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Megachurch pastor resigns after admitting 'sexual behavior' with 'young lady.' She was 12.

The pastor of a megachurch in Dallas resigned Tuesday, two days after admitting to "inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady" 35 years ago. The "young lady" in question was 12 and the "behavior" as she described it would amount to criminal sexual abuse.

The now-former Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church was preaching to more than 100,000 active attendees and was once a spiritual adviser to former President Donald Trump. His resignation comes four days after 54-year-old Cindy Clemishire went public with allegations that Morris started molesting her when she was 12 and he was 21, telling USA TODAY on Tuesday that she was no longer afraid.

"It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong," Morris, 62, said Sunday in a statement to local Dallas news station WFAA-TV. "This behavior happened on several occasions over the next few years ... Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area."

At first the church was standing behind Morris but announced his resignation following a wave of criticism.

In a statement issued to members of the news media, the church's board of elders said they previously understood that Morris had an "extramarital relationship" with a "young lady," citing the pastor's words − "not abuse of a 12-year-old child."

"We are heartbroken and appalled by what has come to light over the past few days, and we express our deep sympathy to the victim and her family," according to the statement, obtained by CBS News and NBC News.

Why does it seem that most child molesters are old white men who claim to be Christian, the original groomers?


21 isn't old.

But yeah it's creepy, even its just over-the-clothes groping.


35 years ago? Why is this woman making an issue of this now?


That’s your takeaway? I hope you don’t work around children.


The woman is 54 and wants to start a major case over being groped 35 years ago?

Yes, that's my take away and my question. This does not sound like the type of thing to leave a major trauma. So why is this suddenly worth her time?


Having an adult man touch you underneath your underwear and fondle your genitals starting when you are 12 and continuing for over 4 years isn't going to leave trauma?


Is she claiming it did? Was her life messed up from it?


I don't know to what degree her life was messed up by it, but I imagine there definitely would be some trauma. To suggest that repeated sexual abuse of a child by a trusted adult isn't going to cause trauma is extremely concerning and shows a lack of compassion and empathy. If an adult man did something similar to you, would you really be okay with it? Would you be fine with him not being punished and being able to work in a trusted position of power and being able to have access to children?


I don't know. I've known some women who have different degrees of early...abuse or relations.

The ones that are messed up, had far more serious abuse.

Others, just seemed to not. And just moved on and had normal lives.

i couldn't imagine them feeling a need to make a big issue about their past "relationships" decades after the fact.


Really? Even if the abuse started when they were still a child and the adult is a well known and respected person who would have access to children? You don't understand why someone might be concerned about that???


So, to be clear, you're dropping the trauma point and moving on to the potential of this being some type of long term, systemic behavior by the man?


No, both points are true. It would be traumatic and there is the possibility of other victims. He doesn’t sound remorseful and doesn’t seem to recognize the seriousness and wrongfulness of what he did. It’s possible that he has done this with other girls.


1. Would be? That sounds like an unsupported opinion.

2. Possible? Anything is POSSIBLE. it's POSSIBLE that it was an aberration for him and the rest of his life was above approach.


So what exactly is your point here? Are you saying what he did isn't a big deal and is okay, as long as he didn't do it to anyone else?


i made my point in my initial post. No one has addressed it.

Nothing has changed. Some people have attacked me I think because what they wanted was a mindless anti-christian or anti-male circle jerk.


What if she were YOUR daughter?


My daughter would have flipped out the first time and we would have dealt with it then.


Everyone isn't the same...


How exactly would you have dealt with it?


Assuming she shut it down at the first sign of inappropriate behavior?

Probably called the police and seen what charges could or should be filed, and/or complained to the church.


"touch you underneath your underwear and fondle your genitals"

Is that what he did?

"It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong"

I was wondering if this dude's definition of "sexual relations" was the same as Bill Clinton's.


Yes, she says he touched her underneath her underwear and touched every part of her body, including inserting his finger in her.


That was going to be my next question...

WARNING I'm not trying to be gross

"inserting his finger in her. "

There are several parts of the vagina. You can feel/finger the labia without "penetrating." Ditto with the clitoris/clitoral hood. Is there a distinction in the laws when it comes to sexual abuse/statutory rape?


I’m not sure how it would work legally, if there is a distinction.


Biden got away with similar.


Why does it seem that most child molesters are old white men who claim to be Christian, the original groomers?

Another projective and deflective child grooming post.

They’re not actual Christians. They are frauds and fakes hiding behind the label of Christianity ... Wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Other people also hide behind certain labels and statuses by claiming to have served their country while everything they stand for is treasonous.
