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maixiu (1121)


Joe Biden's latest glitch Robert Fico video, post shooting You want a great drinking game? More grooming More violence from the fascist left Remember when being a nerd actually meant something? Mass stabbing in Australia Man who got away with murder because he was black, dies. Best musical appearance Rest in Hell, Pat "Donaghy" Johnson View all posts >


So no answer to his evidence. Gotcha. And if you want to talk about science deniers, let's start with persons who reject evolution and human biodiversity. Drinking milk is only kind of WS, but making the "OK" sign with your fingers makes you literally Hitler! Do you disagree that Jewish scripture contains extremely anti-Christian passages? Have you ever heard of the term "Chosen People"? Oooh, the fact checkers have spoken! Bully for them. I see they rate Heller low for "rejecting the consensus". In other words, these are the same people who would have rejected people in the past for rejecting geocentric models of the solar system, rejecting the theory of miasmas, rejecting the idea of healing patients through bleeding, rejecting voodoo, etc., etc. Now, do you care to address the evidence he presented or would that be too humiliating? Here's Tony using NOAA's own data to demonstrate that this past week's warm weather - along with the recent two decades - doesn't measure up to the heat in the 1930s or even 1988. Want to make book on that? Put your money where your mouth is. They were once a football team that played a kids game on Sundays for paying customers. It now appears their existence is predicated on being a combination of Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King. Rent free in your heads. LOL! That's what this week has been, an opportunity to make him as lucid as possible. Lord knows what kind of drug cocktail they'll give him. His eyes will be black slits. He's going to be a Chatty Cathy that keeps repeating "convicted felon". Although, between the drugs and his addled brain, it'll sound more like "cuhvictfln". View all replies >