Biehn in Star Wars


He is 63!😂


alien franchise, terminator franchise and now star wars. sweet career.


I recognized his voice before I realized it was him.


When he was younger, I most definitely could see him playing either Luke Skywalker or Han Solo


They should have kept him around longer. It was only for one episode, and the episode wasn't even very good.


I was super depressed, I noticed him right away but it made me sad to see how old he looks. I had SUCH a crush on him when I was 13.


Hes an alcoholic and smoked like a chimney. He also used a lot of drugs. Amazing he is still working and not dead. Great actor and good looking leading man when he was younger but you can only live like that for so long before it catches up with you. I think hes clean now but has health and cognitive issues. Last interview he talked about not being able to memorize lines anymore. Something brain related. Hes older but not so old he should be dealing with that.

Take care of yourself and lookout for your health long term. Gets harder every year these days but it can be done. Im 48 and have not really slowed down. I do a lot of fasting and cleansing though. I still do a lot of distance running with my kids. They wont let me slow down LOL. Getting old doesnt necessarily "Suck" but it does take more discipline and adapting/modification.

To bad Michael didnt take care of himself. He was such a wreck for a while he couldnt really get any work. Im not sure if he couldnt be insured or what. Hes been in and out of a few rehabs. I wish we could have gotten more good films out of him. Same can be said for LOTS of these actors. Crazy how many go off the deep end.


Well it can be hard to have easy access to excess and not indulge.


Hey thanks for filling me in! Yes I have always been conscious of aging well, I purposely don't drink or smoke for these reasons.

Stress can also age you a lot. I have a VERY stressful Job for a million dollar company, after I left I completely changed my life and moved out into the country in another state. I feel like I've added 10 years to my life by doing that.

I'm so happy that I've never experienced addiction. That can wreck everything. I'm so sad to see what has happened to him because of addiction and his choices.

Glad to hear that you are doing well and are so active! People still think I am at least 15 years younger that I am do to good genes and healthy living, quality is just as important as quantity of life.


I dont want to sound like Im bashing Biehn because thats not the case. He was always one of my favorites. Great Range as an actor both when playing a protagonist, and antagonist, or even a side character. Hes basically always been underrated even when he was younger. The good directors could see the potential though which is why guys like Friedkin would keep him working.

Im sure if Michael was doing it all over again he would make different choices. In that way he is very much like someone say Rourke. In the end he gave us a lot of great performances. Not as much as I would have liked but he did deliver with what he did IMO. Im glad to see he somewhat cleaned up his life. That doesnt always happen. Sometimes its not where you have been its where you end up that matters. Watch Seventh Sign and Rampage. Those are two good performances where he was able to show more of his acting chops. "The Fan" is a fun one as well. He basically plays a creep stalking Lauren Bacall. I dont think I have ever seen a performance where he wasnt giving it his all. He has always cared about filmmaking regardless of whatever demons he was dealing with in his personal life. Would have been nice if Cameron wouldnt have treated him like such a dog. Their collaboration should have been like Deniro/Scorsese, Carpenter/Russel, Rourke Cimeno etc. Camerons been an ass since The Abyss IMO.
