MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Nested Replies Are Here!

UPDATE: Nested Replies Are Here!

You can now comment on individual replies within a thread by clicking "reply" in the bottom left corner of a post.

To hide all comments for a particular reply, just click the [-] button beside the reply. To unhide again, click the [+].

I've also fixed the getting logged out problem. Going forward, whenever I update the site, you should remain logged in (you'll need to log in again once following this update, but going forward you should remain logged in).


Awesome. This site is really taking shape. Many thanks for all your hard work.


Thanks Jim, this is excellent! I've always been a nester on IMDb, makes things easier and less confusing.


on ipad...

not getting the +/- buttons, only reply with a balloon icon.

also: still getting logged-out while active on this site.

0922 EST


Whiskey, the [-] is right next to your user name, is it not showing there for you? That's strange that you're still getting logged off. 😩


Hmm...that's strange. I've tested on my computer and iPhone and found both to work as expected. I will look into it. Is anyone else experiencing one/both of these issues?


Not me. I only get logged out one time, that's it.


Still getting logged when not visiting the site for a while.




Very much appreciate the updates, Jim! You are doing a great job as always!
