MovieChat Forums > Politics > FACT: The New Mexico Justice Department ...

FACT: The New Mexico Justice Department thinks it should be legal for cops to murder people in cold blood...

...just for kicks. Here's the proof.


If they knocked on my door and I looked through the blinds and see that they are LEOs, I'm not going to open the door waving my firearm.

That's neither the first or last time that LEOs go to the wrong house by mistake.


Punishing police for "mistakes" would reduce "mistakes".


I'm on the side of tvfan here, too many retards owning guns that think holding a gun is suppose to scare cops. Maybe some thieves/thugs but that's just tempting fate. There should be situational awareness training for people to own guns instead of jumping the gun so-to-speak.

I also think cops need more training as well because many a times we see bodycams they seem to not know shit a lot of the times, well, those that make it to release anyway.


I read that as "the new Mexico Justice Department" and couldn't understand what the fuck you meant because as far as I knew the mexican justice system has always been that way. But now I see you are talking about the state.

But yes, if any law enforcement goes to the wrong house using excessive force they should be criminally punished.


Have to agree with you here. Lots of this going on. Homeowners coming to the door or the police just seeing a firearm and doing magazine dumps without any sort of identification of a threat. Its sickening and will only get worse. Wait until they are have Immunity from prosecution. It will be open season for anyone LE dont like and collateral damage be damned. Licence to Kill. Its insane.

Then the populace will escalate.. then LE will escalate.. Then the Mob will form... BLOODBATH. This is all by design. The average person has no clue how ignorant LEO are about the law let alone how much abuse of power goes on thats covered up. Their "brotherhood" is not far off from that of cartels or gangs when you dig deep into what actually goes on.

Something needs to be done but it wont happen. This is all part of the Agenda and we are heading to a police state. All people can do is try to avoid them as much as possible once things progress and dont draw attention to yourselves. LE is ego driven with very low intelligence and they have as much remorse when they screw up as your average thug. Its only gotten worse and worse as this agenda has moved forward. Once the federalize all LE we are in a New World.

Wait until families start striking back and targeting officers. Thats an eventual outcome as well. LE is going off the rails. Protect and Serve has a different meaning than the typical civilian thinks it does. Its not for the people. "Brotherhood" is an Occult Term.... Much of it Freemasonry (which is Luciferianism). Its not hard to see it when you know what you are looking for. Military is 100% the same. The Occult symbolism is right on their medals. Check out the Medal of Honor sometime. Look at the Badges of your local LE Officers. Its typically right in peoples faces they just do see it.
