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Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants as last year, which helps the U.S.

Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants who have crossed its southern border as it was a year ago, a trend that U.S. officials say has helped blunt the surge in crossings of the U.S. border usually seen at this time of year.

Biden administration officials also point to the increased help from Mexico in slowing migration as proof that their relationship with their southern neighbors is more effective than the Trump administration’s.

Former President Donald Trump has derided President Joe Biden’s record and claimed that his administration was more successful at controlling the border.

Early last year, Mexico interdicted roughly 100,000 migrants at its southern border or inside Mexico per month, while the U.S. was apprehending over 193,000 migrants monthly at the U.S.-Mexico border. This year, more migrants are being stopped inside Mexico than in the U.S., with over 280,000 being interdicted in Mexico and 189,000 in the U.S. in March, according to figures obtained by NBC News.

Thank you, President Biden and Mexico.

Here's and idea. Let's put business owners and others who provide comfort to illegal aliens in prison then the crisis at the southern border would be solved overnight.



Have you seen Ashley Biden's diary because no one else has. Why hasn't Ashley come forward to report this alleged shower with dad? If someone has actually has this Bible then why haven't they published the dirty secrets of the Biden family?


You're not too bright are you?


I'm not too bright but i have the right amount bright. Why didn't you answer the questions I brought up about Ashley Biden's diary. If you've seen this diary then publish it so we can all see.


"I'm not too bright but i have the right amount bright."

At least you're honest about that.


Open your eyes dude.


If there were solid evidence about this shower incident then Biden would be in jail. That's a nice forgery I see but nothing happened.


About BizPack Review.

BizPac Review is a top-rated political news website that provides breaking news and analysis unfiltered by the liberal bias that has eroded the media’s credibility. With public trust in the press sputtering at an all-time low, BizPac Review fills the void with its unparalleled coverage of current events that the mainstream media intentionally ignore.

We scour the internet to find what’s important to Conservatives. BizPacReview presents the news itself as well as how fellow Americans and people around the world react to the news of the day. We think the truth is much more powerful and convincing than shutting down voices and managing the message the political parties want you to hear.

Can't you find that story from a regular news source including Fox News Entertainment?


I provided a left wing source ...SNOPES. checkmate


You must be very proud that you think you've win something here over an anonymous user on a public message board. Here, have a trophy. 🏆You have been screaming forever that Snopes cannot be trusted because they are totally left wing. Why the change of heart?


You lost, move on. Stop acting like a baby.


Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded. But here you go you win a trophy for your huge win here.🏆Go show your wife/sister this because they will be happy for you. Also show your trailer park buddies because they would ecstatic.


They have actual photographic evidence of her diary. But you insist on being spoon fed bullshit from left wing sites that never tell the truth. Pull your fucking head out of your ass you little weasel and open your eyes.


That's your proof? Some tweet showing a photo of a diary. Of course nobody would attempt to forge a page of this diary then take a blurry photo and post it. That would never happen. 🤣

If it was true that President Biden showered with his daughter then every single news source on the planet would have published that story. You know that. Post something else with real evidence or go pound sand.

As usual you stupidity and gullibility is epic.


You are a special kind of stupid.


Snopes? *snicker!*



If I'm going to be stupid I guess it's a good thing to special too.


This is straight from the ultra left wing yahoo.


This article is from Snopes not Yahoo, dumbshit.


The article is on yahoo genius.


Yahoo published the story but it was written by Snopes. Yahoo is a news aggregate so they publish articles from numerous sources. Now go ask your mommy what aggregate means, Goober.


It's snopes. You asked for evidence and you got plenty. Ashley Biden testified on April 9th that the contents of the diary were accurate. Check and mate.


Yet no charges filed. Since this alleged shower with dad there hasn't been any charges found. Why?

Here's something to read while you are waiting for charges to be instated for President Biden.


Even when their preferred sources admits to the evidence, they still reject it.


You're always whining about others splitting hairs; and yet, that's all you do.


At least I'm not stupid like you who still thinks Trump won in 2020 and he is completely innocent of the 88 felony charges he's facing.


Ashley confirmed it herself days ago...try to keep up.


Bullshit. Post links or go fuck yourself. Hurry! I'm going to be watching a movie soon.


Thanks Joe....for causing the problem you're pretending to solve!

Vote Trump!


Instead of voting for Trump just flush your ballot down the toilet and then you'll receive the same effect.

When Trump won in 2016 the White House, House and Senate were controlled by the Republicans for 2 years. Why didn't Trump secure the border then? What are the Republicans doing now to secure the border?

It seems like the Democrats and Republicans don't want to stop illegal border crossings.


Anyways, Vote Trump!


Nope! I'm voting for Biden and every other Democrat on my mail in ballot. It's like a big fuck you!


Right, a big F you to America that is..


Mexico clearly succeeding where Biden fails miserably.


When Trump won in 2016 the White House, House and Senate were controlled by the Republicans for 2 years. Why didn't Trump secure the border then? What are the Republicans doing now to secure the border?

Here's an idea. Let's put business owners and others who provide comfort to illegal aliens in prison and the crisis at the southern border would be solved overnight


Lefties be like "The wall is waycist! Let's block Trump!"

Biden cheats his way into the White house. Lefties be like "Yay! Let's build the wall coz Trump couldn't!"

Also the Lefties


Why are you including a link to another user? Are you so stupid that you cannot come up with an original thought?


Why are you including a link to another user?

Because I can.
Are you so stupid that you cannot come up with an original thought?

I just recycle idiot quotes from the left to make themselves look stupid.


Most libs I talk with about the border, think that illegals have the right to come here, for some reason.

Do you not support the supposed right of people to move from place to place?


They do until the illegals show up in their neighborhoods than they violently remove them and bitch and moan about Trump.


They pretend to support them. It's part of their wokeness.


Here's an idea. Let's put business owners and others who provide comfort to illegal aliens in prison. Then the crisis at the southern border would be solved overnight.


Standard lefty deflection. THey want to target rich and middle class Americans because they WANT to decrease support for enforcing the law.

So, you are praising Biden for enforcing the law, while you actually hate that he is enforcing the law.

BUt you are too... partisan and dishonest to admit your actual position.


It's not just the rich hiring illegal aliens you dumbshit. If people are put is prison for hiring illegal aliens you know damn well that it would be a good way to keep illegals out of the US. Since you seem confused by this so that means you hire illegal aliens who mow your grass and clean your home. Hypocrite.


1. I like that you are pretendingi to be too dumb to read "and middle class". That is a sign that I hit a nerve.

2. My point stands. You support illegal immigration. BUT you are willing to support actions against it, right now, because of the election. BUT, you and BIDEN both, once the voting is done, will go back to your normal default of doing all you can to bring as many non-Americans into America as possible as fast as possible.


I think every single illegal alien should be immediately deported if caught. I definitely don't support illegal aliens crossing our southern border but you do. All you do is whine about illegal aliens but you do nothing about it. Save your fake outrage for something important.

Here's an idea. Let's put business owners and others who provide comfort to illegal aliens in prison. Then the crisis at the southern border would be solved overnight.


'm up for jailing the big employers, and maybe fining middle class people. That would be effective and doable.

I'D love to fine the SHIT out of big employers, massively.

Your position is a common lefty talking point designed to UNDERMINE support for strong enforcement of our immigration policies.

We both know that, it would be cool if you would admit it.

Robocat. Serious question. Doesn't it bother you that you have to be dishonest to protect and advance your agenda?

Doesn't that tell you that on some level you know that what you want is bad for most people?
