MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > PSA: You can access MovieChat boards fro...

PSA: You can access MovieChat boards from any IMDb page [NEW UPDATE]

All you need is a couple of scripts. Once installed, you'll be able to find message boards right where they used to be.

Desktop scripts (you need both of them):
Main script:
Companion script:

Mobile scripts (you need both of them):
Main script:
Companion script:

How does it look?

Wait, what is a 'script' anyway?
Think of it as a (usually) tiny browser extension, compatible with every browsers as long as you have a Script Manager.
I advice you to use Tampermonkey ( If you're using anything else, like Greasemonkey (an infamous update broke every scripts installed a few months back), I can't help you.

If you're a desktop user who installed a script from this thread before the 05/05/17, I advice you to uninstall it/them and install the two first scripts I linked above! Thank you :-)


Known bugs:
1. Users can't stay logged in when they browse from IMDb.
Fix: You must allow MovieChat to use cookies in your browser settings.

2. The navbar (notification bell, etc.) doesn't appear within a thread.


If you have any question feel free to ask here. And if you want to thank the original creator of the main script, drhouse, you can do so here ( on Reddit!
For what it's worth, our codes look nothing alike now.

Enjoy guys ;-)

(Last edit: 02/05/18)
PS: So the bold tag is still broken, heh?


I want to thank the creator, even though avira would not let me install the script !! Is there a way I can get round that ?


Avira? That's really weird, I have the same antivirus and I never had a problem installing scripts.

What browser do you use and what is your script manager?


Firefox and Greasemonkey.....But it's no big deal, because I've decided to avoid anything to do with IMDb.


Oh, ok.

Well, if you need any help you know where to find me!


Thanks Traveler! Appreciate everything you've done.


What happened to the extension?


Jakue deleted his link a few hours after posting it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I would rather listen to Rosie O'Donnell sing than EVER visit IMDB again. It's clear that a lot of movie forum fans are suffering IMDb withdrawal symptoms, and bad.

I deleted my account from IMDb and will NEVER look back. Wiki does a better job of plot synopsis (one of two things I want - the other is message boards), and TMDb has the fluff that IMDb had if I want pictures of the actors.

I have also installed :

to my Firefox and added as an exception. If I Google a movie, TV show, actor, etc. Google will automatically remove IMDb from my returns.


I liked the trivia and goofs, and sometimes filming locations.


Too bad it doesn't work from the app.


It's not like we can force IMDb to include a third party script into their app, though.

I'd like to say we can use the mobile website instead, but isn't supported yet...


Or . . . if this site contained all the database info on imdb, making it redundant.


That's what I want to see. Jim needs to get a gazillion bucks, so he can afford to pay us to transcribe all that information!


So, is this script or extension still up and are people using it, or not?

I didn't try it, but I DID find something creepy! I have been to IMDb only three times, to check information not readily available elsewhere, and those three subjects show up as "Recently Viewed" at the bottom of the page. It is STILL SPYING ON OUR EVERY MOVE, although I am NOT LOGGED IN!


It's just a cookie, nothing unusual.

And this isn't an extension but as mentioned in the OP, a script. And people are using it, yes :-)


Instead of people promoting Moviechat on IMDb facebook, they should be promoting this script. It gives people who frequent IMDb facebook the best of both worlds.


Drhouse did a fantastic job with this script and it deserves more users :-)

Also I think it's more easy to convince people to install something to see message boards on IMDb just as before instead of just going on another website (even if they would technically use MovieChat, but hey).


Yes. If IMDb wasn't so autistic about their boards, this could've been done ages ago with IMDb's silent approval.


I agree


How do i install it on firefox ?


Since I'm lazy I'm gonna past something I wrote the other day:

"First, install Greasemonkey (it's an extension). Then, go to the script page and click the green "Install this script" button.

Then a Greasemonkey pop-up will appear, wait a few seconds and click "install" (or "OK", I don't remember). And you're done!"




Little bump since I just decided to add the mobile version of the script to the OP.
