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Live updates: Dems in full panic mode after Biden’s stumbling performance, pundits say

Joe is done. and they are now trying to find a way to replace him before Nov.

I had a three legged hamster that performed better than Joe Potato. and he wasn't corrupt or a serial liar.

Nominee?? J0E can’t function now, and it’s just beyond comprehension that he would even be considered as a nominee! This madness has to stop!


He's the Best they've got.


thats the sad part. 330 million people and this is it?


I'm sort of surprised we don't have more of a talkback about this debate than the 3 of us unless they're all hidden in a undisclosed thread discussing it in shame??


I watched a few minutes of it then turned it off. Ive seen to many debates in my life. Its hard for me to stomach this stuff anymore. Writing has been on the wall for a long time now. Trump will be reinstalled. Its all part of this plan. Its not Good or Bad it just "Is". I just wish people would stop being so distracted by this show like its a football game and start trying to learn whats actually going on.

The short section I observed Trump had more energy and looked to be on the attack while Biden basically played his continuing part as the Fall Guy. I was only able to get a quick read on the overall mood though. Not sure if I will go back and analyze it in its entirety. Not sure there is any point.

The political hacks here are likely reading what the spinsters are saying and trying to dig up .. like it even matters. They will be parroting whatever people they choose to follow are saying soon as always.

The "show" goes on.. etc. etc.


The bots are probably waiting for their direction and for leftwing articles to be written so they can use them as sources for their "evidence".


Big Mike gonna get the tap?


I heard that Big Mike doesnt like Joe anymore, something about Hunters ex wife.


You'll probably start seeing a whole bunch of folks distance themselves from Poopy Pants. He's been used up, time to cast him aside, as they do with anybody else who outlives their usefulness. That's the compassionate democrat for you.


Replacing Biden at the last moment is very unlikely and extremely difficult; however, if they do, these are their top choices:

1.) Newsom
2.) Big Mike
3.) Hillary
4.) Kamala


the Swamp is pushing for Big Mike. that would make Barack the first trans first lady.


It appears that way even though it's legally too late to replace a failing candidate, but rules and laws have never prevented the Swamp from doing whatever they want.

"WISCONSIN — It's already too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot.

NEVADA—After tonight, the fourth Friday in June, it will be too late to remove Joe Biden.

GEORGIA—Only a few weeks remain before it will be too late to remove Biden from the ballot."


After that disastrous debate, it’s becoming more apparent that his handlers are considering replacing Joe.


yeah,. the NYT said that Joe needs to step down. he wont though because he is too narcissistic and wants to destroy america.


BIG Mike might be our new Pres next year.

Michelle Obama Odds Surge to Replace Joe Biden After Debate


I think that the only way they would replace Joe is if he is incapacitated, dead or declared mentally incompetent.
