MovieChat Forums > Politics > GOP Wants NATIONAL Abortion Ban!

GOP Wants NATIONAL Abortion Ban!

You were warned about their women-hating policy.

Sen. Graham wants to introduce legislation to ban abortion in EVERY state. Pence attended a secret meeting speaking about his support for it.

The GOP lies when they deny that's not what they want. Eventually, they'll prevent all abortions with no exceptions for rape, incest and the mother's life. After all, they forced a 10-year-old rape victim to remain pregnant!

Vote for a GOP candidate = American Taliban support

The GOP can't be trusted with power while they remain hateful toward half the population.


They cannot help themselves. It's who they are. It's who they always were.


Lindsey will be the great compromiser here guys. What a tone deaf move.


You people really need an echo chamber so you can repeat your lies and bullshit without challenge.


15 weeks after your last period . Really that is long enough to decide on something,Unless you want to beleive the crooked doctor and wait longer so the cost will be higher. I'm reminded of the crooked doctor i had in going in for check ups.He wanted me to get a cancer scene done everytime I went in.I finally did with no cancer but had to pay a 300 copay. I guess that was the gift to my doctor for conning me to go out there. As soon as I went back he started I need to go get my heart looked at.I have a new doctor and she is not in a crook.


They flipflop way to much. The time the decided to reverse RvW it was saying to be left to the states where people will vote on it (ie: Arkansas with majority Republican voted no to outright ban abortion). Now they or Graham wants a nationwide? Give me a break. I'm actually fine with the 15 week but I am not with the constant flipfop from Graham that even the right consider him (including McConnell) a RINO.


From your link:
"Senate, McConnell said most Republicans don't support federal legislation on abortion."

Most Republicans supported Roe v Wade, but that didn't stop McConnell & GOP from attacking and overturning it.

The problem with the GOP is that they're become a contrarian party. If the Democrats support something, then they're against it even if it makes sense like common sense gun laws which most Republicans support, too. They care more about "culture wars" then working together with Democrats to improve the lives of average Americans.


Think you got that backwards. Democrats have gone so far off the deep end of lunacy, Republicans will take whatever victory they can get.


Force-pregnancy on a 10-year-old rape victim is lunacy.


What is the moral argument for a ban 15 weeks after the last period?


It doesn't let the doctors make enough.


Democrats want for the doctor to hold a mirror at the child during birth so they can see it and decide if it should be kept.


99% of abortions are first and second trimester.

Your lying rhetoric is backfiring.


Because enough republicans are in office so that the hookers can't have their way and have abortion at birth. They need that in case the kid is a different color than the guy they are trying con to marry them.


Why is it that most pro-lifers are men?


Women make up the majority.


Not true.

"Most women (62%) disapprove of the decision to end the federal right to an abortion. More than twice as many women strongly disapprove of the court’s decision (47%) as strongly approve (21%). Opinion among men is more closely divided: 52% disapprove (37% strongly), while 47% approve (28% strongly)."


I'm talking about the pro-life movement. It consists mostly of women, and men that want to fuck them.

Coincidently, the Pro-choice movement also consists mostly of women, and men that want to fuck them...

Men on the whole do not actually care about it either long as they get laid.


Old-Guard Cuckservatives obviously attempting to sabotaging the election. The Uniparty are all friends.

The neocons must go, all of them.


It sounds like you know that banning abortion isn't what Americans want. You support hiding the true intentions of your party.

Don't you support a national ban? They're doing what you want.


They aren't my party, stop projecting jackass.


GOP wants nothing of the sort, how about you stop with your false strawman bullshit
