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Arab Countries Defended Israel against Iran Missiles

Arab countries, U.S., U.K. and France all helped Israel defend itself against the Iranian missile attack.

Netanyahu’s repeated statement that Israel "can go it alone" is a joke since they obviously can't fight nor defend themselves without a world power and several other countries helping them.

Furthermore, Iran didn't want a war, therefore they were careful to announce when and where missiles were heading in order for them to be easily shot down. The exception was the last four missiles which headed to an Israeli military base without any announcement. They successfully hit their target without being shot down. This sent the message that Iran can successfully evade Israel's "Iron Dome" if they want. And next time, it could be nukes.

If all countries refused to help Israel, the Israeli-Palestinian situation would solve itself within a short time.

Arab countries which helped Israel were Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Furthermore, more than half the missiles were shot down by the U.S.. The U.K., France, and Jordan along with the U.S. all shot down the majority of Iranian drones and missiles.


How would it solve itself if, in your mind, if all countries refused to help Israel Keelai? What would the outcome be?


She's like Iran. She wants Israel wiped off the map.


the Israeli-Palestinian situation would solve itself within a short time.

And officially start WW3.



Aren't you an isolationist? Keelai is speaking about the hypothetical of the western world and other arabic countries withdrawing support for Israel. Isn't that what you've called for? Now you say doing so would cause WW3?


If nukes start flying, WW3 is almost inevitable regardless of Keelai's hypothetical scenario.


Right. But you said that the US withdrawing support, and Saudi/Jordan etc not shooting down missiles aimed at Israel that fly over their territory would cause WW3.


If any/some of those missiles are nukes, yes, it's WW3.


Okay so presumably, unless you want WW3 - then you support US support for Israel. Following your logic.


No, I support US only.


So US should stop supporting Israel?


The Zionist state is nothing without the assist of the Shabbos goyim. The Zionist state owns the UK, US and large part of Europe that will step in and assist the Jew to the bitter end.
If the end comes, The Jew will try to kill all Shabbos goyims:
The "Samson Option" of the book's title refers to the nuclear strategy whereby Israel would launch a massive nuclear retaliatory strike if the state itself was being overrun, just as the Biblical figure Samson is said to have pushed apart the pillars of a Philistine temple, bringing down the roof and killing himself


Every single nuclear state would launch nukes if it was being overrun.


Why do you care so much? This doesn’t impact you.


I assume we shouldnt care about jews being slaughtered, tortured, starved and gassed during ww2, because it didnt impact us.


We agree for once.




"Anti-Zionist Rabbis Attends Iranian President’s Funeral

A delegation of Neturei Karta International (NKI), a global religious Jewish anti-Zionist organization, traveled to Iran to attend the funeral of the Iranian President and Foreign Minister held on May 22, 2024. This visit marks the continuation of many years of close friendship between Jews and Iran.

Contrary to ongoing Zionist intimidation, which often labels every opponent of Israel's criminal actions as anti-Semitic, Iran and its leadership have long been friends to the Jewish people. Iran is home to the largest Jewish community in the region, and the government highly respects the Jewish community, granting them full rights and religious freedom.

While Iran speaks up for justice in Palestine and condemns Zionist crimes, especially now during the current genocide in Gaza, it remains understanding and sincere in differentiating between Zionism and Judaism."


That’s not my stance but it is Keelai’s and I’m just holding him to his own standard. You clearly missed the point as I went way over your head.

Interestingly enough I noticed you didn’t acknowledge the Jews that Hamas tortured and slaughtered on October 7th. Guess those deaths aren’t convenient to you.


Do you even have the mental capability to realize how retarded your nitpicking is ?
What is the context that required that to be mentioned?
Of course they didnt deserve that massacre, they were innocent. I felt bad for all of them, they didnt deserve that.

But about you, who sees children killed and maimed because some maniacs did a terrorist attack and you wonder why people care about this, because it doesnt impact them, about you I dont give a shit. And noone does, you sad fuck.


Did you even read my last post? I clearly stated in very simple terms that that wasn’t my position. I was just holding Keelai to his own standards. Reading comprehension must not be your thing.


Your last post clearly states you are a sad fuck


Again I think working on basic reading comprehension would help you the most. You also seem like a very angry person who is very easily triggered, seeing a therapist wouldn’t hurt either.




Butt hurt anti semite


Your statements are antisemitic. I hope you get buttloved in hell, antisemite


Show me one antisemitic comment I’ve made and keep your butt sex fantasies to yourself.


Most posts you make are antisemitic


Just name one


I can find hundreds, not onr


You will not find any since "they" are not Semitic.


Thats antisemitic


Just give me your best example.


Why do you hate jews so much?


Are you a Shabbos Goy?


Why? You wanna goy my Shabos? Not interested


You didn't deny it, so I will take that as a 'yes'.


Take it however you want, as long as you take it and are happy


I asked you to show me evidence of my alleged antisemitism


He can't, he's labeling others as a deflective tactic.


Yeah I know, it’s a very immature way of debating. He’s a child.


Netanyahu’s repeated statement that Israel "can go it alone" is intoxication.
It's just saying: we are the victim, which is not the case.



Netanyahu should be thanking Americans for out billions in military aid and assistance instead of insulting us.
