MovieChat Forums > Politics > Segregation (of the media)

Segregation (of the media)

A proposition and a compromise.

I propose that we create a system of streaming services tailored specifically to different demographics: Queers, Blacks, women, and straight White men. There should also be an option to choose whether you want to see racially diverse casts or homogeneous White casts. This way, everyone gets content that speaks to their unique experience and interests, sparing them the ordeal of sifting through content that is neither relevant nor appealing to them. Segregating media like this means nobody's forced to deal with content that doesn't resonate with them. Each group would enjoy its own curated space, making for more enjoyable and relevant viewing. This approach not only respects individual preferences but also acknowledges that different communities have different tastes in entertainment.

I welcome your thoughts...

Wokeness is cancer


Nope, I prefer to abolish all of it.

They can find their own island and create their own media.


So you again openly endorse fascist policies. State censorship and control of the media.

Is there nothing you're not fascist on?


The fascists have taken over the media and infected many with their woke mind virus.

Stop defending PedoWood.


>The fascists have taken over the media and infected many with their woke mind virus.

What makes them fascist? Are you just calling any TV show, as the OP implies, that casts non-white people in main and supporting roles as "woke"?

>Stop defending PedoWood.

What makes them pedophiles?



I prefer that too, but the point of the thread is to compromise. Would you be willing to settle for my proposal if it meant that the queers and the woke degenerates were segregated away on their own media platforms? We would finally have our own media that caters to straight White males. That has little to no diversity. Just the way it used to be 20 years ago. And they would have their diversity woke degenerate bullshit. This way everyone will be happy.


Except it wasn't like that 20 years ago. There were non-white people in TV shows like Lost, Battlestar Galactica.


It was natural back then, and now it is an agenda/propaganda/indoctrination being pushed on everyone.


So every instance of a non-white person in modern media is always, without exception, "agenda" or "propaganda" or "indoctrination"?


Most of it is.


Based on what evidence do you claim this?

Is this true of Warrior, or Counterpart?


Warrior had gay towards the later seasons. That was definitely an example of woke agenda.
Counterpart was based af though.


>Warrior had gay towards the later seasons.

By "later seasons" you mean midway through season 2? So the halfway point? Why is it "woke"?

>Counterpart was based af though.

Counterpart has a lesbian sex scene in the first season. It has interracial relationships from the get-go. In season 2, a lead is a black muslim woman.


I think the reason I remember Counterpart fondly is because it aired when Wokeness was in its infancy. So I could tolerate an interracial relationship or a lesbian sex scene. By the time I watched Warrior I had already been subjected to years of Wokeness so my tolerance is gone.


>I think the reason I remember Counterpart fondly is because it aired when Wokeness was in its infancy. So I could tolerate an interracial relationship or a lesbian sex scene. By the time I watched Warrior I had already been subjected to years of Wokeness so my tolerance is gone.

The point is you're being completely hypocritical here.

Counterpart is arguably way more 'woke' than Warrior. I listed 3 major things. There's only one from Warrior: Hong being gay.

In addition, Mr. Robot - one of your favourite shows. Egyptian-origin protagonist. Trans antagonist. His sister is bisexual and hooks up with Dominique. Tyrell Wellick is probably bisexual (or just sexually depraved in general). Elliots shrink is african-american. Two of the people in Elliots hacker group aren't white: Mobley and Trenton. Where would mixed-cast content like this somehow go? It's not LGBT programming. It's not black programming. It's also not got a homogenuous white cast.


It does not make me hypocritical. Those shows are grandfathered in. I experienced those stories before I developed Woke fatigue. So those shows don't trigger it. I'm still able to watch The Wire which is my favorite show (along with Breaking Bad) even though it's probably the wokest show out of all of them. Why? Because I watched this show back in the early 2000's and before I suffered from Woke fatigue.
But today, unless a show has been grandfathered in, if it is woke in anyway, it's probably going to trigger my symptoms which are mixture of rage, disgust, and nausea. Sometimes vomiting.


>It does not make me hypocritical. Those shows are grandfathered in. I experienced those stories before I developed Woke fatigue.

This is your problem, not other peoples.

Assuming a modern TV show has precisely the same casting choices and writing choices of Mr. Robot - what makes that TV show 'woke' and not Mr. Robot?

>But today, unless a show has been grandfathered in, if it is woke in anyway, it's probably going to trigger my symptoms which are mixture of rage, disgust, and nausea. Sometimes vomiting.

This is genuinely pathetic. Laughable even. You are more sensitive and wimpy than the biggest blue-haired SJWs.


So being disgusted by a foul stench makes me pathetic and wimpy?
Being frustrated that the stench won't go away makes me an SJW?
I reject your ridiculous framing, which is nothing but a feeble attempt at provocation.
I think it's mostly projection anyways. You're the most pathetic person on these boards. When you're not stalking or harassing people with your endless stupid questions you throw temper tantrums like a child every time someone disagrees with your worldview.
I can't wait for fascism to come to the U.K. I can already envision the chimp outs.
Mmmm mmmmm mmmm muh freedums!??!!!??


>So being disgusted by a foul stench makes me pathetic and wimpy?

Being so upset that you puke because you see gay people in TV is genuinely as pathetic as a blue-haired problem glasses SJW activist puking because they hear a 'problematic' joke.

>Being frustrated that the stench won't go away makes me an SJW?

A parallel of them yes. Emotionally you are very similar.

>I think it's mostly projection anyways. You're the most pathetic person on these boards. When you're not stalking or harassing people with your endless stupid questions you throw temper tantrums like a child every time someone disagrees with your worldview.

Harassing people = replying to them in threads? Or responding when they reply to me?

And how do I throw temper tantrums? Replying to them is a temper tantrum?

>I can't wait for fascism to come to the U.K. I can already envision the chimp outs.
Mmmm mmmmm mmmm muh freedums!??!!!??

And how is you not doing this not indicative of your own "chimp out"? You literally larp (or so you claim, not sure exactly where you lie) as a nazi because LGBT people and progressives and black people upset you so much. It's beyond pathetic.


Being so upset that you puke because you see gay people in TV is genuinely as pathetic as a blue-haired problem glasses SJW activist puking because they hear a 'problematic' joke.

I can't help it. Why are you belittling my pain? I have an illness. Would you make fun of someone for having anxiety or depression? Woke fatigue is serious business. As serious as black fatigue (There is another name for it but it violates the TOS here).
And how is you not doing this not indicative of your own "chimp out"? You literally larp (or so you claim, not sure exactly where you lie) as a nazi because LGBT people and progressives and black people upset you so much. It's beyond pathetic.

Well yeah, that's what it means to be a Nazi. Queers, trannies, and the melanin-enhanced are generally frowned upon in Nazi circles.
Seig Heil! o/


>I can't help it. Why are you belittling my pain? I have an illness. Would you make fun of someone for having anxiety or depression? Woke fatigue is serious business. As serious as black fatigue (There is another name for it but it violates the TOS here).

Don't you make fun of transpeople? Don't you belittle them? For the same I don't think their feelings mean they should get to censor others, or force people to recognise their pronouns, I don't think anyone with depression, anxiety or any other mental health issue should be allowed to mould reality to their demands.

And your second response is back to you trolling.


Are trans people really people though? I mean come on. There's illness and then there's illness
Trans people are gross. Fuck them.


I prefer that too, but the point of the thread is to compromise. Would you be willing to settle for my proposal if it meant that the queers and the woke degenerates were segregated away on their own media platforms? We would finally have our own media that caters to straight White males. That has little to no diversity. Just the way it used to be 20 years ago. And they would have their diversity woke degenerate bullshit. This way everyone will be happy.

Yes, there were shows/movies that had some black people but not many or none at all.
Think about the first season of Breaking Bad. There are no black people in it at all. And it's not until Gus appears that you have a black cast member. And he's the only black cast member until seasons 4 when he has a new henchmen (Tyrus). The only other one I can think of was the detective, but you only see him in like two episodes, so he's not part of the main recurring cast.
And you have a similar pattern with Game of Thrones or Dexter. Where you have maybe one or two black people in a cast that is predominantly White.
This is what I mean by little to no diversity.


>Yes, there were shows/movies that had some black people but not many or none at all.

I don't think they're a majority in any show I've watched from the USA. The only time they are tends to be when its some BET-tv production which is mostly tailored for african-americans. Or when it takes place in specific locations in the USA that are highly populated by non-white people.

Also in BSG the lead of the show was Hispanic. Another lead was Korean (or of Korean heritage).

>This is what I mean by little to no diversity.

So you don't *literally* mean all-white, when you say "no diversity"?


By little to no diversity I mean literally little (a black or two) to no (pure White cast) diversity.


You are almost comical at this point. Lmao

Signed, million man.


Are you of the opinion that the only thing people look for in media is the racial and sexual composition of the casts?


That's what I look for.
Really, what I'm proposing here is a system of categorization. Where you can select a category such as no diversity (White cast) and you would have all the movies and shows that fit that category. It doesn't mean that I can't watch any queer movies once in a while. But what it does mean is that if I don't want to see them I can filter all of them out by going to a particular streaming service. Each streaming service would make content for a specific demographic. I think my proposal would solve a lot problems and reduce cultural strife. You don't think that this is a reasonable proposal?


>That's what I look for.

And that's not what I asked you. Are you of the opinion that the only thing //people// (ie: not you) look for in media is the racial and sexual composition of the casts?

> Where you can select a category such as no diversity (White cast) and you would have all the movies and shows that fit that category. It doesn't mean that I can't watch any queer movies once in a while. But what it does mean is that if I don't want to see them I can filter all of them out by going to a particular streaming service. Each streaming service would make content for a specific demographic. I think my proposal would solve a lot problems and reduce cultural strife. You don't think that this is a reasonable proposal?

That's a search filter, not segregated services.

Why should it be split up amongst streaming services?


I think there are many people who do. Probably not the majority, but many.

Well the idea is not just a search filter, but to have streaming services that also create content. Imagine if there was more companies like Netflix that produce their own content, but unlike Netflix, there would be one that creates content for straight White people. Something that would appeal to the anti-Wokes. Then there would be one that would be for queers, where you would have all sort of queer content. And there would be a women's streaming service that would make the kinds of movies that women like to see like RomComs or something. More choices, more content, and more competition. Don't you think this would be the best solution for everyone? I'm trying to compromise here. Because the alternative is a fascist dictatorship where I am the dictator and I assure you that you won't like that very much.


>I think there are many people who do. Probably not the majority, but many.

And why should we care about what this "many" want here really (who aren't a majority)? Why don't they just crowdfund some white-only stuff? It's quite clear that the impact of this group isn't enough to change what TV shows and films get commissioned.

>Well the idea is not just a search filter, but to have streaming services that also create content.

Go help fund and get a kickstarter going for this white-only streamer then.

> Imagine if there was more companies like Netflix that produce their own content, but unlike Netflix, there would be one that creates content for straight White people. Something that would appeal to the anti-Wokes. Then there would be one that would be for queers, where you would have all sort of queer content. And there would be a women's streaming service that would make the kinds of movies that women like to see like RomComs or something. More choices, more content, and more competition.

Those are not the only three things people are interested in. I personally could not give a fuck about the racial or cultural composition of a cast. It matters not even slightly to me barring historical settings.

Why can't there exist a streamer that does LGBT themed content, AND women-themed content? AND sci-fi? And legal dramas?

>More choices, more content, and more competition. Don't you think this would be the best solution for everyone? I'm trying to compromise here. Because the alternative is a fascist dictatorship where I am the dictator and I assure you that you won't like that very much.

No, it's not the alternative. You do not get the deciding factor on what happens if this does not happen. Companies should be free to commission and buy what they like to share on their platforms.

Netflix is free to commission whatever shows they like. They go for multiple audiences: LGBT, women, international content fans (Korea), sci-fi, fantasy etc. So are the others.


And why should we care about what this "many" want here really (who aren't a majority)? Why don't they just crowdfund some white-only stuff? It's quite clear that the impact of this group isn't enough to change what TV shows and films get commissioned.

Most content 20 years ago was created for this group, but then the Wokes came, and they believed that we should no longer cater to these White cis heteronormative people because they had it too good for too long. They need to be de-centered. And for some reason all these companies feared the Wokes and submitted to their ridiculous demands. And here we are today. Where you have a company like Disney churning out shows like the Acolyte that appeals only to Wokes but no one else ending up with an audience score of 14%.
Go help fund and get a kickstarter going for this white-only streamer then.

Easier said than done. White people aren't allowed to do anything collectively or act in their own interests. Whenever they try they get persecuted, harassed, called Nazi, etc. There was literally some guy who tried to start a charity for White people and it was shut down. Now black charities, those are fine.
No, it's not the alternative. You do not get the deciding factor on what happens if this does not happen. Companies should be free to commission and buy what they like to share on their platforms.

I'm putting my Nazi uniform back on.


>Most content 20 years ago was created for this group, but then the Wokes came, and they believed that we should no longer cater to these White cis heteronormative people because they had it too good for too long. They need to be de-centered. And for some reason all these companies feared the Wokes and submitted to their ridiculous demands. And here we are today. Where you have a company like Disney churning out shows like the Acolyte that appeals only to Wokes but no one else ending up with an audience score of 14%.

And there are plenty of other successful TV shows not made by Disney that have cast compositions you do not like. That Disney has many stinkers doesn't have any relevance to the wider TV atmosphere.

Crowdfund your only streaming service.

>Easier said than done. White people aren't allowed to do anything collectively or act in their own interests. Whenever they try they get persecuted, harassed, called Nazi, etc. There was literally some guy who tried to start a charity for White people and it was shut down. Now black charities, those are fine.

Then complain about that specifically. That's the problem. Isn't this what the Daily Wire is doing anyway?

>I'm putting my Nazi uniform back on.

Because I won't hold to your obviously false dichotomy? What I'm getting here is that you admit your worldview is unpopular, that it fails in the marketplace of free ideas, but that you want to impose it anyway.

And you did not answer:

Those are not the only three things people are interested in. I personally could not give a fuck about the racial or cultural composition of a cast. It matters not even slightly to me barring historical settings.

Why can't there exist a streamer that does LGBT themed content, AND women-themed content? AND sci-fi? And legal dramas?


Because I won't hold to your obviously false dichotomy? What I'm getting here is that you admit your worldview is unpopular, that it fails in the marketplace of free ideas, but that you want to impose it anyway.

I don't believe we have a free market of ideas. If we did then my side would win. I believe that the game is rigged in favor of ideas that are not popular. Ideas shared by only a tiny minority of people. But those people have taken over all the levers of power and over every institution here in the US. And they are imposing their ideas on everyone else. Most of us don't want them but only half of us are willing to be vocal about it. The other half is either too scared or too apathetic to voice their displeasure. I know people personally who hate all the woke shit, but they don't complain about it often because they rarely watch TV and they don't pay attention to the news, so it doesn't really affect them that much.
But the moment they started watching more TV shows on Netflix the more they started to complain.
Why can't there exist a streamer that does LGBT themed content, AND women-themed content? AND sci-fi? And legal dramas?

There can be. As long as there is a network that excludes any LGBTQ themed content.


>I don't believe we have a free market of ideas. If we did then my side would win.

No reason whatsoever to believe this. Why hasn't the Daily Wires entertainment succeeded?

>I believe that the game is rigged in favor of ideas that are not popular. Ideas shared by only a tiny minority of people.

What ideas are these?

>Most of us don't want them but only half of us are willing to be vocal about it. The other half is either too scared or too apathetic to voice their displeasure. I know people personally who hate all the woke shit, but they don't complain about it often because they rarely watch TV and they don't pay attention to the news, so it doesn't really affect them that much.

If they rarely watch TV or don't pay attention to the news, then they by definition aren't having any impact. They don't account for all the people that do watch all the 'woke' content you so despise.

>There can be. As long as there is a network that excludes any LGBTQ themed content.

Daily Wire is doing that.


I mean I was flying on Delta airlines and there were categories on the inflight entertainment where movies were organized by the LGBTQ sex preferences portrayed in the stories or certain race / skin colors if the cast. I’ve seen this on Amazon Prime too. So apparently they believe some people look for movies based on these categories.


I can see LGBT people doing this, absolutely. And there are networks like BET - but forcing all streamers to ONLY do LGBT content, or ONLY do black-centric content, or ONLY do white-centric content is just outrageous to me. Filters? Fine.

I'll also add that these are more themes - where say the LGBT characters being LGBT is pivotal to the show. Gay romance shows like Heartstopper or Young Royals. Whereas, The Last of Us - which has a lesbian lead isn't LGBT programming in the same sense.


Nah. I like to stumble across stuff occasionally. If it doesn't interest me I just change the channel.

Signed, million man.


Well it's not like you're forced to only watch your main streaming service. You could venture out to the BET service or the queer one and see what they have to offer. If there is a great queer show, no one says you can't watch it. But if that is not what you want to see most of the time then you stick to your main (non-woke) streaming service.
Maybe streaming service is the wrong model here. Perhaps it would work better if we did this old school and it was specific networks that are part of your streaming or cable service. This way you can tune in to the queer channel, and if you stumble across something you like then great. But if you're not in the mood to see queers and trannies then you can avoid that channel all together and only watch your non-Woke networks.

I'm just brainstorming here. I wanted to take my Nazi uniform off for a moment and propose something reasonable and see what others think.


>Well it's not like you're forced to only watch your main streaming service. You could venture out to the BET service or the queer one and see what they have to offer.

They're low quality (often) shows primarily designed for african-americans. It's of no interest to most people.

> If there is a great queer show, no one says you can't watch it. But if that is not what you want to see most of the time then you stick to your main (non-woke) streaming service.

Most people don't chop up TV shows in this way. I'm into settings, themes, not cast composition.

>I'm just brainstorming here. I wanted to take my Nazi uniform off for a moment and propose something reasonable and see what others think.

It's based on a false premise that others view media as you do. They don't.


It's based on a false premise that others view media as you do. They don't.

No. You don't. But many others, like me, do.
It's interesting that you are not willing to compromise. This is why we can't co-exist. This is why I wear my Nazi uniform when I talk to you.


>No. You don't. But many others, like me, do.

And more don't. Why should your preferences dictate anything to me, or others like me?

>It's interesting that you are not willing to compromise. This is why we can't co-exist. This is why I wear my Nazi uniform when I talk to you.

I've already said: use and/or push for tag filters within services (there are third party sites that can do this for you anyway, no doubt). Or support the Daily Wire, or support crowdfunding other projects.

Why should Netflix be forced into ONLY making content for a specific demographic? Why should Prime be forced into ONLY making content for a specific demographic?


Yes there should be, people should not be forced to watch diversity crap when all diversity means in the media's context is less straight white males.


Who is forcing you to watch anything?

Why can't a streaming service cater to multiple demographics if they so choose to?


Why does it irk you so much that one particular demographic might want their own content?

Why cant you accept that woke crap is never successful on its own and must be shoehorned into an already successful, non-degenerate, entity?


>Why does it irk you so much that one particular demographic might want their own content?

It doesn't. Subscribe to the Daily Wire if you like. Crowdfund your own white-only streamer.

But it shouldn't impact other streamers.

>Why cant you accept that woke crap is never successful on its own and must be shoehorned into an already successful, non-degenerate, entity?

This is highly debateable. Sex Education and Heartstopper were both very successful. So was Euphoria. So was Ginny & Georgia. Depending on what you consider 'woke' I could go on and name many more highly successful shows like For All Mankind.


"Crowdfund your own white-only streamer."

Should I start my own internet as well? Maybe I should start a production house and start a new Hollywood?

" I could go on and name many more highly successful shows like For All Mankind."

Well could you name one I've fucking heard of?


>Should I start my own internet as well? Maybe I should start a production house and start a new Hollywood?

There's also the Daily Wire.

Why is it other people's problem that the narrow entertainment you want doesn't exist in decent numbers? I'd like more sci-fi shows, but I don't get to force streamers to make them.

>Well could you name one I've fucking heard of?

This speaks more of your total ignorance to modern TV.


Why do you want more sci fi shows? Sci Fi has had its own network for decades and before that there were all the Star Trek and twilight zone, outerlimits shows. If those are combined with the new stuff there is more than any Human could possibly watch in a lifetime.


By this logic there's plenty of old westerns and procedurals from the USA that are 99% white people. Why do you want more "white people" shows? There's more than enough for a lifetime.

There's tons of sci-fi books and films and games that don't have a TV adaptation, that could. I also don't like anthology shows like Twilight Zone, Outer Limits personally.


Why dont you like anthology shows? Do you think it takes less craft to create them?


No, I just don't like episodic shows like that or short stories. I prefer a long-running arc.
