MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is there one perosn who supports squatte...

Is there one perosn who supports squatters rights?

I keep seeing these stories about homes being completely taken over by strangers.

These strangers/squatters have a legal right to stay in the home without paying rent??

Now what kind of idiotic Democrat liberal even creates such a policy protecting these squatters? And how do Democrat voters vote for such a crazy way of thinking.

Allow people with zero ownership to completely take over a home, while the real owner has less rights.


I think "the law" rooted in English Common Law tries to avoid "waste." Say some old fart recluse dies with no relatives, with an older house. You live next door, you notice this after a while, maybe start to snope around, maybe you notice ancient circuit breakers, no smoke alarms, maybe some exposed asbestos, other potential dangerous conditions... or maybe you just say what the hell, if you ain't cheatin' you ain't trying! So you spend a couple hundred bucks putting up a chain link fence with a gate and a lock, and see what happens. I think in California you have to hold it 10 years AND pay all the property taxes, and then pay a lawyer and see if someone shows up to challenge. I wouldn't do it, and I sure as hell wouldn't put a tenant in it if I'm not the bullet-proof owner-of-record.


I support one home per person does that count?


I like that idea.


Squatters believe in squatters' rights.


Do you have a link to any of these stories?

If this is true I don't get it how they can be in there and take over a stranger's house uninvited when that is trespassing.



OK thanx.

Looks like it is mostly apts. or rental properties they take over instead of private houses.


Private owned homes can be rented out.


Yeah, but those are not as common and you know what I mean.


I can't wrap my head around it.


How to move squatters in less than a day.
