MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Just a heads up

Just a heads up

Just a heads up to everyone: I'm making some big changes and updates on the backend, so the site may go down or be a little slow for the next few hours.

If it does, don't panic, just bear with us :)



I'm scared. :/


Thanks so much for putting all of this together, Jim. This is really wonderful. ✨😊✨


Couldn't agree with you, more. When I saw this website, I couldn't believe my eyes. Absolutely phenomenal work put together by Jim here!


Doing a great job Jim πŸΊπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


I never have posted in caps in 20 years online. BUT PLEASE, DO *NOT* ALLOW SEARCHES BY USER NAME. If other users are allowed to see your post history, I will not remain on this site WHICH IS THE ONLY SITE POST-IMDB I HAVE JOINED.

I don't care about anything else but privacy. Trolling is made possible by other users' ability to follow you from board to board. If a post is sufficiently offensive, reporting it should be enough to solve the problem.

Thank you so very much for this enormous effort. It is so great to see MovieChat in the #1 slot on my Bing "favorites" page.


I had no idea IMDb even had that feature xD But then I never really needed to find anyone because I'm not a stupid troll. I hope you get what you want though, I can empathise. I've been stalked before and it's frustrating.


I had a troll do that to me on IMDb. It's very annoying to have your profile invaded by a troll.


Try real life stalking ¬¬


Oooo...I'll pass! 😲


I actually liked having the option to follow those whose posts that I enjoyed reading. In many cases they were fellow IMDB friends that posted in the same threads at one point, and I wished to connect with them again.

If anything I would suggest the option to hide or make your posts private if you desire to do so. Of course the block feature, if we get it, will prevent anyone that you don't want bothering you from being able to see your posts.


Please trust me when I tell you that you have successfully reconnected with one of those former IMDB users/friends. :)


I kept the same username for this reason jmcd2007 , but a few people changed their names I've noticed, or were unable to get the same name as before. That's kind of why I like the idea of the signature feature, because you can always add a note such as β€œformerly known as so and so at IMDB”.


Yeah some of the former IMDB users that are now here also ended up changing their names because they were tired of their old one. Nothing wrong with a change, I suppose, but I preferred to keep my IMDB username for the sake of recognition and convienence.

In any case, I also like the idea of a signature feature as well. Wouldn't be a bad idea at all. Perhaps you can let Jim know about it through the "Lists and Recommendations" message board, or by e-mailing him at

By the way, just in case you didn't know, Jim has also recently added the ability to receive e-mail notifications whenever someone replies to one of your posts. I really enjoyed having this nice perk with my former IMDB account and was absolutely THRILLED when Jim re-introduced (if you will) this feature here! In summary, if you haven't done so already, I'd highly recommend considering it.


Yes, I've been trying to keep up with all the upgrades jmcd2007, and was aware of the email notifications. Just a heads up though for everyone, check your spam folder if you don't seem to be getting them, because that's where mine were going.

I will suggest the signature line to Jim, but I'll probably wait until things die down around here first, when the poor guy isn't so overwhelmed 😎


Thanks for all of the info, wanton87. I e-mailed Jim last night and his reply showed up directly in my inbox, so I haven't had a problem with the spam folder so far. Anyhow, he mentioned that he may implement emojis into the message boards down the line. I do indeed give him serious credit for all that he does, though. He's definitely one of the nicest and hardest working website owners and moderators that I have come across in quite some time. It feels very warm and inviting here.

Sounds good on the signature line suggestion too. I'm loving all of these new updates!


Sure thing jmcd2007. I've been meaning to send a donation Jim's way, and will get around to doing so shortly.


That sounds like a good idea considering the fact that Jim has done so much for us already!


The Jason Vorheeses of IMDb




Ruh-ro... Guess that means I'm done with MovieChat. Thanks.




Thank you. I did read that thread. The problem is that having a search-user function (the knowledge of whose existence here, so fast here already, I owe to you) is that sockpuppeting, the heinous and brazen sockpuppeting that in my not-totally-uninformed opinion brought about IMDB MB' demise, will continue. Jim can't prevent it; his moderators can't prevent it; if this site is to be a monetized vocation or avocation for him (and godspeed with that well-deserved idea), he can't be, like, the Borg Queen with tentacles to every board and every user.

I am very very concerned about the search-by-user capability.

Again, thanks.


If more posters express the same concern, maybe Jim could make it optional on/off. In that case, everyone will be happy.


That would be a good compromise, because I actually prefer the ability to follow certain members. Some of the trolls over at IMDB were so darn witty that I actually followed them. Since my time there as member going back to 2008, I only ran into 3 that were so nasty that I would have actually blocked them, and I didn't even have to since they posted in different forums than I. The block feature would also hide your posts from anyone that you wished to elude.




I'm for things being optional too. Like was said above, it's the best way to compromise and let everyone sort of customize their experience.

Security is first and foremost and this can be one way people control theirs!




SUPERB!!! All-in for this great idea.




We prefer to be called, "privocates," thanks :P

Kidding, but it's good to see others like this idea too. The more people on board the more likely for it to be heard.




*thumbs up emoji* ...guess that's just what I'm reduced to now.


I agree. I find being able to see other people's posts useful, but I can easily see how it could be abused. Adding friends would be useful, too.


"I don't care about anything else but privacy. Trolling is made possible by other users' ability to follow you from board to board."

You are posting to a public forum, you don't have privacy. You are talking about stalking, not trolling.

Disqus users can make their posts private. Most who do are trolls!


Of course forums are public. But human nature being what it is, and none of us knowing the caliber of spirit responding to us at any given time, human nature has to be taken into account on any site that can use common-sense. You're very right that I'm talking about stalking, not trolling, and stalking is upsetting under any conditions.

You don't know me; I don't know you. But that doesn't matter. Human decency can be a matter of computer code exactly as the posters above have suggested. In order to participate on this site, my user name will have to be searchable only by those whom I want it searched by. Again, if I or anyone creates problems that deserve being reported to the site administrator or moderator, I or anyone else deserve to be censured.

Unless the internet finds ways to restore a certain amount of privacy (as Europe has already demanded Google do), then many people will "retire" from it.


Disqus also offers you the ability to block users as well (a handy tool for pesky trolls)...which was a feature that they implemented earlier this year or late last year.


Thanks for the warning. Last I heard when there was a glitch or something and this place went down, a few grown boys were reduced to tears.

You could literally be our emotional puppet master, Jim. How does it feel to play God? ;)


Thanks again, Jim. We really appreciate all that you have done so far. This is a marvelous website that you have here. Speaking of which, I might have noticed one instance of this website being down a little earlier, but it was only for a few seconds when first trying to access it.


You can shut the boards down for as long as you need, jim, I know you know what you're doing and will make the site great!


Jim, when you're done check this... we might have out first doxxing attempt on this site.

In Politics section

It looks like a practical joke, but you never know... better safe than sorry.


I'm so ashamed I ever posted on that board at imdb. It's like Pandora's Box. Uggh. Never again.


AGREED! If I could like your post 1,000 times, I would!


Can we ever forget what we saw there, day upon day? AND WE PARTICIPATED!

I hope we can be made whole again. I almost feel we should be branded, to atone.


"Can we ever forget what we saw there, day upon day? "

I wouldn't think so. I learned to eventually not "feed" the trolls...although I did enjoy provoking a few of them just for fun. LOL!
