MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is this the Politics board, or the White...

Is this the Politics board, or the White Supremecy board?

Came for Politics, every topic is blaring the battle horns of White Nationalism

Crying over the fact it's not the 80s anymore.
I expect the crying from conservatives because crying has become synonymous with being an American conservative but where is the discussion of politics?

Is there ever any discussion of politics here?
Or is it just manbabies crying about the Great Replacement?

I know none of you have the capacity to answer to any of those questions, so just don't think about it too much, and go back to your Tucker Carlson video.


Of course there are politics, you just need to search for them or engage in them. I talk mostly politics and trash both unpopular candidates but still see the orange man a bigger threat. The only reason he'll be great is to make rich people richer again. It's a good turing test to see who's wrong when they're elected for a second term.


At least one of the so-called white nationalists (curiousmind) has admitted he's just a troll, pretending to be a racist. I've blocked him.
