MovieChat Forums > Computers and Software > Question about PSU fan

Question about PSU fan

Hey guys,

I'm puzzled about something related to my PSU fan and I've gotten a lot of help from this board before so I figured I might as well try asking here...

I need to replace one of the fans in my PSU. What is strange is that this fan is a 4-wire fan, but each pair of wires is split into its own two-pin connector. One connector plugs into the PSU itself and the other plugs into the motherboard.

I've been trying to find an exact replacement of this fan but I cannot find any kind of fan that has more than one cable/connector on it. Even other replacement PSU fans seem to just have one connector that can plug into either the PSU or the motherboard but not both.

Are the two separate connections even necessary? Any idea why the fan would need to be plugged into two separate locations? If I just got a fan with one connector and plugged it into the PSU or the motherboard alone,, do you think this would be a bad idea? Usually I'd experiment but I'm uncomfortable experimenting with power-oriented stuff.



Glad you sorted it all out ;)

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