MovieChat Forums > Politics > 6 Year olds ALWAYS get strokes and die.....

6 Year olds ALWAYS get strokes and die...

...from the FLU!? Yeah, sure...

Remember to get your boosters everyone.


got anymore stories of huge increase mass strokes among 6 year olds? or just one anecdote? yes random freak health incidents can happen and do. childhood strokes have been happening awhile and its well documented

look! a site from 2018 discussing it well before the vaccine!

oh look another one!

you of course are far more knowledgeable in childhood illness than the people at John Hopkins right? You look like a fool.

next up you are going to claim heart attacks in a 70 year old or childhood leukemia are "da frankenshot".

how does someone with such a low functioning IQ remember to breathe?


I don't know, how does someone with a low functioning IQ stand in line to get shots that weren't cleared through normal means and you lined up like cattle to get them?


they were eventually fully cleared. maybe the 1 million dead Americans from covid had something to do with it?

if they didn't get in a line but instead in a circle would it have been better? your logic doesn't seem to be functioning


Lmao!!! You mean the 300k “deaths” while the flu deaths went to 0? Thought so.

Go weigh in elsewhere asshat you clearly lack the ability to offer useful information.


1 million in the USA. but do try again. looks t that normal seasonal flu deaths range form 20-40k. but 1 million covid deaths? it certainly wasn't dangerous.

yess I can't imagine why flu deaths went down! its not like people were distancing and masking and washing hands and business closed down! that would never lower normal flu deaths!


Covidiots: "The flu disappeared for 1 year because of masks and distancing!"

Also Covidiots: "Covid is never going away because people didn't mask or distance!"

Can't be both!


what is "the flu". there are multiple strains it didn't fully disappear. it was outcompeted by covid. welcome to basic biology and evolution dumbass

yes covid was far more contagious than a stand variant of flu. a mask isn't a 100% protection. so normal flu variants were outcompeted, and the far far more contagious covid still spread. just at a lesser extent because of masks

so normal flu variants can be lessened by 1. covid outcompeting it 2. masks helping reduce that strain. WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY 1. covid being more contagious 2. masks slowing both normal flu and covid spread, but not 100% completely stopping them

how are you so dumb?


These folks are exhausting. All of their references are to biased right wing websites that tell lies and they don't bother to fact check anything. If you attempt to show them legitimate science they claim its lies. I WISH I could find it amusing.


he got dominated here and was exposed he knows nothing about viruses or prevention.

but yes its clear they do not care about the facts, they spread their lies then sulk back into the shadows.


Here are the facts:

1. I'm not vaccinated
2. I got COVID and fully recovered
3. My antibody count has continued to increase in the year since I caught COVID, I am tested every 6 months to see what my count is
4. I've been around several people who had full-blown COVID to include two nursing facilities with a COVID outbreak and I didn't wear a mask in them and didn't get so much as a sniffle
5. My antibodies are more safe and effective than your frankenstein clot shot.



1. cool story
2. cool story
3. cool story
4. cool story
5. cool story.

how you got to #5 is astounding. where did you get your degree in biology?


Clots shots are still EUA. Comirnaty is not available anywhere. You were lied to, and fell for it again!


nothing that you said addressing anything at all that I wrote dumbass.

strokes in kids are well documented pre the vax. you sound like an idiot in denial because I disproved your conspiracy.

make sure you get those Floride filters and tin foil hats triple layered to stop reading your mind.


Wait, the way you wrote it I took it as: 1 million Americans died to fully clear the vaccine for mass public...


that is my bad if I wasn't clear. I am saying the vaccine was fully cleared. but in the meantime 1 million Americans died of covid.


It was the fastest clearance for a drug in U.S. history.
Alarming unless you know the 2nd fastest.
I think we can tell who's running the FDA and it's not doctors or scientists.
It's a bunch of oversexed old f**ks in DC with their dicks in WallStreets hands.


Someday you'll come out of your Mass Formation Psychosis.


just parroting Malone I see like a pathetic follower.

Couldn't address my facts because they do not conform with your lies and made up nonsense.


I didn't see any facts...?

Nothing you posted presents any statistics. I mean, I couldn't care less what you think, it doesn't change observable reality.


-strokes in kids isn't new
-one anecdote isn't mass evidence
-I gave documentation of strokes in kids pre the shot
-you have no evidence the shots causing more strokes in kids

all facts. but apparently you are stupid. keep those Floride filters and tin foil hats going strong!


More of a junk story to get people to see the junk products advertised in it. A high fever can cause strokes.


She was vaccinated.


So what? She can still have a high fever . . .


I know someone in a car crash who died. ohh and they were vaxxed! it must have been the vaccine!


Obviously due to orange man climate change.


> 6 Year olds ALWAYS get strokes and die...

I am sure they do and always have.

At a certain rate.

Gotta prove it, you keep just pointing to coincidences.
