MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Imdbv2.0 and moviechat, which is better?...

Imdbv2.0 and moviechat, which is better?... Don't forget our real enemy is IMDB

Imdbv2.0 is great, it is probably the place where most IMDB rebels are at now, i was very happy that they were very quick to react and give us hope, they even might have inspired this site to be made. As great as it is, it still wasn't what I hope it to be, it didn't feel like the best solution to IMDB, I couldn't find forums dedicated to individual TV series title and the fact there is no way to find old forums discussion about old movies. That was rather worrying as I will have to create a new thread again to discuss my confusion of something that has already been discussed many times on IMDB (I know many threads is missing in this site) and I doubt there will be much replies, as the movie will be very long ago, so having TV/Movies archives is a great +. The familiar style and feel of IMDB on this site was very welcoming compared to v2.0. No hate on imdbv2 but I genuinely Think that this is the BEST ALTERNATIVE to IMDB out there.

I know that this site surfaced very recently and that we should be patient for the arrival of new features but they should seriously secure the login/signup with ssl

I use both and respect v2.0 for it's different approach




The real enemy? Hmm.
Anyway, I like both IMDb2 and this one! And then of course some others as well!!


Not trying to spark a civil war. I just feel we should unite and join on a single site rather than being scattered all over the internet. After all we all want the same thing, to make IMDB regret what they did to us 👍


Everyone who has not been here, , please do.




The above site is suggested to offer opinions on the pros and cons of this and other sites, not to promote any one site.




I have a feeling those idiot "suits" at the IMDb will resurrect their site again , this time charging a fee, say $10.99 year. It was ALL ABOUT MONEY, not LOW FLOW!


The only people they would get it off of are people willing to pay for IMDbPro. The only people who do pay for that website are other suits. LOL


I'm honestly hoping everyone ends up heading over to TMDb - it's the natural progression from IMDB, all the database information and easy tools to update it are already there. They already have ignore lists and the ability to "like" people's posts.

I like, but it's gonna be a lot of work to bring it up to what TMDb already has. We need everyone in the one place so we can start rebuilding.


Off the bat, the layout there is too confusing. Will return to snoop around when I have more time.


I totally agree. TMDB, not user least for me. When I came here today and searched "The Wailing", instantly ALL the imdb 'message board' posts for the past 7 months appeared! Jim (creator of this website) has archived over 10,000 IMDB movies/tv shows message Boards!!!! That's INCREDIBLE!!!! Hip, Hip, Hooray for Jim!!


Actually, LittleRabbit, it's a lot more than 10,000. Here is part of Jim's, "Welcome to" thread:

"1. How many movies/posts does the site have? Is it a full or partial backup/archive of IMDB?
We currently have a message board for every single movie and TV show on IMDB (that's over 4 million!). To access the message board for a particular movie/show, simply search for it in the search bar at the top of the site. Alternatively, you can go to, where IMDB_ID is the IMDB id of the movie/show (e.g., tt0903747). I am also currently working very hard to back up as many posts on IMDB as I can - we currently have 3 million posts backed up so far, all accessible here on, and I'm continuing to add more and more."


Wow, did I get some bad intel. Thanks StyxNyx. Yeah, I'd say 4 million is slightly more than 10,000. LMAO!


LoL LittleRabbit, yeah, I'd say you did. 😉 You're very welcome! 😊


Hey StyxNyx, I found out where I got the info about 10,000 movies/shows. I came across the page (still in my safari "pages" on my iPhone) where I saw a "Jim post" that someone copied & pasted, in which Jim said he had archived the posts from the top 10,000 movies and shows. I don't know where Jim's original post was, but it was during the last few days before IMDb shut down. I knew I had read it somewhere. Lol. I think he has a "Board" for over 4 million movies/shows, but not necessarily each and every 'post' ever written on those 4 million. He HAS though, archived over 3 million "Posts" overall, but it appears they're from the TOP 10,000 movies/shows, not all 4 million. Does that make sense? That was what I was trying to say. It's a little confusing. But by the time the boards closed, Jim may very well have retrieved and archived every singe post ever submitted for over 4 million movies and tv shows. He's that good! 😀

"Hi Everyone,
My name’s Jim, and I created as an archive and replacement for IMDB’s message boards which are shutting down this week. For those of you not familiar, the IMDb message boards allowed you to discuss any single movie or tv show with others (there was a separate forum for each movie/show). IMDb recently announced they were shutting down the message boards and its users were furious (there's a petition with close to 10k signatures here: I ventured out to create an archive (of all the existing posts) and replacement and hence was born.

Key Features of

1. Any movie/show on IMDB is also on (over 4 million and counting) - we have separate boards for each movie/show, just like IMDB

2. I backed up most of the posts for IMDB’s top 10,000 movies/shows - most existing conversations on IMDB should also appear on - we have over 3 million posts already (and I'm working non-stop to back up even more from IMDB)!

Please visit, join or start a discussion, and let me know what you think. If you like it, please spread the word. If there’s anything I can improve, just email me ( and I’ll get on it.


Here is the site I found that info:

Thanks StyxNyx!


I agree - it's too confusing. This format here is user - friendly. It just needs a few tweaks, frankly , I hope it doesn't get too complicated here.


And I don't know that imdb is my's just my past.


This is my first post so I don't have an answer yet.
