MovieChat Forums > Politics > Rob Schneidder and Glenn Beck: "1954 and...

Rob Schneidder and Glenn Beck: "1954 and 1970s america was truly free cause one black guy got to play baseball"

im not making this up. "Jackie Robinson playing clearly showed america was truly free." despite all the racism and name calling he got.. ohh and dont forget Robb saying his dad said "yes ill rent to black people!"

you know your country is free when black people can finally rent like white people and the league has one black player.. what freedom!


Nonsensical rhetoric from a communist.


its not rhetoric. its verbatim what they say... im sorry your side says silly things like that


I love how you run away after face planting so hard. you figure out what rhetoric meant and realized "wow I said something incredibly stupid"


Surprised he's not playing Hunter Biden in the movie tbh.


jackie robinson - the colin kapernick of the 50s


I hope this was a joke....


Are you joining the Race Obsessed Club along with Keeliar? Seems like it.


obsessed with what? rob Schneider? your comments are getting dumber somehow.......


The problem with posting clips like this is that most do not want to sit through a 20 minute clip to see a 2 minute clip cut up over that 20 minutes. Its a waste of time. You're better off not only showing this clip, but a separate clip of what those two really said in full.


there's a new function called "scrolling" through video. it was just invented this week. this sort of clip curators the important part. so you dont have to listen to sam seders commentary they are pointing out as absurd parts. you can clearly see the rob scheidder/ beck sections and see for yourself what they said

its the opposite of a waste of time. the original interview video with Beck is 1 hour and 40 minutes long.......


I would argue that the 1970's were truly free but I would say that there was still a lot of structural racism/inequality in 1954. Brown vs. the Board of Education was the landmark Supreme Court case that was decided in 1954 and helped move the country in the right direction. I know many states fought the ruling for a few years BUT I believe schools were integrated by the 1970's. There were also the civil rights acts of 1957/60/64/65/68 that helped to ensure that the civil rights of all people were protected. There will always be racism but structural racism should not exist.
