM DISCUSSIONS OF RACISM

this still asks why you feel the need to get involved in the discussions, because it does not help the victims, it only exposes how unsettling talking about racism is to youHYPOCRISY ONLY AFFECTS YOU IF YOU ARE AFAID OF BEING LABELED AS RACIST EVEN THOUGH THE INTENT ISNT TO LABEL ANYONE AS RACIST, IT IS TO G3ET RID OF RACISM.


I don’t feel victimized at all, I’m annoyed more than anything and also a little bit disgusted because all of these “discussions about race” are just taking our society in the backwards direction of where we should be going (color blind society). Politicians and wealth liberal elitists are using race to advance their own agenda and it’s sickening.

You made several false assumptions about me in your little rant, do your research before making such ignorant statements next time.


i am talking about the term, that you want to defl33ect and fight rather than discuss is an issue.

you only believe that the race discussions are taking us backwards, for some agenda, which is the point of the term to show people make these discussions about themselves rather than racism

psychology isn't about personal feelings, it is about the underlying causes of actions, regardless of wheter you understand the reasons yourself


First of all I don’t know what “defl33ect” means, secondly I didn’t “deflect”. If you want to have an honest discussion let me know but as of now all you are doing is putting on a very pathetic troll job.

You just misrepresented what I said, I didn’t say that all race discussions take us backwards, I said rhetoric like “white fragility” and “white privilege” take us backwards. Notice how I put “discussions about race” in quotations marks, genius. I did that because people who say they want to have a “discussion about race”, really just want to get on their pedestal and talk about made up injustices (not all racism is made up before you strawman me again) so that they can feel virtuous and good about themselves. It’s an easy way to get credit for doing something when you didn’t really have to do anything to help anyone.

The problem with your premise is that you haven’t even established the “underlying causes of actions”, all you really do is decide on your conclusion and then work backwards to cherry-pick whatever evidence backs up the conclusion that you want. It’s a very dishonest way of debating. You seem to think that you know me which only showcases your own ignorance, you don’t know the first thing about me so quit making judgements and assumptions.


so, I cannot type very well... your problem is that your post is about a a well talked about topic but you do not want to research it. I JUST JUMPED INTO TALKING ABOUT THE TOPIC, ASSUMING IF YOU HAD ANY LEGITIMATE INTEREST YOU WOULD TRY OR WANT TO LEARN ABOUT IT.INSTEAD THIS IS BECOMING PERSONALIZED


Why should I research it? You are the one who used the term so therefore it’s logical to just as you what it means? Or are you using words you don’t truly know the meaning of? No one is personalizing this except you so get over it. Seriously though are you trolling me or are you mentally challenged?


White people conquered all natives across the globe including blacks - they aren't fragile.


Who's really fragile? Whites are blamed for everything nowadays and they (most of them) still tolerate it. But say anything even remotely critical of Blacks and all hell breaks lose. Minorities are fragile, not Whites. John MchWhorter a Black liberal intellectual has called Robin D'Angelo's "White fragility" the second worse book he read in his entire life.


You are on here daily posting and whining and crying all day. YOU are fragile as fuck


No, white fragility is a shitty book written by an overt racist that admits she is afraid of black people..... lmao.


FROM TGE PSSYCHOLOGY, WHITE FRgility is an intere3sting explaination as for why you would feel targeted by the cha nges going on in society.

you aren't areal racist, but by making a big dEAL OF MICROAGRESSIONS, THE ISOLATION FROM the effects of microagggressions is creATING THEinability to tolerate the fear of being called A real racist

WHILE YES, MAKING A BIG DEAL OF MICROAGGRESSION IS GREatly hurting race realTIONS, the issue heree is that the people who are mAKING THE BIG DeAL ARE THE VICTIMS, SO it requires emotional invalidation on your pwrt (similar to how I tried to emotionally invalidate how you felt when I poorly presented what white fragility was in a way that made it seem i was talking about you pacifically)

it is no one's intent to make all things real racist, thr intent is to get people to think about micro agressions snd stop doing them, why? because that is what the victims are demaning. do they reslly have it that bad? ask them, one might as well ask if you really hsave it so bad being forced to tolerate the changes in society, e3motional invalidation goes both ways


Is your keyboard working?


Now, time to list what black people do that is racist. Any takers?


Australian Aborigines on remote locations have been known to refuse to do any maintenance work even though they would be the sole beneficiaries of it. "That shit work is for white people to do" they say.


According to leftists, this isn't racist (Black people can't be racist):
(Khalid Muhammed calls for the murder of White babies)


sounds like you and Khalid would be best friends if he was white and it was black babies


I never said anything even remotely close to this idiot. The thing is that if the current Grand Wizard of the KKK (I don't know how he is) said something like that on tape as Khalim Muhammed, even the KKK would disavow him and he would be replaced as the head of the KKK. Meanwhile Khalid Muhammed is listed as just a Black racial activist by Wikipedia and there is no mention of his calls for genocide against Whites.


you guys would be best friends if he was white. same coin, different side. you radicals are all scum


Idiot Ledicaprio ignoring all the points as usual.


oh wow wikipedia said it so did true!! fuck you are a stupid retard. I guess Khalid was right in one instance. you


You didn't get the point. If some White person gave a speech like that it would be headline news all over the world, but if it's a Black guy, the leftie Wikipedia covers it up. After all, Black people can't be racist even if they call for genocide of Whites.

Name me ONE White racist who gave a public speech yelling and calling for the death of Black people.


Khalid was right in only one instance. you


If everyone had the same social views as me, the world would be a much better place. IF everyone had social views as you, the West would look like Somalia long time ago.


sad nazi. shame Khalid didn't visit your mom


LOL you are referencing a person who died in 2001, 21 years ago, that black people aren't being called out for racism?!?!?!?!

the same guy who was condemned and removed from his position in the Nation of Islam by Louis Farrakhan. He was also censured by both Houses of the United States Congress.the day after Mfume held a press conference announcing his break with the Nation of Islam in February 1994, Farrakhan demoted Muhammad and also removed him as the NOI's spokesman. He was silenced as a minister and suspended from the NOI soon afterward.



So what if he was removed from NOI, he DID call for the genocide of White people. Name me ONE White racist who made a public speech like that against Blacks.


yes THIRTY YEARS AGO. was unanimously condemned. lost his job and died TWENTY YEARS AGO. and here you are acting like it happened last week, and that no one cared when he said those things.

you have a sick obsession. you need some serious immediate help


Why does it matter that it was twenty years ago. Name me one White racist who made a speech like that calling for the death of Black people.


a republican political 4 years ago said he would drown his kids if gay.

the kkk is still literally murdering black people. but you want a speech?

hahahahah you need psychiatric help. it may be hard in your shithole country. probably best had your mom visited Khalid


What is the comparison of the KKK killing blacks and blacks killing blacks.
What ever number is higher, work. On that


When I was growing up black adults would specifically steal whites kids bikes. Can I try your bike, guy rides away.

Walking into a 711 black men would approach smaller white kids and ask to borrow a dollar, if you refused you got sucker punched in the face

Many weekends back in the day white kids would go to inner cities to by ghetto weed. Groups of blacks would wait around and specifically target these white kids. Assualt and rob them, maybe strip off their clothes

The blacks racism towards asians is on a whole other level. They display zero respect towards them.


just embrace your racism. dont fight it


