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More grooming

Little League baseball is primarily a sport for boys up to the ages of 12, while Little League girls' softball encompasses the same ages. It's about as wholesome an activity as you'll find. But the queer mafia wants to make sure that pre-teens know they'll always be welcomed by their homosexual friends! *wink* *wink*

It always boils down to kids with this lot.


That's not grooming. That is simply being welcome and accepting. Nothing sinister or perverse about it.


Sure, "welcoming and accepting"...of sexuality in an organization dedicated to pre-teens. Nothing groomer-esque about that at all!


Kids need to learn about sodomy to they can grow up happy and healthy.


Bullshit, it's fucking grooming. Did you pay attention to the age range for Little League? No 12yr knows what their sexuality is. It should never come into the discussion, these are kids. It is absolutely sinister, perverse and evil.


12 years old usually do know their sexuality. They have crushes, some have started dating and having sex, some watch porn.


No they don't. Any 12yr old with access to porn has parents that need to be horsewhipped.


You can't restrict kids from watching porn that would be racist.




All these lgbt people need to be placed on an island all by themselves cut off from the rest of civilization. People are tired of dealing with these degenerates. I'm beyond fucking sick of it.


So you are in favour of fascist-like retributive policies to millions of people.


Yes but just for the militant lgbt people.


You didn't specify "militant". You just said "all these LGBT" people. And what consitutes being militant?


Forcing others to like and accept them. Forcing kids to learn about it. They need to get the fuck out of society.


What constitutes "forcing"?

Do you think its reasonable to do some basic education/edutainment for kids, say 14 year olds at school about other sexualities (the age when some gay people start to question their sexuality)?


This is forcing.


They look like they're 14-16. I'd also have to see the actual video beyond a brief glimpse of the pride flag to comment on its relevance and messaging.


You're advocating for sexually explicit discussions with kids 12 and under and you're shocked someone called you a pedophile??? Idiot. Tired of you fucking degenerates.


I said no such thing. Those students in the clip look older than 12. And I have no idea the content of that video as we see almost nothing.

I asked: Do you think its reasonable to do some basic education/edutainment for kids, say 14 year olds at school about other sexualities (the age when some gay people start to question their sexuality)?





Any sexual education whatsoever?



You just did and you always do. You parrot the progressive talking points without ever engaged your brain.

If they're under 18 they're children.

So. No.


>You just did and you always do. You parrot the progressive talking points without ever engaged your brain.

No, I did not. I said nothing about 12 year olds.

>If they're under 18 they're children.

So should all sexual education be banned from education? Should teenagers be prevented from knowing that LGBT people exist? What if a 15-16 year old happens to be gay?


The OP said 12yr olds. Dumbass. Most Little League kids are younger than that. You think 6yr olds should be taught about queers? You said what you said, change it or own it.

Yes, I believe it should be banned in school. Especially if it's going to give credence to degenerate behavior. If a parent wants to teach their kids about it, that's on them. As it should be.


>The OP said 12yr olds. Dumbass. Most Little League kids are younger than that. You think 6yr olds should be taught about queers? You said what you said, change it or own it.

Right, and the video linked by Blade in this chain show a clip of kids that seemed to be between 14 and 16.

I said no such thing, fuckwit.

>Yes, I believe it should be banned in school. Especially if it's going to give credence to degenerate behavior. If a parent wants to teach their kids about it, that's on them. As it should be.

So you want higher teen pregnancy rates then. Sex education correlates with lowering pregnancy rates.

Part of sex/social education about LGBT people is to help alleviate and mitigate potential hatred and bigotry from kids as they enter adult life proper. Sex education itself is about mitigating kids experimenting on their own and making colossal mistakes and to teach kids boundaries and health issues associated with it.


You want to argue but you have no conviction whatsoever. You're just a puppet.

Did I say kids should never learn about sex? Gee, I wonder where a child might learn something other than school? Hmmmmm.......


>Did I say kids should never learn about sex? Gee, I wonder where a child might learn something other than school? Hmmmmm.......

You said that sex education has zero place in schools.

Some parents do not teach kids this shit.


Hey, love is love and dont you forget it, son of a bitch. I bet you say that to people, dont you.


That was an example of kids being forced.


Without seeing the video in full, I can't comment.

Do you think its reasonable to do some basic education/edutainment for kids, say 14 year olds at school about other sexualities (the age when some gay people start to question their sexuality)?




So you want higher teen pregnancy rates then. Sex education correlates with lowering pregnancy rates.

Part of sex/social education about LGBT people is to help alleviate and mitigate potential hatred and bigotry from kids as they enter adult life proper. Sex education itself is about mitigating kids experimenting on their own and making colossal mistakes and to teach kids boundaries and health issues associated with it.


Not having lgbt "education" in schools means higher teen pregnancy rates? Is that your argument?


Specifically sex education.

I think it's quite reasonable for some modest education about LGBT people to be in school. Some kids in school will be gay, and will be struggling with that.


stop trying to conflate sex education and lgbt propaganda you little bitch


I did no such thing. I'll repeat: I think it's quite reasonable for some modest education about LGBT people to be in school. Some kids in school will be gay, and will be struggling with that.

Are you opposed to sex education too?


What do pregnancy rates have to do with lgbt?


You just wait. They'll eventually get rid of the baseballs, then the bats, then having it outdoors, and then the fisting starts. Give these child predators an inch, they'll take a mile, and then your house, and then your kids on top of that.


They should never have been given "the inch" to start with.


I saw nothing good coming out of gay "marriage" becoming legal nation-wide in 2015, and honestly, it's been downhill culturally for everyone else ever since.


> and then the fisting starts. Give these child predators an inch, they'll take a mile

Whew, that's a heck of a fist.


What do the gays have to do with sports? Can they fuck off and be gay and stop telling everyone how awesome it is?


They are the Borg. They can't reproduce naturally, so they need to assimilate our kids into their collective.

Unfortunately for them, resistance is NOT futile...




About time someone mentioned it that way! They and the Woke Movement are a lot like the Borg.


There are more & more same sex couples with kids. Some of those kids want to play Little League Baseball. It might provide peace of mind for the parents to know the organization is accepting of their child & his/her family.

Say you were a coach responsible for a bunch of kids playing baseball. Most the time little Timmy gets dropped off for practice by his mom. On a weekend game day you notice little Timmy's mom is in the stands sitting close to another woman who you find out is his other mom. What are you going to do say "Hey Timmy I like you son but I can't abide faggots. You'll have to go..."


It's children playing sports. Why does the parents' sexuality have to be part of the discussion? Oh, I forgot, it's literally ALL about identity politics and nothing else.


I wouldn't say anything to Timmy, since he's a minor who has no control over his situation. But that doesn't answer why we have to proactively proclaim to 12 year olds that sexual degeneracy should be respected and accepted. Why is the subject raised at all in an organization that governs sporting activities for preteens? There really isn't an plausible answer other than a desire to groom children.


Because they're not doing the "sexual degeneracy" stuff in public. You don't have to fully accept it, just don't be an asshole to Timmy's moms. Maybe keep an eye out on Timmy in case the other kids start making fun of him for having 2 moms.

My brother in law's sister is married to a woman and they have 2 young boys. Their lives will probably be harder at times because of this. I find one of the kids to be pretty damn annoying, he might have some behavioral problems. I only see them a couple times a year but whenever I do I never want to make things harder for them by being mean or unaccepting. They'll face plenty of that in the outside world.

As far as the rainbow pride month baseball diamond thing my guess is it's an ad for the parents. Maybe it's a rich town and this is virtue signaling to get parents to feel good about signing up with a tolerant organization and pay their fees which I hear can be a lot.


I didnt know you were speaking at the pride parade.


Who's not doing the sexual degeneracy "stuff" in public? Have you ever seen footage of a "Pride" parade? And before you ask, I'm not down with flagrantly sexual expressions by straights either, but straights don't envelop their entire identity in where they put their genitals.

And this isn't some local ad. Little League baseball is an international organization, with teams in 80 countries.


He's referring to a potential same-sex two mother couple in his analogy, not pride parades. And this in itself, whatever you think of it, isn't doing some of the things you see in some pride parades.


They should find their own island, far away from all kids and the rest of normal society.


So you want to force all gay and lesbians and transpeople to leave their countries. Forced population transfer.

Fascist fuck


Yeah, give them all the comforts of home, except the access to the internet (or outside communication in general) or a way to escape, and let them live out their lives the way they want. Keep the lesbians on one island, the gays on the other, and sort out the trannies to either one based on their biological sex. Whatever they do on those islands will be their business and nobody else's.


Just more casual forced expulsion fascism bought to you by AmericaGirl, one of the sites most repulsive users


Yeap, their own Dystopian Paradise (Babylon 2.0).


How Russia celebrates LGBT pride.

Look at the back of the LEO@18sec and read the letters from right to left.


So you're glorifying state violence to LGBT people.

You continue to be a hateful piece of shit fascist.


She was told to get on the bus and refused, other people walked in without behaving like a spoiled brat.


It's all in Russian. You have absolutely no idea what the context is going there, you piece of shit anti-american fascist. You hate free speech. There could be no higher argument for someone being anti-american than wanting to use the state to persecute others for their speech.

Your worldview is no different than the Taliban.


I don't need to know their language, I have eyes and common sense.

The others were getting in the bus without having to be dragged off.


>I don't need to know their language, I have eyes and common sense.

Yes, you do. Russia has a habit, for instance of using buses to grab conscripts. The clip even shows someone talking about how they're targeting LGBT protests.

>The others were getting in the bus without having to be dragged off.

And why are they even being forced on a bus anyway?

You are a piece of shit anti-american fascist. You hate free speech. There could be no higher argument for someone being anti-american than wanting to use the state to persecute others for their speech.

Your worldview is no different than the Taliban.


"Yes, you do. Russia has a habit, for instance of using buses to grab conscripts."

And you know this how?


You going to ask how TVfan somehow "knows" they were just being put on a bus? And why are they even being forced on a bus anyway?


thats exactly how they should be dealt with. Thats satisfying to watch.


So you want the state to arrest any and all LGBT activists?

You are a piece of shit anti-american fascist. You hate free speech. There could be no higher argument for someone being anti-american than wanting to use the state to persecute others for their speech.


Go and have yourself a good cry about it.


So are you conceding that you're a fascist?


Are you conceding that you're an idiot?


Not an answer: Are you conceding that you're a fascist?


You're the fascist for pretending that's the only available option.


So what could you be described as then?

And you didn't answer my initial question: So you want the state to arrest any and all LGBT activists?


Russia doesn't tolerate Groomers.


Your continued claim that all LGBT people are groomers is noted. You continue to be a hateful piece of shit fascist.

Russia, by the way, also has almost no media soft power. People don't watch Russian TV/films, listen to Russian music, or play Russian video games in any meaningful high numbers. This is due to decades of repression and censorship that have throttled their capacity for an international media presence.

Where as the USA utterly dominates.


No society should. Russia wont have any drag queens dancing for children or any of the cancerous lgbt shit that is happening in the U.S.


So you want the state to arrest any and all LGBT activists? Do you want any and all TV shows and films that depict LGBT people to be banned?


I want lgbt people on their own island so they can infect each other with their cancerous garbage. Is that clear enough?


By force? Should the state round all LGBT people up to achieve this?

What about media? Should it be banned to depict LGBT people? Should it be banned for a gay person to hold hands with their partner in public? What about the fact that there will always be new LGBT people as not everyone happens to be straight?


Yes round them up and ship them off.


So you are outright openly in favour of mass expulsions. Why shouldn't I consider you any less than a fascist?

What about the fact that there will always be new LGBT people as not everyone happens to be straight?


All they had to do was leave the kids alone. They couldnt do that. I'm against all of them now.


Not answering my question:

So you are outright openly in favour of mass expulsions. Why shouldn't I consider you any less than a fascist?

What about the fact that there will always be new LGBT people as not everyone happens to be straight?


Also, what constitutes not leaving the kids alone. Is any context by which a kid discovers that LGBT people exists "not leaving them alone"? Do you distinguish between a 10 year old hearing about LGBT people to a 16 year old?


I've been as clear as I can. Stop acting the same question with slightly different words. I want them all out of normal society.


I'll do what the fuck I like. I don't answer to you. I know you like to control other people's lives by force because you're a tiny-dicked little authoritarian manchild, but you have no power.

Not answering my question:

So you are outright openly in favour of mass expulsions. Why shouldn't I consider you any less than a fascist?

What about the fact that there will always be new LGBT people as not everyone happens to be straight?


Also, what constitutes not leaving the kids alone. Is any context by which a kid discovers that LGBT people exists "not leaving them alone"? Do you distinguish between a 10 year old hearing about LGBT people to a 16 year old?

>I want them all out of normal society.

Fascist scumbag


Tiny dicked? It always comes back to penises with you lot, doesn't it?


And who is "you lot" here when referring to me?

Tiny-dicked has long been an insult used to suggest someone, a male, is being a cowardly overcompensating little shit.


Because many on the left are addicted to pornography. It's always sex related insults.


I use many insults. That one just came to mind. Going to answer any of my points, fuckface?


I answered your questions. I want them out of society.


Not answering my questions specifically:

So you are outright openly in favour of mass expulsions. Why shouldn't I consider you any less than a fascist?

What about the fact that there will always be new LGBT people as not everyone happens to be straight?


Also, what constitutes not leaving the kids alone. Is any context by which a kid discovers that LGBT people exists "not leaving them alone"? Do you distinguish between a 10 year old hearing about LGBT people to a 16 year old?

>I want them all out of normal society.

Fascist scumbag


There will always be gay people. Whether or not its 1% or 2% of the population, or even 5% - there will always be people who are attracted to their own sex. Where should they go?


They should go to the island with all the rest of them. Get them the fuck out. They bring nothing but pain, misery and chaos.


And what island is this then? What about bisexual people?

And I'll repeat my questions:

So you are outright openly in favour of mass expulsions. Why shouldn't I consider you any less than a fascist?

What about the fact that there will always be new LGBT people as not everyone happens to be straight?


Also, what constitutes not leaving the kids alone. Is any context by which a kid discovers that LGBT people exists "not leaving them alone"? Do you distinguish between a 10 year old hearing about LGBT people to a 16 year old?


Should almost every single modern long-form TV series be banned?


If I get him angry enough he'll start talking about putting stuff in my butt or worse.
