MovieChat Forums > Politics > Do people REALLY understand how the offi...

Do people REALLY understand how the office of POTUS works ?

Do you think Biden is sitting in an office with 10,000 levers and buttons and micro managing all the decisions of the day to day lives of people in the nation? The President is basically a figurehead..PR person for the country. Do people understand the checks and balances of system? Lol. You guys are weird.


Do you think Biden is sitting in an office with 10,000 levers and buttons and micro managing all the decisions of the day to day lives of people in the nation?


Muthafucka can't even manage his asshole from leaking...


"Muthafucka can't even manage his asshole from leaking..."

That's why there are caregivers on staff at Mar A Lago who are paid to change Dementia Donnie's diapers.


Ok I can see what this is turning into.


Dementia Donnie's disciples are students of scatology.


He's not completely useless. He responded more quickly to thwarting a potential railroad strike than making corporate democrats like Manchin or Sinema fall in line so he could get reelected on something.
