It Sucks

Man I am STRUGGLING to get through this. 25 mins left not sure if I’m gonna make it. This is slow and awful. And they’re making a sequel? Oh brother.


Nice try diddy


Yep. I tried. Couldn’t finish.


Your loss. Quite a good film.
Maybe try Friday the 13th Part 17 - Jason vs The Argonauts.


It's a bad movie, you were right to cut your losses.


its just not for you man. stick with low IQ movies next time. good luck!


Movie make me think. Me no like!


LOL.. Sandy I need you to watch Funny Games if you have never seen it. That one got me thinking. Took me twice to really understand what was really going on in that film and its hard to watch because the acting is so intense at parts.


Might be it was too built up for you. Its a low budget film in the vein of Carpenter. I think the music it what sets it apart along with mood. Again.. Carpenter. The plot is basically a warning not to sleep with sluts or at least slut around. The girl becomes evil at the end as she basically starts giving out death sentences to random strangers and friends. In the end she is the evil while the "Demon" is just doing what demons do. So there is a little more depth there than people think but they tend to just watch it passively and be taken in by the mood/atmosphere. The film is Occult and glorifies it obviously as the girls is portrayed as a victim or protagonist. Many wont like this at the deeper levels as it portrays women who sleep around (And men at the beginning) as evil. I didnt make the film or write the script though. People often get upset and go into denial when they are duped.

Try Starry Eyes. Its a better film. Neon Demon is excellent but its VERY deep in Wicca and ritual meaning along with both Luciferianism and Satanism. Most cant grasp it. I Trapped the Devil is an excellent film just dont expect Evil Dead. Its a psychological thriller an NO BUDGET.

If you are a thinker look into Funny Games. Naomi Watts and Eli Roth. Brilliant film and so psychological people are just confused at the end because they dont understand what they just watched and what the director was doing to them throughout the film. Oscar caliber performances but the film bombed obviously do to its extreme bizarreness. It will forever be Naomi's best performance IMO and likely Roths as well. You can find it on Youtube.

It follows is a decent film though for what it is. Anything half way decent can get overhyped these days because so much complete crap is floating around. To me its a bit of an 80s throwback teenager film in the likes of Nightmare on Elm Street just not nearly as good.
