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What are you watching tonight?

TGIF. Been a hell of a week and now I'm ready to plop my ass down on the couch and relax. Trying to decide if I should watch Allied or Hacksaw Ridge on demand. Will update this thread when I decide.

What's everyone else watching tonight?

edit - ended up going with Allied. Don't want to spoil it for anyone, but let's just say you shouldn't get romantically involved with co-workers!


Last night, and probably tonight as well, I watched Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. An IMDb friend recommended it to me and I'm just now getting around to watching it. It's quirky and I've actually laughed aloud several times so far.

It's kind of like Seinfeld, Meets Girls, Meets A Musical. I thought it only had one season and was sad when I got to the last of S1's episodes, only to be thrilled to find out there's a whole S2, yay!


Last night watched "Manchester By the sea", it was okay, 3.5 out of 5 stars
Tonight I have the Moonlight dvd. looking forward to that. And SNL has a new episode.
Tomorrow might go see "Get Out" in a theater, if I get all my house cleaning done tonight.
Then tomorrow night, The Walking Dead


Catching up on recorded shows from earlier in the week, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Hawaii Five O, Macgyver, the Chicago Shows, Scorpion.


Me too tonight (Saturday) so I can DVR more.


I need to catch up with Scorpion. I hope I haven't missed anything major important like a wedding.


Two Russian escorts urinate on a bed.


Homeland,Billions, and on the dvr Shades of Blue.


I'm watching Papillon (1973)

i hope the remake will have as little CGi as possible


Hey, I just saw Accidental Courtesy. What a great documentary about racial issues. It will make you think, it will definitely ruff a few feathers. Very though-provoking.


I'm going to spend part of the night with Lara Croft in the game,of course.
