MovieChat Forums > Grifterhunter

Grifterhunter (992)


Can we all agree the education system in America could be better? Is his grift really that profitable? View all posts >


You ignore things constantly. The point stands I gave the reasons as to why whites were happier. You just didn't like my reason. You are stonewalling. Actually I did answer it. He is lying abd said I didn't. See how deceptive he is? There is the proof I answered. Nope actually I answered it. This is you being deceptive. Well you glamorize the 80's so much I figured he was relevant. I love how I proved that Aliens was woke and you couldn't refute it. That was hilarious. Either way I love seeing you exposed whether it's by me or anyone else with half a brain on these boards. Your denial is noted again. Reagan was not some saint by the way. He like all of them had his dirt also. Your denial is noted. So how many times have I beaten you now? I defeated you and proved you Aliens was woke, I proved the op was racist, I actually answered your questions and proved you wrong there. Let's debate the drug war and I will have no issue knocking your ass out on that issue also. You seem to think the 80s had no issue and that Reagan had no flaws. You realize things he said about other races right? My point stands. And no my intent was sincere. I don't give a shit if you believe it of not. The point stands, the economy was better back then. Nope I mentioned a sincere reason. You not liking my reason does not mean my reason wasn't sincere. Yeah he did. He said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and still have voters. That definitely applied to you. Correct because you want to stall the conversation. I answered the question. Move onto your point or concede. Nope that's what you have done by not moving forward. View all replies >