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AsBelowSoAbove (229)



LOL never seen it. Wasnt a fan of the horror in that particular era of late 90s. Scream was OK. I like Most of Ryan Phillippe's work though. Forgot he was in this. I dont think I watched him in anything until Way of The Gun. Maybe I will give it a chance. Never cared for those actresses so it probably wont be my thing. Hes an alcoholic and smoked like a chimney. He also used a lot of drugs. Amazing he is still working and not dead. Great actor and good looking leading man when he was younger but you can only live like that for so long before it catches up with you. I think hes clean now but has health and cognitive issues. Last interview he talked about not being able to memorize lines anymore. Something brain related. Hes older but not so old he should be dealing with that. Take care of yourself and lookout for your health long term. Gets harder every year these days but it can be done. Im 48 and have not really slowed down. I do a lot of fasting and cleansing though. I still do a lot of distance running with my kids. They wont let me slow down LOL. Getting old doesnt necessarily "Suck" but it does take more discipline and adapting/modification. To bad Michael didnt take care of himself. He was such a wreck for a while he couldnt really get any work. Im not sure if he couldnt be insured or what. Hes been in and out of a few rehabs. I wish we could have gotten more good films out of him. Same can be said for LOTS of these actors. Crazy how many go off the deep end. Hes played his role and done his job. I think we dropped off around season 10. Everything got redundant and repetitive to the point of it just being boring. Plus Sam got crazy skinny and didnt look like him anymore. Looked like he was dying. We will get to finishing it one of these days but those seasons of Supernatural are LOOOONG. TV series burn me out because they take so much time to get through and there's always filler. Early seasons were fantastic. I think this show is a whole lot better just once a week vs binge watching. Well Ripley is just kind of Odd in Alien 3 and REALLY odd in Alien 4. Sigourney went kind of silly with that character after 2. I think she wanted Riply to have sex with an Alien in 4. Sigourney gone a little Wacky back then. She was known to be kind of a pain in the rear when it came to work. She is my favorite all time Actress though. As much of a headache she seemed to be able to give some directors she could deliver in her performances. I basically pretend NONE of the Aliens ever happened outside of 1 and 2. The story arc for Ripley was complete. They blew up the entire planet from orbit. Its OVER. These silly attempts to resurrect an Alien or even Ripley were always pretty shakey. All these prequels to me are also pretty pathetic. Everything outside of Alien 1 and 2 is just a hot mess. They can do this stuff to every franchise IDC. Nobody watches them and if they do its forgotten within a year or two. Same goes for the remakes. Waste of time and money. How many people still talk about the Thing Prequel... NONE. And compared to franchises like Alien the Thing Prequel actually made some sense. Indiana Jones.. Star Wars.. Halloween LOL.. IPs literally went full blown Idiocracy. Now its gone LGBTQ.... Whatever... Idiocracy. Cant wait to see what their next strategy is. Its all parody as far as Im concerned. LOL nah its fine. We watch stuff like this on a projector so it doesnt make that much difference. As long as I can follow the story and see whats going on Im fine. Some of my bootlegs of unknown stuff have NEVER been released on DVD or even VHS so I dont make a big deal out of it. My Abyss copy was one of those THX special edition versions so its pretty solid. Tons of extras with a neat menu screen. Sometimes I prefer the older DVDs because the Blu Rays can sometimes look a little goofy to me and the special effects are not as well hidden. Abyss is probably a solid bluray though. Cameron is likely fanatical about those. Maybe I will grab one cheap if I come across it. We have thousands and thousands of DVDs. Maybe 50 blurays Upgrading everything to bluray would be insane. Sometimes I go Bluray if its an old film we dont have. I did buy Die Hard and Predator on Bluray but always end up just watching the DVDs. Predator looks kind of strange. Very colorful though. DVDs here are also inexpensive. Used Book Stores and Pawn Shops sell them for $1 and if you get say 30 DVDs its $20. I guess blu rays were good in that way. Funny thing is my youngest son thinks VHS is the coolest thing ever. He likes old tech. Not much but I will try and remember. "Starman" (Carpenter) with the Kids. Classic.. seen it before "St. Elmo's Fire" with the wife.. Cute film.. Been 25 years or so since watching. "Kid" (C Thomas Howell low budget film). Not bad. Revenge film from 1990 similar to a Western "Black Water" Australian film. Crocodile attack.. rewatch. Fantastic film "Death and the Maiden".. Polanski film. Sigourney Weaver and Ben Kingsley. Classic "Dusk Till Dawn".. Watch with the kids. Youngest has become a fan of it. Solid popcorn film. Thats it. Was a lot actually. Busy house. Probably watch "The Principal" this week. James Belushi film from the 80s. Great film basically everyone likes. Need to get back on some more Carpenter as well. Also Westworld 1973 which is basically a Carpenter/Cameron hybrid that inspired them both and its easy to see why. Trying to ignore political BS and watch more films. Mickey came from the streets. His stepfather beet the crap out of him and his mother every day. He became a boxer. After an injury he needed time to heal for a WHILE and a friend asked him to fill in for the lead in a play. Mickey had never acted and said why not. He went on to become one of the finest actors of all times but still didnt like acting that much. Went back to boxing as a professional, took more beatings, and then back to acting. The guys never had an easy day in his whole life. Hes tough as nails though because he fought A LOT. His interviews are extremely honest and he doesnt really hide much. These days he doesnt have a lot and doesnt look anything like himself anymore. Almost Michael Jackson level. Its a miracle hes not in prison or hasnt killed himself IMO. Tormented and damaged person from very early on. Incredible actor though especially in the 80s to early 90s. Makes most actors look average.. Deniro included. Deniro went pretty out of his way to bash Mickey after Angel Heart. Rourke was difficult to work with sometimes but that can be said for almost any actor. Cimeno and Parker sure liked him and those guys were VERY bullish so I always suspected Mickey being difficult was largely fabricated BS just to try and shut him down. Stallone, Rodriguez, Miller, and Aronofsky also liked Rourke. De Niro just a petty vindictive jerk because he he saw what Mickey was capable of on Angel Heart. Mickey basically turned the scenes into acting competitions and freaked out Deniro. Parker has talked about it in a few interviews. He said he had never seen anything that good come out of an actor. LOL.. Sandy I need you to watch Funny Games if you have never seen it. That one got me thinking. Took me twice to really understand what was really going on in that film and its hard to watch because the acting is so intense at parts. Might be it was too built up for you. Its a low budget film in the vein of Carpenter. I think the music it what sets it apart along with mood. Again.. Carpenter. The plot is basically a warning not to sleep with sluts or at least slut around. The girl becomes evil at the end as she basically starts giving out death sentences to random strangers and friends. In the end she is the evil while the "Demon" is just doing what demons do. So there is a little more depth there than people think but they tend to just watch it passively and be taken in by the mood/atmosphere. The film is Occult and glorifies it obviously as the girls is portrayed as a victim or protagonist. Many wont like this at the deeper levels as it portrays women who sleep around (And men at the beginning) as evil. I didnt make the film or write the script though. People often get upset and go into denial when they are duped. Try Starry Eyes. Its a better film. Neon Demon is excellent but its VERY deep in Wicca and ritual meaning along with both Luciferianism and Satanism. Most cant grasp it. I Trapped the Devil is an excellent film just dont expect Evil Dead. Its a psychological thriller an NO BUDGET. If you are a thinker look into Funny Games. Naomi Watts and Eli Roth. Brilliant film and so psychological people are just confused at the end because they dont understand what they just watched and what the director was doing to them throughout the film. Oscar caliber performances but the film bombed obviously do to its extreme bizarreness. It will forever be Naomi's best performance IMO and likely Roths as well. You can find it on Youtube. It follows is a decent film though for what it is. Anything half way decent can get overhyped these days because so much complete crap is floating around. To me its a bit of an 80s throwback teenager film in the likes of Nightmare on Elm Street just not nearly as good. View all replies >