MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's the most scary movie of all time?

What's the most scary movie of all time?

For me it has to be the ORIGINAL Blair Witch Project. Saw that when I was just a kid and couldn't sleep for weeks after. Also, to this day, I've never been camping solely because of that movie.


The Exorcist. Easy choice for me. I’m a grown man who still won’t watch that film alone in the dark. Haha.

The original Pet Semetary also terrified me beyond belief when I was little, especially the character of Zelda, who when I was a kid I always thought was waiting to jump out of my closet and get me. 🤣 The concept of this film is still frightening to me.


The Reef


#1 The Shining
#2 is The Exorcist because its only scary in the last 45 minutes.


I agree on Blair Witch, very chilling and shockingly realistic


Exorcist 3 with George C Scott and Brad Dourif. Oh it freaked me out!


I sought this out...Available now on Tubi streaming (I can't recall seeing it but Scott was very entertaing)
There's a high likelihood I watch it tonight, thanks Allison


I've said this before (not on this thread), but I find The Shining kind of funny and not at all scary.
For me Mulholland Drive is the most disturbing, but according to what everyone says, the "scariest of all time" is probably The Exorcist (I haven't seen it).


I love the Exorcist, but it's probably not really going to shock or scare you like it did people back in the 70s. It's actually pretty slow building compared to much modern horror. The first half of the movie is very character driven, and the few scares are the subtle, creepy type.

It's great, but I think people who go in expecting this unreal experience end up disappointed.


I think the book version of The Shining is much scarier than the movie.
