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Who hasn't had covid?


As far as I know, I never had it. I did get the vaccine and the booster shot.


People all around me have had Covid. They also were fully vaxxed when they got it. I’ve never taken the jab and don’t intend to take it. BTW, there are a few places where we should where a non-effective mask. Movies, Trains, Busses & Planes. Why? Because people are stationary and in close proximity to others. The masks may not protect against Covid, but they help to keep others from sneezing & coughing all over everyone else. Wearing below the nose should be optional.


I haven't had it. Double vaxxed and double boosted. And I had someone staying in my house for a week who was testing positive (she is vaxxed and boosted and had very mild symptoms) and I still didn't get it.


I haven’t that I know of.


I just caught COVID last Sunday. :(

So far symptoms are mild. Aching body, hot forehead, slight runny nose, slight sore throat when swallowing, and coughing if I don't swallow (guess the air tingles the throat to make it cough). Currently Day 3 into COVID. My COVID rapid test told me I have COVID so I dunno if it's COVID COVID or the common flu which is also a type of coronavirus. Feels like a normal flu.

Well, 2 years 8 months was my streak. A friend of mine caught it and passed it onto me, grrrr.
