MovieChat Forums > Politics > Maryland father dies after being beaten ...

Maryland father dies after being beaten up on his doorstep by five UNARMED people.

Guns are important for self-defense. Unarmed people can kill and one punch can kill. Three UNARMED juveniles and two UNARMED adults showed up at the house looking for a fight. Keep an eye on the quality of the schools in your neighborhood. I met a parent who rented homes in neighborhoods with good public schools. The father thought he could talk some sense into the mob but that was not going to happen. The right to own guns for self-defense must be protected.


We obviously have to ban fists!

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Why didn't he keep the door locked and call 911?


The second link confirmed what the first links article was so desperately avoiding to mention.


Did the deceased have a lot of racist, alt right sites in his internet history? Was he a Trump supporter?


You are allowed to be alt right, a trump supporter and even racist in this country without getting beaten to death by a bunch of "youths".


Wow I wonder what that could be. Was he a member of the Democrat party KKK?
