MovieChat Forums > Politics > American Airlines CEO says the removal o...

American Airlines CEO says the removal of several Black passengers from a flight was 'unacceptable'

The black passengers that were removed had a really bad body odor.
Do you think they should have been removed? Even if they smelled like rancid fried chicken grease and rotting watermelon?


Most of us know "that" smell. I wouldn't want to be trapped in its vicinity for a couple hours.


To be fair to the coloreds, they are still not as bad as a Pajeet. Now that's stench.


When i lived in Seoul, the subway in the morning would smell like red chilis and garlic. It oozed out of their pores.


Speaking of Pajeets, they are also very sexually aggressive. Here is a funny music video that exposes their Pajeet ways:


Don't care what color you are. If you stink - you stink!


And they used the "racial discrimination card" as a bullshit excuse to sue. Shocker.


This CEO never rides anything but first class. He never exposes himself to the vibrant hordes and ruminants of coach. But he's more than comfortable telling his regular customers "suck it up, buttercup!" so that he can appear tolerant to his buddies in the managerial class.

Fuck this guy and the horse he rode in on.


This is typical elite behavior. They love praising diversity, but they don't have diversity in their neighborhoods. They don't have to interact with diversity. They don't have to smell diversity.


Talk like MLK, live like the KKK.
